Elite: Game talk | Starfield | INARA (2025)

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Kasumi Goto

23 May 2024, 2:16pm


I never watched Spaceballs. Sorry.

DescartesElite: Game talk | Starfield | INARA (1)

23 May 2024, 3:39pm


Decided to try my luck as a pirate using my Covette maybe. Any suggestions about ships and equipment to employ would be most welcome.

Vasil Vasilescu

23 May 2024, 4:25pm


DescartesDecided to try my luck as a pirate using my Covette maybe. Any suggestions about ships and equipment to employ would be most welcome.

A parrot, a jaunty hat, and a concertina for playing sea shanties.


23 May 2024, 4:42pm



23 May 2024, 5:44pm


Vasil Vasilescua concertina for playing sea shanties.
Like this one:

On a serious note: hatch breakers, collectors, some cargo space and lots of patience because piracy in Elite is maybe the worst, slowest and most underdeveloped activity. I tried. Quite a long ago though, but I assume nothing had changed since then.

Last edit: 23 May 2024, 5:52pm


23 May 2024, 6:45pm


DescartesDecided to try my luck as a pirate using my Covette maybe. Any suggestions about ships and equipment to employ would be most welcome.

Piracy in Open is on my bucket list, too. I put it on pause at the moment for the thargs are an easier way to earn good money (still dreaming of my own carrier...).

However, it did start building a ship already. Fast, good hull and shields, slots for limpets and an interdictor. And a concertina of course. I will give it a shot with my Clipper. I like that ship but do not have any other use of it anyhow due to the large pad it needs.

Arrr,.let us know, how your Buccaneer career develops.

Kasumi Goto

23 May 2024, 7:44pm



23 May 2024, 8:12pm


Kasumi Goto

23 May 2024, 9:00pm


Considering the absurd rate of money obtained at a spire site, I think you’ll be fine. Two kills and you’ve still got a week’s carrier maintenance covered…

… and, likely unpopular opinion, but you shouldn’t be paid what a Medusa used to (and now does again) pay out for slaughtering a practically defenseless transport/recon craft that is extremely slow and barely evasive. They were just paying out too much for the effort and (very modest) amount of skill required to get a kill on one of those Orthrus.


23 May 2024, 9:08pm


True. The payout for Orthrus is totally out of balance atm. The good thing is, if this is getting nerved, I will no longer be tempted to do this boring bit.

Miner Willy

23 May 2024, 9:54pm


Kasumi GotoI never watched Spaceballs. Sorry.

You ain't missing much. Probably the worst Mel Brookes film

Kasumi Goto

23 May 2024, 10:23pm


shrug Just explained why I (appear to) have missed a reference.

DingBatDaveElite: Game talk | Starfield | INARA (5)

23 May 2024, 11:24pm


Silver TafferSo, if a new player invests in a pre-built combat ship for Arx (the Python MkII being the only such option as it stands) it would clearly be overpowered for the newb zone, true.
But only one PvP victory would be sufficient to raise them above Harmless. As I understand it any rank increase is enough to disqualify a player from the zone? If that is so I wonder how many folks would pay Arx for such a fleeting advantage? And once out of the safety of the newb zone that Python MkII would be easy fodder for the specialized, engineered ships flown by experienced Cmdrs.

I wouldn't entirely rule out your concerns but I suspect they may not prove to be that big an issue.

arx are bought with real world money mate. lik eit or not. earning 400 a week aint buying a pre built ship any time soon.
So the thought experiment here is simple.

Does a new player who pays for the arx 33,000 arx...
have an advantage over other new players who do not.

YES very much

Conclusion its a pay to win mechanic.

The reason us lot here don't give a crap about it is because it is never gonna negatively affect us. considering our level of game we are at.

But morally ... Pay to win is really off putting, very unexpected from Fdev to be honest and more a roberts space scam type of deal from my point of view.

5k hours in the game. I think im entitled to the opinion not expecting agreement


24 May 2024, 12:02am


Miner Willy
Kasumi GotoI never watched Spaceballs. Sorry.

You ain't missing much. Probably the worst Mel Brookes film

may the schwartz be with you... it is must-see film, definitely it is better than the new dune.

Vasil Vasilescu

24 May 2024, 12:09am


Shg56 may the schwartz be with you... it is must-see film, definitely it is better than the new dune.

I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!

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Elite: Game talk | Starfield | INARA (2025)


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