Rioters throw tantrums and cry in court proving they're not so tough (2024)

A man who has been accused of taking part in a far-right riot called a judge a ‘fat c***’ and punched the glass screen as he was denied bail.

Matthew Wilson, 32, has plead not guilty to racially aggravated assaults and public orders offences.

But he caused a scene in court after punching the glass separating the area from the main court and shouting ‘fat c***’, while raising his middle finger in the air.

At least 428 people have been arrested in connection with the spate of violent rioting across the country this week, with around 120 charged, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said.

The numbers are ‘expected to rise significantly day by day’.

It comes as police warned suspects could be remanded in custody, even if they do not have any previous convictions, as a deterrent, and that those involved in violent disorder could face up to five years in jail.

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Hundreds of rioters hijacked a vigil for Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, in Southport on Tuesday.

Disturbances have since spread across the UK, with rioters taking to the strees in London, Manchester, Hartlepool and Aldershot on Wednesday.

Clashes have since been seen in Liverpool, Blackpool, Hull, Stoke-on-Trent, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol and Belfast.

So who has appeared in court so far?

Liam Riley, 41

Liam Riley, 41, of Walton Road in Liverpool, has been sentenced at Liverpool
Crown Court to 20 months in prison after he admitted violent disorder and
racially aggravated behaviour in Liverpool on August 3.

Joshua Sanderson-Kirk, prosecuting, said he was among a group of about 100 people.

When police moved to disperse them the defendant ‘stood his ground’, shouting and waving his arms before officers detained him, the court heard.

Mr Sanderson-Kirk said: ‘He was shouting at officers, telling them they were traitors and Muslim lovers.’

He appeared very drunk and had a poster saying ‘This is our city’, having come to the city centre, with a St George’s Flag, to attend a protest at the Pier Head, the court heard.

No bail application was made and he was remanded in custody to appear at Liverpool Crown Court for sentencing on August 30.

Lloyd Killner, 35

Lloyd Killner, 35, of Lincoln, Lincolnshire, appeared at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court charged with violent disorder in Liverpool city centre on Saturday.

Asked to enter a plea, he said: ‘Not guilty, I was on my own.’

He was remanded in custody to appear at Liverpool Crown Court on August 30.

Declan Geiran, 29

Declan Geiran, 29, of Kelso Road, Liverpool, has been sentenced at Liverpool
Crown Court to 20 months in prison after he admitted violent disorder and
racially aggravated behaviour in Liverpool on August 3.

Joshua Sanderson-Kirk, prosecuting, said on Saturday Geiran was seen on CCTV in Liverpool city centre using an ‘implement’ to set fire to a police Ford Transit van which had been abandoned by officers.

He was tracked by CCTV and arrested, the court heard.

No application for bail was made and Geiran was remanded in custody ahead of a sentencing hearing at Liverpool Crown Court on August 30.

Ryan Sheers, 28

Ryan Sheers, 28, pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Teesside Magistrates’ Court.

Sheers, a former McDonald’s worker, was filmed yelling insults at police officers, shouting‘don’t touch me, I pay your wages’, and refused to back away as the cordon advanced.

He was bitten on the rear by a police dog as its handler approached him.

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Steven Mailen, 54

Steven Mailen, 54, pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Teesside Magistrates’ Court.

Prosecutors said Mailen joined in the fray in Hartlepool on Wednesday night and was ‘constantly in the face of officers’.

He was seen shouting and squaring up to them, only backing down when an officer struck him on the leg with a baton.

Jimmy Bailey, 45

Jimmy Bailey, 45, of Station Avenue in Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, pleaded not guilty at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court to violent disorder.

He is accused of being involved in disorder in Paradise Street in Liverpool city centre on Saturday.

He was remanded in custody to appear at Liverpool Crown Court on August 30.

John O’Malley, 43

John O’Malley, 43, of Cambridge Gardens in Southport, pleaded guilty at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court to violent disorder.

The court heard he was identified by a member of public on footage showing violent scenes in Southport on Tuesday night.

District Judge Timothy Boswell refused bail and remanded O’Malley in custody to appear at Liverpool Crown Court on August 29.

Gareth Metcalfe, 44

Gareth Metcalfe, 44, of Cambridge Gardens in Southport, appeared at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court charged with violent disorder in Southport last Tuesday.

He spoke to confirm his name, address and date of birth and gave no indication of plea.

No application for bail was made and Metcalfe was remanded in custody to appear at Liverpool Crown Court on August 29.

Carl Holliday, 30

A 30-year-old man pleaded guilty to violent disorder during a protest in Hartlepool, a courts spokesperson said.

Carl Holliday, of Tankerville Street in Hartlepool, admitted the offence when he appeared at Teesside Magistrates Court and was remanded in custody until sentencing at Teesside Crown Court on September 2.

Tamsyn Cerr, 21

Tamsyn Cerr, 21, of Firby Close in Hartlepool, did not enter a plea to the same charge and was remanded in custody until her next appearance at crown court, also on September 2.

William Nelson Morgan, 69

William Nelson Morgan, 69, has pleaded guilty at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court to violent disorder and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.

The court heard he was identified in a crowd who were throwing bricks towards officers on County Road on Saturday night and had a wooden baton with him.

He resisted arrest and shouted at an officer to get off him when he was detained, the court was told.

District Judge Timothy Boswell remanded the defendant in custody to appear for sentence at Liverpool Crown Court on August 29.

Unnamed boy, 14

A 14-year-old boy has pleaded guilty at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court, sitting as a youth court, to violent disorder.

Joshua Sanderson-Kirk, prosecuting, said the boy was seen by police officers among a group of eight to 12 other young people in Clayton Square, Liverpool, at about 10.30pm on August 3 setting fireworks off in the direction of members of the public and a police carrier.

He said: ‘They exploded underneath the police carrier.’

The court heard the boy, who cannot be named because of his age, said “I’m sorry, I wasn’t firing them at you, though”, when he was arrested by police after they gave chase. He had five fireworks and a lighter in his possession.

The boy, whose father and uncle were in court, has no previous convictions, the court heard.

Iqbal Singh Kang, defending, said the teenager had been in the city centre to catch a bus home: ‘He did not head into the city centre with the intention of causing any kind of disturbance or adding to the disorder.

‘Without thinking things through, he became involved in something much more serious. It’s completely out of the blue.’

The boy was released on bail until August 27, when he will be sentenced.

Curtis Coulson, 30

Curtis Coulson, 30, sobbed as he became the first person to appear before Sheffield Magistrates Court following disorder in South Yorkshire over the weekend.

Coulson wiped away tears with a tissue as he sat in the glass-fronted dock and denied affray.

The alleged offence relates to an incident outside Sheffield City Hall on Sunday in which he is alleged to have swung a stick at a woman.

Coulson was refused bail and will go on trial at the same court in September.

Bernard Lavery, 34

Bail has been refused to a man described by police in court as playing a ‘significant role’ in an anti-immigration protest in Belfast on Saturday.

Bernard Lavery, 34, from Farnham Street in Belfast, appeared at Belfast Magistrates’ Court charged with taking part in an unnotified public procession.

A PSNI detective constable told the court that Lavery had been at the front of the protest on Saturday carrying a Irish tricolour flag and said that police believe he played a ‘significant role’ in leading the march.

A defence lawyer said his client had been fully co-operative with police and denied having any leadership role in the protest. He said his client had only attended after a flyer was posted through his door.

Lavery was denied bail and was remanded in custody until September 2.

Ellis Wharton, 22

Ellis Wharton, 22, of Selwyn Street, Liverpool, pleaded guilty at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court to burglary other than dwelling, with intent to steal, at Spellow Library on County Road in Walton.

Wharton, who had a black eye, pleaded not guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker, Pc Thomas Nielsen.

District Judge Timothy Boswell refused an application for bail and remanded him in custody to Liverpool Crown Court on August 29.

Wharton’s brother Adam had appeared earlier in the morning and also indicated a guilty plea to the burglary charge, on the basis of joint enterprise.

Simeon Eric McCullough, 46

Simeon Eric McCullough, 46, of Schomberg Drive in Belfast, who was charged with disorderly behaviour and resisting police.

His bail was refused by a district judge.

Gary Creighton, 38

Bail was also refused to Gary Creighton, 38, from Inishowen Drive in Belfast, who was charged with possession of an offensive weapon with intent to commit an indictable offence, possession of fireworks without a licence, and riotous behaviour.

He also faced a charge of disorderly behaviour.

Derek Drummond, 58

Derek Drummond, 58, of Pool Street, Southport, has been sentenced to three years in prison after he admitted violent disorder and assaulting an emergency worker in Southport on July 30.

Joshua Sanderson-Kirk, prosecuting, said PC Thomas Ball was deployed to the mosque on St Luke’s Road, Southport, on July 30, where a group of around 300 people arrived shouting ‘this is our f****** country’ and ‘scumbag bastards’.

The court heard officers had to withdraw for fear of being overwhelmed.

PC Ball stood to protect colleagues as they tried to put on riot gear when Drummond became violent, shouting ‘sh*thouses’ and moved towards him, punching him in the face, Mr Sanderson-Kirk said.

Bricks were later thrown after a garden wall was broken down, the court was told.

Short clips of footage from a body-worn camera and the police helicopter were shown to the court.

No application for bail was made and District Judge Timothy Boswell remanded

Drummond in custody for sentencing at Liverpool Crown Court on August 29.

Two women sat at the back of the court for the hearing, one was in tears and the other blew Drummond a kiss as he left.

Brian Gilby, 27

A man has admitted taking vapes from a shop in Sunderland that was damaged during the disorder, but denied being part of the protests.

Brian Gilby, 27, of no fixed abode, pleaded not guilty to violent disorder when he appeared at South Tyneside Magistrates Court on Monday.

He pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary. The court heard he was seen on footage going into a damaged shop and taking boxes of vapes.

Heather Bolton, defending, said Gilby denied being part of the protests or of any violent disorder, but was out ‘socialising with friends’ in the city centre when he saw a shop ‘that had already been damaged’ and went inside.

Gilby was remanded in custody and will make his first appearance at a crown court on September 2.

Leanne Hodgson, 43

A woman has pleaded guilty to violent disorder after being seen on footage pushing a large bin towards a police line during unrest in Sunderland.

Leanne Hodgson, 43, of Holborn Road, Sunderland, denies being involved in the original march but says she had been out drinking and became involved in the disorder when the pub closed, a court heard.

South Tyneside Magistrates Court was told she “came out into the street, was very drunk and angry, and behaved as described”.

John Garside, prosecuting, said ‘there was a large crowd cheering and joining in’ as Hodgson pushed the bin at officers. She was later arrested at her home address.

The defendant, who has a ‘long-running alcohol problem,’ was remanded in custody to be sentenced on September 2.

District Judge Zoe Passfield told her: ‘This was large-scale mob violence which resulted in fear to the public and damage to local businesses. There is absolutely no justification for it. You chose to involve yourself in it.’

Adam Wharton, 28

Adam Wharton, 28, of Selwyn Street, Liverpool, indicated a guilty plea to burglary other than dwelling with intent to steal at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court and was sent to Liverpool Crown Court to be sentenced on August 29.

Joshua Sanderson-Kirk, prosecuting, said Wharton was seen outside the Spellow Library on County Road on Sunday, wearing a balaclava and ‘sweating profusely’.

The library had previously been burnt out and looted, the court heard.

Wharton, wearing a grey tracksuit and with long curly hair, was remanded in custody ahead of sentencing.

Andrew Smith, 41

A 41-year-old man has pleaded guilty to violent disorder following unrest in Sunderland.

Andrew Smith, of High Street East, Sunderland, has been remanded in custody until September 2, when he will be sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court.

Shaun Doran, 48

Shaun Doran, 48, of Villette Road, Sunderland, pleaded not guilty to the same offence when he appeared at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court.

He was also remanded in custody until his next hearing, also to take place on September 2 at Newcastle Crown Court.

Clinton Morrison, 31

A man accused of violent disorder over unrest in Sunderland has been remanded in custody.

Clinton Morrison, 31, of Saint Barnabas Way, Sunderland, did not indicate a plea when he appeared at South Tyneside Magistrates Court on Monday.

A date for a crown court hearing was set for September 2.

Josh Kellett, 29

A man has pleaded guilty to violent disorder after unrest in Sunderland on Friday.
Josh Kellett, 29, of Southcroft, Washington, admitted the offence at South Tyneside Magistrates Court on Monday.

The court heard he was seen on footage throwing a stone towards police officers while part of a large group.

He was wearing a balaclava but was identified by his ‘distinctive tattoos,’ it was said.

Kellett was remanded in custody until his sentencing at crown court on September 2, after a district judge said his case was ‘too serious for this court’.

Gareth Rigby, 43

Gareth Rigby was fined after he admitted a single charge of using threatening words or behaviour.

The 43-year-old had15 previous convictions for 23 offences including being drunk and disorderly last year.

Hamza Mohammed, 23

Hamza Mohammed, 23, a salesman from Bolton, was charged with possessing fireworks.

Lee Crisp, 42

Lee Crisp, of Mount Road, Grimethorpe, has been charged with violent disorderfollowing a riot outside a hotel in Rotherham on Sunday, along with six others.

Christopher Rodgers, 38

Christopher Rodgers, 38, of Millmoor Road, Barnsley,was also charged with violent disorderfollowing a riot outside a hotel in Rotherham on Sunday.

Liam Grey, 20,

Liam Grey, 20, of Randerson Drive, Mexborough, was part of the same group charged with violent disorder during the riot at a Rotherham hotel on Sunday.

Two boys aged 16 and 17

Two teenage boys who cannot be named for legal reasons, have also been charged with violent disorder.

Joshua Simpson, 26

Joshua Simpson, 26, of Sherbrook Street, Lincoln, has been charged with violent disorder and assault of an emergency worker.

Charlie Bullock, 21

Charlie Bullock, 21, was described as the ‘main instigator’ of a large group who pushed against a police line during riots in Middlesbrough and threw stones and rocks at officers.

He pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Teesside Magistrates’ Court, which heard he was part of the ‘disorder which descended into violence’.

Heather Blair, prosecuting, said Bullock was wearing a black balaclava as he threw stones at police who were trying to control the group on Linthorpe Road.

The court heard an officer took hold of him and he resisted, ‘kicking out and struggling’.

The officer took Bullock to the floor and was then surrounded by other members of the group who ‘repeatedly assaulted him’ until other officers came to his aid.

Andrew Phillips, 27

Andrew Phillips, 27, of Ripon Crescent, Stretford,has been charged with violent disorder and assault in connection with a far-right gathering in Manchester.

He has been remanded into custody to appear at Manchester Magistrates’ Court later on Wednesday.

Shaun Holt of Oak Road, Stockport, and Davis Green, of Hamilton Street, Stalybridge, have also been charged with violent disorder.

Mark Crozier, 38

A father accused of leading racist chants during riots in Hartlepool has been remanded in custody by a district judge who cited the “ongoing volatile situation” in the country.

Mark Crozier, 38, of Oliver Street, Middlesbrough, did not enter a plea to a charge of violent disorder at Teesside Magistrates Court.

Heather Blair, prosecuting, said Crozier was allegedly seen during the disorder on July 31 leading chants of ‘Tommy Robinson,’ ‘we’re taking our country back’ and ‘dirty f****** Muslims’.

He is also accused of throwing a can at police officers.

Crozier, who has a four-year-old daughter, was remanded in custody until his next court appearance on August 28.

Liam Ryan, 28

Liam Ryan, 28, of Thirkleby Royd, Bradford, pleaded guilty at Manchester Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday morning after the prosecution said he played an ‘active role in the disorder’.

He cried in court as he was read the charges against him.

Prosecutor Laura Peers said there had been a number of ‘large-scale disturbances’ in Piccadilly Gardens on Saturday and Ryan had travelled from West Yorkshire to take part in the disorder. Ms Peers said a ‘large group of far-right protesters’ were seen engaging in an ‘altercation with one black male’, which was filmed by members of the group and uploaded on social media.

The prosecutor said the footage showed ‘a black male being confronted by a large group of white males’. Ms Peers said Ryan had “played an active role in the disorder’, adding: ‘He was seen on the footage aiming a punch towards the male involved.’

Daniel McGuire, 45

Daniel McGuire, 45, of Crescent Avenue, Plymouth, pleaded guilty to a charge of violent disorder relating to a protest in Plymouth on Monday night.

Prosecuting, Gareth Warden told Plymouth Magistrates’ Court how McGuire was ‘clearly intoxicated’ and pushed up against police shields, with the defendant ‘spitting on officers and shields’ despite being told to stop.

District Judge Joanna Matson remanded McGuire into custody ahead of his sentencing hearing at Plymouth Crown Court on Thursday.

She told him: ‘You have accepted your role in a very significant disorder and violence that took place in Plymouth city centre on Monday night.

‘This was violent thuggery, it will not be tolerated in our society. You will be subjected to the full force of the law.’

Cole Stewart, 18

A teenager seen ‘celebrating’ after throwing an object which hit a police officer during riots in Darlington has pleaded guilty to violent disorder.

Cole Stewart, 18, of Victoria Road, Darlington, was remanded in custody to be sentenced at Teesside Crown Court on Friday.

A district judge heard the defendant, who had bruises on his face when he appeared at Teesside Magistrates Court, was seen ‘throwing objects at police’ during the disorder on Monday.

Heather Blair, prosecuting, said an officer ‘felt a sharp blow to his wrist’ from an object believed to be thrown by Stewart, who was then seen ‘celebrating with his arms in the air’.

Paul Braidwood, 44

Paul Braidwood, 44, of Ward Place, Plymouth, denied a charge of violent disorder relating to protests in Plymouth on Monday night.

Plymouth Magistrates’ Court heard Braidwood is accused of charging towards protesters, assaulting a police officer and using hom*ophobic and racist language.

District Judge Joanna Matson remanded Braidwood into custody ahead of a plea and trial preparation hearing at Truro Crown Court on September 2.

Lucas Ormond Skeaping, 29

Lucas Ormond Skeaping, 29, of Tavistock, Devon, admitted a charge of violent disorder for pushing a 17-year-old boy off his bike during protests in Plymouth on Monday night.

Plymouth Magistrates’ Court heard Ormond Skeaping had been wearing a GoPro camera at the time, which later showed him ‘throwing a full bottle of co*ke and a rock’ towards protesters.

The defendant, who has no previous convictions, was remanded into custody ahead of his sentencing hearing at Plymouth Crown Court on Thursday.

District Judge Joanna Matson told him: ‘This kind of violence will not be tolerated in this society.’

Matthew Wilson, 32

Matthew Wilson, 32, of Parrock Street, Rossendale, Lancashire, has plead not guilty to racially aggravated assaults and public orders offences.

But he caused a scene in court, The Bolton News reported, after punching the glass separating the area from the main court and shouting ‘fat c***’, while raising his middle finger in the air.

He was ordered to return for a contempt of court hearing, at which he was asked to apologise to the court or spend seven days in custody.

Wilson replied: ‘Yeah, go on then.’ Judge Hamilton said this statement wouldn’t suffice.

Wilson added: ‘I’m sorry for punching the glass, I just wish you would have seen the CCTV footage shown to me in the police station. I’ve done nothing… 35 days, I’ve got a home I need to maintain.’

Wilson was sent back to the cells.

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Rioters throw tantrums and cry in court proving they're not so tough (2024)


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