The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)

Sunday Morning. The Macon Celegraph and Noms July 27, 1952 BEST WISHES TO BIBB GROCERY CO. WE'RE HAPPY TO SUPPLY Lay's Potato Chips And Other Tasty Foods H. W. LAY CO.

Best Wishes --To-BIBB GRO. CO. On Their 5th ANNIVERSARY HARRY FARGASON CO. 503 Fifth Street Phone 2-2611 CONGRATULATIONS To BIBB GROCERY (0. On Their 5th Anniversary SYLVANIA Electric Products Co.

CONGRATULATIONS To The BIBB GROCIRY CO. On Their 5th ANNIVERSARY STOKES SHAHEEN Wholesale Fresh Fruits And Vegetables ABNER E. NORDLAND MILLEDGEVILLE, July 26-Flnal rites for Abner E. Nordiand. 49, who died at his home here following several months illness, will be held at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday in the chapel of Moore's Funeral Home, Joe A. Moore will officiate. Mr. Nordland's body will be sent to Los Angeles, for burial in the Forest Lawn Cemetery there, Mr. Nordland is survived by two brothers, C.

T. Notdland and John K. Nordland, both of Seattle, Wash. GUY HUTHNANCE Deaths and Funerals MIS. N.

H. LAYTON FITZGERALD, July 26 Mrs. N. 1. Layton, 80, mother of Represen: tative-elect H.

Layton of Irwin County, died at her home in Was terloo Tuesday night. Funeral services were held from the Waterloo Baptist Church Wed. nesday afternoon. Burial was in Waterloo Cemetery, Surviving are her husband, the Rev. Needham H.

Layton: two sons, H. Layton and the Rev. H. C. Layton of Waterloo, and four daughters, Mrs.

George sh*tlett of Adel. Mrs. T. J. Entrekin of TifLee Gentry of Irwin County, and Mrs.

E. sh*tlett of MRS. C. T. MOTE THOMASTON, July 26-Funeral services for Mrs.

C. T. Mote, 65. who died in the local hospital Thursday following a brief Illness. were held afternoon in the chapel of Stephens Funeral Home, The Rev.

James M. Windham and the Rev. Joe Jimmerson officiated with burial in South View Cemetery, Mrs. Motel is survived by her husband; three daughters, Miss Dorothy Mote, Mrs. Tom Minor of Thomaston: Mrs.

L. T. Stapleton, Augusta; two, grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. J. Burnham, LaGrange: two brothers, C.

C. Hay and H. C. Hay of Hogansville. MRS.

WILL, LAMBERTH MONTEZUMA, July 26-Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Cedar Valley Church for Mrs. Will of Route 2, Byromville, early ThursLamberth, day morning at a Montezuma hospita). The Rev. D. Kite officiated.

Burial was in Cedar Valley cemetery. Surviving are four sons, Harvey, James, and W. W. Lamberth of Byromville, and Lamberth of Macon; five daughters, Mrs. H.

G. Parker and Mrs. W. L. Bozeman of Perry, of Byromville, Mrs.

Brand, DawNarc. son, Mrs. Ennis Williford of Hawkinsville, and one sister, Mrs. Arrie Collier of Ashland, Ala. Virginia Deal Is Honored by VFW SANDERSVILLE, July 26-Sandersville and Tennille joined hands today in staging a mammoth parade honoring Virginia Veal of Deepstep, winner in the Washington County, contest staged by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Miss Veal also was state winner in the contest recently held in Savannah. Today, the pretty brunette was seated on a gaily decorated float surrounded by four, runner-ups in the contest. Miss Veal's Maids of Honor were Misses Sarah Holmes. June Bray, Betty Bray and Edith McCoy. Among out-of-town VFW dignararies attending the gala event were Jimmy Carmichael of Swainsboro, past state commander: Kelso Hearn, of Monroe, commander: William Towson, of Dublin, state judge advocate; Pete Rice, of Eatonton, district commander; and Major W.

D. Candler, of Eatonton, past district commander. Miss Veal will leave next Saturday to represent Georgia in the National VFW contest in Los Angeles. After the parade a buffet supper was served and a dance staged at thee VFW club house until midnight. Youths Arrested After Disturbance Bibb sheriff deputies said they broke up some shooting, gambling and general fighting in the Rock Street section with the arrest of five youths Saturday.

The teen-agers were identified as: Edward C. Hughley, 17, 2565 Richard Street; Freddie Marshall, 17, 1618 Pio Nono Avenue; Leroy Harden, 17. 1635 Alabama Aveue: Charles S. Scott. 19, 1858 Pio Nono Avenue: and Ralph Hudson, 19, 2193 Lincoln Street.

Deputies R. L. Brickle and J. B. Vaughn said Harden is charged with having no drivers license and Scott with carrying a pistol.

The trouble area was described by the deputies as 1829 Rock Street. Engineer Heads 'To Meet Monday The seven-man general committee of adjustment of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers will go into what may be a four-day session beginning at 9 a.m. Monday. General Chairman R. H.

Malone Jr. of Macon declined to say just what the nature of the business will be or how long the committee plans to meet. The committee meets tri-annually and handles all the outstanding business for the brotherhood. Officers will be elected at this session, which will be held at Hotel Dempsey, Malone stated. Bad-Check Passer Sought by Police Police today are looking for a man known only as "Britt" who tried to cash a worthless chack at a local grocery store Saturday.

The manager of the Colonial Store Baconsfield Shopping Center told officers the man slipped out of the store when "I went to call about the check." "Britt" was described as being about 35 years old, five feet, 10 inches tall and weighing 140 pounds. He was wearing a white sports shirt and khaki trousers. He left in a green, 1951 Ford tudor car. Insects Are Sprayed By Macon Countians MONTEZUMA, July 26 Under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce, the city council of Montezuma has worked with the county commissioners to get the eity sprayed with insecticides for the control of mosquitoes and flies. The commissioners and public health department will spray the inside of all the homes in the county and the city council has arranged with G.

C. Bryant to spray shrubbery, out -houses, ditches, within the city limits of Monte- Two counties in West Virginia, McDowell and Logan, each produced than 16 million tons of coal in 1949. Mayor and Council To Judge Contest HAWKINSVILLE, July 26-The mayor and councilmen of Perry have been named as judges for the Lions Club Beauty Contest to be held night, July 31, at the Thursday, pool. Mayor Mayo Davis and councilmen Hugh Lawson, Alton Hardy, Malcolm Dean. William Barfield, Henry Matthews and Tom Mobley will serve as judges and as such will be feted as guests of the Lions Club.

Col. Sam Nunn. Perry torney, will also attend, The beauty contest is separated into three divisions for ages 3-6, 6-12 and 12-up. CONGRATULATIONS To BIBB GROCERY CO. ON THEIR 5th ANNIVERSARY RUAN LANE FOOD BROKERS MACON, GA.

REV. JOHN C. TUCKER FITZGERALD, July 26- al services, Rtev. John Clifford 61, retired state game for, warden, was conducted from the Central Methodist Church Saturday, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Neulah Smith Tucker; five sons, Capt.

Willis Tucker of Cumberland, Rev. J. C. Tucker of Fort Worth, Talmadge A. Tucker Roy A.

Tucker and Julian L. Tucker Fitzgerald; one brother, W. A. Tucker of Cocoa, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Rainey of Plant City, Fla.


SOAP PADS TUFFY PLUMMER BROKERAGE CO. 101 THIRD AVE. ALBANY, GA. Congratulations to the BIBB GROCERY CO. on their 5th Anniversary It is a pleasure to serve them BOB DAUGHTRY SERVICE STATION 1107 Broadway Phone 2-1343 CONGRATULATIONS BIBB GROCERY CO.

ON THEIR 5th ANNIVERSARY OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OFFICE FURNITURE FURNISHED BY BROWN'S BOOK STORE BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES 357 Cotton Ave. Dial 5-5739 Livestock Mel View SPARTA, July 26 Hanco*ck County livestock men are becom. ing anxious about the continued drought, which has dried up all of their grazing and many of the I strems and wells, 1. G. Aderhold, one of the est dairymen in this section, here today that "the situation most serious, and, unless comes soon, we will be out business." CONGRATULATIONS To BIBB GROCERY CO.


MADDEN CO. 617 WALTON BLDG. BOX 1216 ATLANTA, GA. CONGRATULATIONS TO BIBB GROCERY CO. In Celebrating Their 5th ANNIVERSARY AT Best Wishes For Your Continued Success Gordon's Fresh Potato Chips 1075 SYLVAN ROAD ATLANTA, GA.

CONGRATULATIONS And BEST WISHES To BIBB GROCERY CO. In Celebrating 5 Years Of Progress Black Top Salmon Scott County and Tall Boy Brands Rustic Brand Whole Spiced Crabapples Supplied By Christian Brokerage Co. 185 Spring S.W., Atlanta 3, Ga. largsaid is rain of Funeral services for Huthnance of Birmingham, formerly of Macon, were held Saturmorning with Mass day in St. Paul's Catholie Church, Birmingham.

Mr. Huthnance died in a Birmingham hospital Thursday after an illness of two months. He was born in Macon, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis Huthnance.

For 27 years he had been associated with the Dinkler Hotel System, and for the last 20 years served as auditor for the Tutwiler Hotel of ham. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Evelyn Hill of Montezuma; one daughter, Mrs. James Fex, two grandchildren, Carol Ann and Pat Fex of Birmingham; three sisters, Mrs. Addison Worsham and Mrs. Albert Sheridan of Macon, and Mrs.

Walter J. Swearingen of Quincy, two aunts, Misses Lena and Jodie Huthnance of Macon, and several nieces and nephews. GEORGE E. WEAVER DUBLIN, July 26-Final rites for George E. Weaver, of Alley and Mt.

Vernon, were held Thursday at the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church, and burial followed in the Peterson Cemetery at Alley, Officiating ministers were Rev. Edward Rev. Crouch, and Townsend Brothers Funeral Home directed. Active pallbearers were Hope Peterson, B.

'H. Snooks, D. A. McRae Harold McRae, Durham Cobb, and John L. Robinson.

Mr. Weaver was a member of the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church. He had been a resident of the Mt. Vernon section for the past 12 years.

Surviving him is his wife, the former Lila Fricks; and a number of other relatives in the Mt. Vernon section. JOHN MILLER ASHBURN, John July services for. were held Monday at the Harden Funeral Home with the Rev. Dan Williams, officiating.

Interment was at Rose Hill Cemetery. Miller died suddenly at his home in Atlanta Sunday morning. He was reared in Ashburn, the son of the late Mr. Mrs. W.

Miller. Survivors are three brothers, H. ant A. Miller, Ashburn; Will Miller and Frank Miller of Jacksonville, and three sisters. Mrs.

Maude Judge, Gussie Mae Miller and Mrs. Ethel Davis Atlanta, GEORGE THIGPEN DUBLIN. July 26-George Thigpen. a farmer of Rockledge, died Thursday morning after an extended illness. Funeral arrangemets will be announced later by Sam- mons Funeral Home.

INFANT HOLLOWAY SYCAROME. July 26 Graveside services for Erank Patrick Holloway, infant son of Mrs. Frank Holloway anl the late Mr. Holloway, were held Tuesday at the Bethel Cemetery. The Rev.

Jerry Richards of Tifton officiated at the services. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Frank Holloway, and two brother, Jimmy Lee and Claude Allen; his grandmother. Mrs. J.

T. Holloway and great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.

Lumsden. MRS. ELSIE L. LEAPTROT PERRY, July 26-Final rites for Mrs. Elsie Long Leaptrot.

59, a long time resident of Houston County, will be held at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at the Perry Baptist The Rev. James Teresi will officiate. and burial will be in the Byron Cemetery. Gardner Watson Funeral Home of Perry is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Leaptrot is survived by four sons. W. W. of Macon, Walter H.

of Thomaston, M. W. of Perry and D. P. Jr.

of the U.S. Navy, Hiwai: four daughters, Mrs. Richard DuPree, Mrs. J. L.

Penningston, Mrs. G. H. Webb, all of Perry: two sisters, Mrs. Julian Henderson of Macon, and Mrs.

Nettie Statatoes of California: three brothers, H. W. Long of Eldo. E. L.

Long of New Orleans. W. H. Long of Macon: 14 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. JAMES C.

CLEMENTS DUBLIN, July 26. Funeral services for James Coney Clements, 73, who died at his home after an illness of 18 months, were held Friday at the Blue Springs Baptist Church. The Rev. J. T.

Stewart of Macon officiated. Pallbearers were Henry Joung. Daniel Mimbs, T. L. Drew.

Jimmy Lee Lord, Felder Fulford, and Laren Thigpen. Sammons Funeral Home directed Clements was A arrangementsident of Laurens County and was a retired gin operator. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving are his widow, Nettie Foskey; two daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Holland of Mimbs, and Mrs.

Oliver Snow of Dublin; two sons, R. M. Clements Rockledge and J. M. Clements of Dublin.

Thirtyone grandchildren also survive. CAGLE POULTRY and GRADE EGGS AVAILABLE THRU BIBB GROCERY CO. ASSOCIATED STORES Congratulations to Bibb Grocery Co. on Five Years of Progressive Service Cagle Poultry Egg Co. State Farmers Market (Wholesale) Dial 2-5755 or 2-5756 zuma..

The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)


Who is the most famous person from Macon GA? ›

  • The Allman Brothers, Southern rock band.
  • Nancy Grace, television personality.
  • Sidney Lanier, poet and musician.
  • Augustus O. Bacon, U.S. Senator.
  • Jack McBrayer, actor, Wreck-it Ralph.
  • William Shepherd Benson, admiral in the United States Navy; first Chief of Naval Operations (CNO),
Aug 4, 2019

What percentage of the population of Macon is black? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Macon-Bibb County, GA are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (54.3%), White (Non-Hispanic) (38.3%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.02%), White (Hispanic) (1.86%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (1.72%).

Is otis redding from Macon Georgia? ›

Redding was born in Dawson, Georgia, and his family soon moved to Macon. Redding quit school at age 15 to support his family, working with Little Richard's backing band, the Upsetters, and performing in talent shows at Macon's historic Douglass Theatre.

Where is the Macon Telegraph located? ›

The Telegraph is a newspaper in Macon, Georgia that publishes seven days a week (six in print). The newsroom is located on the Mercer University campus as part of the Center for Collaborative Journalism, a joint initiative of Mercer, the Telegraph, 13WMAZ and Georgia Public Broadcasting.

What rapper is from Macon, GA? ›

Foogiano was born and raised in Macon, Georgia. He comes from humble beginnings and was exposed to music at a young age. He started rapping at the age of 10 and began writing his own songs shortly after. He developed a unique style of flow that combined the trap sound of the South with a melodic delivery.

What musician grew up in Macon Georgia? ›

Famous Musicians from Macon

Otis Redding sang heartrending soul music that left listeners' jaws on the floor. Before his untimely death at 26, he blew hippies' minds with his quintessential performance at the Monterey Pop Festival.

Why is Macon GA famous? ›

Rich history, incredible architecture, stunning Southern charm and a vast musical heritage have branded Macon "Where Soul Lives." Take a Rock Candy Tour to learn about Macon's legendary music history from the offices and crash pads of Southern music's famous artists, like Otis Redding and Little Richard.

What is the white population of Macon GA? ›

Population by Race
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American85,02854.31%
Two or more races6,3474.05%
3 more rows

What is Macon City nickname? ›

Macon lies near the state's geographic center, about 85 miles (1.25 hours) south of Atlanta-hence the city's nickname, "The Heart of Georgia".

Who owns the Macon Telegraph? ›

The Telegraph, established in 1826, is Georgia's third-largest daily newspaper by circulation. It was acquired by The McClatchy Company in 2006.

What is Macon County famous for? ›

Peaches have always been a mainstay in the county. Sam Henry Rumph of Macon County developed the Elberta Peach. This variety is responsible for establishing Georgia's reputation as the Peach State. A wide variety of other crops is grown in Macon County.

What is Macon Georgia best known for? ›

Rich history, incredible architecture, stunning Southern charm and a vast musical heritage have branded Macon "Where Soul Lives." Take a Rock Candy Tour to learn about Macon's legendary music history from the offices and crash pads of Southern music's famous artists, like Otis Redding and Little Richard.

Who lives in Macon, Georgia? ›

Race / Ethnicity (NH = Non-Hispanic)Pop 2000% 2020
White alone (NH)34,05036.09%
Black or African American alone (NH)60,50354.17%
Native American or Alaska Native alone (NH)1770.18%
Asian alone (NH)6082.04%
5 more rows


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Name: Jamar Nader

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