The Tuscola Review from Tuscola, Illinois (2024)

1 1 1 1. THRSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1942. THE TUSCOLA REVIEW Society News and home editor is always interested in your news and The society will be glad to have you call 83 or TELEPHONE 312W1 HOWARD-COX VOWS ARE READ Phyllis Ann Howard, daughMiss and Mrs. Dale Howard of of Mr. and Seaman First Class Tuscola, Cox were married in Robert Eugene double ring ceremony, impressive November 16, at 10 a.

m. Thursday, chapel of the First Presbyterin the church, Indianapolis. an George Arthur Frantz, Reverend the church, received the of couple who were pastor vows of the young Only the immediate unattended. of the couple were present. families bride, who is one of the popThe women of this city, was ular young attractive in an aqua wool streetdress with brown accessories.

length She wore 8 corsage of lavender orchids. the ceremony, the bridal Following served a wedding breakdining room at the party was fast in a private Lincoln Hotel. couple went 1 on a brief wedding The and will be at home trip to Chicago friends at the Spink Arms Annex, to Indianapolis. is a graduate of the The bride Community High school, Tuscola 1939, and of Central Avenue class of Business College, Indianapolis. has been employed at the She Indiana Mutual Insurfices of the Company as a secretary and ance will continue in that capacity.

is a son of Mr. and The groom Cox, of Mitchell, Mrs. Clarence graduate of the Mitchell, and is a school and of Central Indiana, High Indianapolis. BeBusiness College, in the U. S.

navy he fore enlisting employed at the Prest-O-Lite WAS in Indianapolis. He company office stationed at this time in the reis of the U. S. navy in eruiting office Indianapolis. Crossmans Celebrate Anniversary Thursday and Mrs.

Hugh Crossman have Mr. returned home from a motor trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where they had gone 1 to vist their younger daughand Mrs. Myron Carroll. ter, Mr. of honor at a deThey were guests wedding anniversary dinner, Nightful Thanksgiving Day at the Reed House in Chatanooga, which their daughter had planned as a surprise.

Mrs. Crossman were marMr. and 26, 1907, at the home ried November parents, Mr. and of the "bride's" Mrs. James Ponder at Hammond.

the farm east of TusThey bought cola on Route 36 and have lived there for many years. Mrs. Crossformer Miss Ethel Ponman is the Walter Ponder, of der, a sister of Hammond, Miss Eva Ponder and John Ponder, Tuscola. R. W.

GUYS' ENTERTAIN SUNDAY NOON Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Guy and daughter, Miss Lydia Guy, tained a group of relatives, Sunday at dinner in their post-Thanksgiving home.

Guests included Montague Sutphin, of Beason, William Sutphin, of Lawnsdale, both of whom are half-brothers of R. W. Guy; Mrs. J. T.

Sutphin and daughter, Julian, of Springfield, and the latter's affianced, Ward Johnson, of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Guy and Martha, were guests at daughter, the dinner, also. CHARM ATTRACTIVE HAIR STYLES You can look smart and attractive, on restricted budget here! Professional work at substantial savings.

Try us soon! JANE'S Beauty Shop Corner Main Scott Phone $15 MUSICAL COMEDY AT HIGH SC HOOL TUESDAY of entertainment and An evening amusem*nt was provided, Tuesday November 25, at the Tuscola night, Community High School auditorium of the high school under pupils direction of R.W, Weckel, superof music in the schools, and visor Thelma Grumbles, dramatic inMiss in which musical numbers structor, one-act comedy, "Getting a Pinned', afforded entertainment. school orchestra, directThe high Mr. Weckel, with Mary Elizaby beth Monger as accompanist, opened with the "March from program Tannhauser," (Wagner) after which girls' trio, composed of Mary Larimer, Miriam Lewis and ang "The Green Cathianna edral" (Hahn). K. Hayden, clarinet Bruce delighted the audience with soloist, number "Fleurette" by Stube, accompanied by his mother, Mrs.

Bruce K. Hayden, at the piano. Ann Kennedy sang "A Bowl Patty Roses" (Clark) and Georgianna Feeler played as an accordian solo "Dizzy Fingers" (Confrey). An interim of community singing the audience, led by Mr. Weckel by with Mrs.

Wamsley as accompanist, diversion. New and old provided were sung, including "I'm war songs Dreaming of a White Christmas," ArmyA ir Corps official song; America; White Cliffs of Dover and others. A delightful feature of the program was two violin selections by Mr. Weckel, "Gypsy Serenade" (Valdez) Dust" (Carmichael-Rubinoff), accompanied by Mrs. Wamsley.

The closing musical number as "Petite Suite de Ballet" (GluckMottl) by the high school orchestra. The one-act comedy "Getting Pinned" was mirth-provoking and all the young amateur actors did their parts with credit. Annabelle McGuire, as the colored maid, "Clover" was true to her character part and brought peals of laughter from the audience, both by her comments and her appearance. Dorothy Williams, the devoted mother of two daughters, Virginia Knoche as" Janice Sterling" and Pat Ellis as "Dinah Sterling" represented the charming but bewildered mother of two rather difficult daughters. Joan Jones, Joe Loyd, Paul Dotson and Jim Flanagan depicted their character parts true to form and the twift-moving action and final, denouement provided interest to the last line.

Mr. Weckel stated that the program was presented in an effort to make the community more musicconscious and to provide an opportunity for the talented young people to appear in public before an audience. Perfect Record For Attendance The following pupils had a fect attendance record for the past six weeks at the South Ward first grade. The unusual amount of illness during that period is reflected in the small number who never missed a day. The perfect attendance children were: Shirley Weatherford, Janet Nichols, Jimmy Seip and Lowell Dee Hill.

ENTERTAIN AT STORK SHOWER Misses Wylma Rahn, Francis Goodwin and Mrs. Helen Woodall were hostesses at a stork shower Friday evening at the home of the latter in honor of Mrs. Opal Simpson. Many lovely gifts were received by the guest of honor. Written contests provided entertainment with to Mrs.

Virginia Mcprizes going Cumber and Mrs. Doris Wiley. Guests included Misses Frances Stevens, Wanda Lou Morow, Eina Gould, Joyce King, Mesdames VitMcCumber, Opal Simpson, Doris ginia Wiley, Stella Vandeventer, Mary Helm, Nettie Plowman and Frances Coykendall. The hostesses served refreshments. First Grade Birthday Party Wednesday Children of the first grade, south ward school, were entertained birthday party, Wednesday afat a ternoon by Mrs.

Frank Sexton and Mrs. Clark Edwards in honcr of the birthdays of Everett Sexton and Elizabeth Edwards, bots of whom were six years oid. Betty Sexton, of Everett, and Donald Edsister wards, brother of Elizabeth, were special guests. Other little visitors Doris Jane Adams, Betty Lou were Norma Jean Cook, Joe Michener, Phillip Flanigan, Gary Joe DarSelp, ling. Games were played and the "Happy Birthday" song was Burg.

Refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served by the hostesses. Dotson and Ladle Jane Pepper absent on account of Wykoff were illness. Classified RATES: 2c per word, minimum charge 35c. Blind Ads 15c Display Classified 40c per inch. Three or more extra.

consecutive insertions of same ad subject to 1-3 discount EASTERN STAR HOLDS INSTALLATION MRS. THELMA ROOT In an impressive installation cereat the Masonic Hall, Wednesevening, November 25, Mrs. ThelRoot was installed as worthy matron, and George Fornof was 1 installed as worthy patron before a number of friends. The was a public installation and installing officers included Mrs. Hattiebelle Fornof, installing offiMrs.

Doll Fullerton, installing marshall; Mrs. Lois Moulden, installing chaplain; Mrs. Cleone Speelman, installing organist. Mrs. Antoinette North, retiring worthy matron, opened the meeting welcomed the guests and friends a brief address.

The installing officers were escorted to their stations by H. B. Bowles, Reed Holcomb Wilbur M. Hoel and Frank Marler. officers-elect entered the The preceded by the color-bearer, room, Root.

The Ode to the Arnim given by Marilyn Root, Flag was of the worthy-matron elect. daughter which was an impressive feature ceremony. roster of officers that The complete installed includes: Mawere Mrs. Thelma Root; Worthy tron, Fornof; Associate Matron, George Marie Marier; Associate tron, Mrs. Marler; Secretary, Patron Linton; Treasurer, Emelie Gertrude Conductress, Thelma Wiesener; Associate conductress, Edith Brown; Chaplain, Doll Fullerton; Steven; Hoel; Organist, Lela Marshal, Esther Logan; "Adah," Emma McGary; Grace Lollar; "Esther," "Martha," Esther LariRomnie; "Electa," Delores Carpenter; mer; Warder, Blanche McQueen; "Sentinel' Doris Romine.

Warnes sang to both Mrs. Lloyd the worthy matron and worthy were at the altar. tron while they As the Worthy Matron went to presented with a beauEast she was tiful corsage of handkerchiefs from the officers. Mrs. Root presented worthy matron, the retiring North, with the Past Antoinette and George Fornof, tron's jewel, presented a gift from worthy patron, to the retiring worthy the Chapter patron, impressive and beautiful Flynn Stephens.

In an ceremony, conducted by the Matrons, Mrs. North Worthy Stevens, were invited to Mrs. their circle. answering their officers, After officers, Mrs. newly-inducted Fornof and Mrs.

Fornof, Mr. brief addresses to the chapter. made close of the installation, At the program was short musical sented which included two violin R. W. Weckel, accompanlections by H.

Wamsley, and led by Mrs. D. solo by Jeanne Root, daughter piano of the Worthy Matron. of cookies and Refreshments served during the social hour. were of the Tuscola WoMembers will attend a Christmas man's Club at the regular monthly program which will be meeting, Saturday, sponsored by the Music of Department.

of the annual events This is one club to which members the general look forward with eager anticipation. been asked to Members have contribution of home-made bring a "admission tickets" by cookies as Mrs. Roy Moulden, to the president, USO center at Ranbe sent to the toul. Members of the Bible will 11 serve as hostesses. MUSIC CLUB PRESENTS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM I PENNY SUPPER class of the The Star church will have tonal Christian Monday evening, Dec.

penny church basem*nt. Serving supper, 7, in the begins at 5:30 o'clock. John Cordts Honored On 82d Birthday John Cordts, prominent farmer of the Galton vicinity, who came to America, the "Land of Promise, in the 1870's as an emigrant boy from his birthplace, Germany, was guest of honor at a family dinner in his home, Sunday, when his children brought a birthday cake properly decorated for the occasion, and other delectable foods for a birthday dinner. His three daughters, Mrs. E.

S. Wetzel, Mrs. John Koster and Mrs. John Thoeming and their famlies were guests. Mr.

Cordts is one of the enterfarmers and landowners of prising the Galton vicinity where he has lived for many years. The neat and attractive surroundings at his farm home indicated the thrift and pride in his home. In 1890, he married Miss Dora Schroeder who died several years ago. In the Sunset Years of life, he can look back on an interesting period of history which has included three major wars since he sought a new home in America. Mr.

Cordts has a love for good horses and other high bred live stock and has always been a progressive farmer, who accepts the improvements in farming methods as they come. MRS. HENRY HANCE DINNER HOSTESS Mrs. Henry Hance entertained members of her family and friends at a post-Thanksgving dinner, Sunday, in her home. Her daughter, Miss Edith Hance, South and a friend, Clayton Hess, of South Bend; Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde J. Colwell, and three nieces of Villa Grove, Shirley Jean, Betty Mae and Joan French, were inculded in the guest list. Amerian Legion Auxiliary To Meet The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary has been postponed from Friday night to Friday evening, December 11. A pot-luck dinner will be served at 6:30 p.

with Mrs. Roy Mount, district director, as guest of honor. Members of the Rehabilitation Committee will be in charge of ar- rangements. Mrs. Vest Entertains Mission Study Group Mrs.

C. A. Vest was hostess co the Mission SLay Group of the Methodist churen, in her home, Friday afternoon. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. J.

S. Cam; Lell and Mrs William Pigg. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Campbell, who spoke on the PostThanksgiving season. Mrs.

Wilbur Goodspeed presided. A discussion as to whether or not the group should disband for the "duration" resulted in a vote to "carry A nomnating committee was appointed to report at the next meeting. Mrs. Goodspeed conducted the lesson-study on "The Back-wash of the World Empire on Democracy." Subwhich were discussed intopics cluded "Jesus Today, the same as in the Second Century;" "The AmerNegro in Regard to Race Preican judice," by Pearl Buck and "Global Peace" from the Christian Century. A surprise visitor was Mrs George Fuller, of Decatur, former H.

of Tuscola and member of the dent Mrs. Fuller had recently group. attended the production of "Porgy and Bess" in Chicago and gave a deof the musical comedy which scription fitted into the lesson quite well. The hostesses served 1 fruit drink and wafers. Music Club Meets Tuesday Afternoon Music Department of the The Woman's Club met Tuesday afternoon, and Mrs.

D. H. Wamsley prethe absence of Mrs. Donna sided in Wagner, chairman. A "Christmas WAS preand there was a good attendsented The program committea was ance.

Vest, Helm, Morris, Mesdames Thompson, Thornsbrue, Warnes, Weekel and Miss Porter. cookies for the soldiers Christmas Field, solicited by the Caat Chanute Woman's club must be sent margo Nettie Wiley no later than to Mrs. morning, Dec. 23. They Wednesday will be packed and sent Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Haute, Ind, were Sunday Terre of his sister Miss Ruth Moore guests and other Tuscola relatives and friends. Walter H. Moore of NOTICE WANTED-100 cows per month to bred artificially by outstanding be bulls with your choice of registered Cost $6.00 per cow and 4 breeds.

if necessary. Recent services given breedings are working Call first Arcola for service and ask at 40 at Farm Bureau for information. 21-3 FOR RENT RENT Modern three to five FOR apartment, furnished or unroom with garage. Mrs. John furnished Huber, 500 Sale Street 23-1x RENT- -Sleeping rooms in FOR home.

Mrs. A. A. Cruzan, 108 modern St. 23-2x E.

Ensey FOR RENT Modern sleepnig room, downstairs with private en585. 301 23-3 trance. Phone TO RENT -Jan 1st. 4 room new modern house. Inquire at Review.

23-1-X modern apartments, 4 rooms 2 and 1 5-room upper. Private lower baths. Unfurnished. See 100F Building 23-1 house, good condition, Five room reasonable. Don Ingram property.

ELMER See W. Wilson Tuscola, Ill. 23-1x FOR RENT- -American floor sander, edger and floor polisher. H. E.

TODD SON, and Plumbing Phone 131 Hardware HAVE FLOORS you can be proud Floor Sander and of. Rent our 37-tf Edger, CASHFORD'3 ART STORE BUSINESS NOTICES GLASSES FITTED at reasonable home East Van Allen St. price at my 21-4x T. H. FERGUSON WANTED -FURNITURE TO KE BUILD, refinish, repair and upholste rebuilt.

First class work Cushions manship. WM. CHAPLIN, 505 N. Main 46-Ef Notice mistake I exchanged coats at By the foot ball banquet with someIf you have my coat call me one. and I will arrange for the exchange.

S. L. VICTOR, Telephone 560 23-1x LOST AND FOUND LOST Green fender skirt for Buick. Telephone 142W1. LOWELL SHARP, Telephone 142 W-1 23-1 FOUND A pair of glasses.

Owner may by calling at The Reveiw have same them and paying for and identifying adv. DEC. 12 NEW DEAD LINE FOR TURNING IN EXTRA TIRES The new deadline for turning in December 12, and extra tires is will be checked before De-1 violators cember 15, according to an announcement made by the Douglas County War Price and Rationing board. 12 is the time when December will be imposed if tires penalties not been reported and violators have will be punished by the cancellation of their gasoline rationing cards. The period between December and Dec.

12 will be used to examine reports and list violators. have extra tires call the If you Express Agency, by teleRailway phone, or drop it a card. Tell the have a tire. Tie a agent you to it bearing your name and dress. The express truck will pick and take to the up your tire warehouse of Defense nearest Corporation where it will Supplies be held for later resale.

will be appraised and The tire will be sent you by the check although you may dogovernment, extra tires if you wish. nate your You will be paid the ceiling price for particular type of tire you turn the in. TWO COUPLES RECEIVE MARRIAGE LICENSES Two couples applied for marlicenses at the County Clerk's riage office this week. issued to Duane R. They were Kincaid, 28, Newman, and, Kathryn Trinkle, 28, Newman, and to Walter Thomas, 19, Tuscola, and Starwalt, 18, Martha FOR SALE FOR SALE -Hot Point Electric Range and Automatic Water Heater.

23-1-x A. J. FLANAGAN 8 Review Readers Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hill, of Newman, are parents of a son born Wednesday in 1 Jarman Memorial hospital.

The baby has been named "John Franklin. A daughter was born November Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Lazzell of 28 to Tuscola. The little girl has been named Patricia Ann.

To Mr. and Mrs. Everett Consoer, Newman, a son was born November 29. He has been named Terry Lee. Word was received Tuesday of the birth of a daughter to Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Nelson, Pekin, Ill. The mother is the former Pauline Blomquest. MISS ALBRITTON HONORED AT SHOWER Mrs. Arthur Albritton entertainat a miscellaneous bridal shower for her daughter, Miss AiThurscay Albritton, who is to wed Mr.

ma Pearson of Detroit, the Elmo second week in December that city. Presbyerian Ladies' Aid Friday Mrs. R. H. Barsted will be hostess the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid in to manse at 2:30 the Presbyterian Friday.

Assistant hostesses p. Mesdames Fred K. Steven, will be Frank Layne, Miss Anna Knobloch, Sadie Niles. There will and Mrs. be a Christmas gift exchange.

W. S.C. S. TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON Woman'sSociety for ChrisThe Service of the First Methodist tian will meet at 2:30 p. m.

Frichurch December 4, in the church day, King will lead the devoMrs. Harry the lesson study will be in tions and of Mrs. Hugh H. Crossman. charge membered by twenty-five families gifts sent out to with Christmas them December 1.

Gifts of cigarkits and handkerchiefs ettes, sewing the articles sent to make were among their Christmas a happy one. and sailors from the The soldiers neighborhood are: Don Reed, Hugo S. Robert Albin, U. S. navy; U.

navy; Charles Carrington, U. S. air corps Those stationed in this overseas. James W. country are Sergeant Fitzsimmons, U.

S. army; John Ray, Everett Moore, U. S. U. S.

army; Bert Brown, U. 3. army; Corporal Scott, U. S. air army; Myron corps; Clifford Williams, U.

S. army Lieutenant Harold Roderair corps; Neal Lewis, U.S ick, U. S. army; Walker, U. S.

army; navy: Tracy Robert Shields, U. S. army. people were among The following Mr. and Mrs.

those sending gifts: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Joseph Prosser, andMr s. V. E.

Williams, Martin, Mr. Doc 1 Thomas, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, Mr.

and Mrs. Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Melvin cliff Ingram, and Mrs.

L. N. Hart, Roderick, Mr. Cottingham, Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Scott, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Samuel Prosser, Maude Parker, Mr. and Reed, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mrs.

Leon Helm, and Mrs. Martin ProssEntler, Mr. Everett Long, Mr. er, Mr. and Mrs.

Utterback, Mr. and and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mrs.

Dale Coslet, and Mrs. Paul Brown, Brown, Mr. Mannnig, Mr. Mr. and Mrs.

James andMr. and Mrs. Hugh Lewis and Mrs. Golden Ray. XMAS GIFTS FOR HUGO MEN IN soldiers and sailors were reSERVICE Hugo AND ZION EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH Schuette, Pastor George practce at 9:30 Christmas Pageant m.

Adult Sunday School classes 10:00 a. m. Church worship serat at 11 a. m. Congregational vice meeting on Monday evening.

THE MARKETS $1.18. Wheat Corn, No. 3. white $1.00 .79 yellow, Corn. No.

3, No. 2, yellow, old Corn, 48 1-2 Oats $1.60 Beans FOR SALE One 8-piece dining room suite with Cresenada type buffet. One 5 piece chromium kitchen set. Porcelain top table. 23-1-x Inquire at Review FOOD SALE -Saturday, December 5th, 9 a.

m. Food sale will be held at Warren Hardware Store under auspices of local Camp of Royal Neighbors. 23-1 FOR SALE-1940 Chevrolet picktruck. In excellent condition. Five up good tires.

A. A. Cruzan, 108 E. Ensey Tuscola. 23-1x FOR SALE- 6 room house, 4 tots large chicken house, cistern, good well.

Address Box "E'. Care Tuscola Review 21-3-X FOR SALE -One Hampshire Gilt and one boar. Eligible for registering. Top breeding. Paul Reed, 22-3 Camargo, RR 1.

FOR SALE 6 piece solid maple dinette set, including refrectory table, 4 chairs and Welsh cabinet. Mrs. Clair Hull. 22-1 409 E. Sale St.

FOR SALE Stock and feeder cattle. Sold on convenient terms. FLOYD J. MILLER Phone 333. Tuscola, Ill.

49-tr FOR SALE Bundles of old papers. Inquire at Tuscola Review office FOR SALE Baby buggy in good condition. Reasonable, 104 E. Ficklin. 23-1x P3 FOR SALE John Deere Model A streamline tractor, equipped wit.a lights and tires; Jour Deere 3-bo tuna breakplow; 9 head of 2 year old ewes.

ing and one buck. ANTON HAPP, 23-1x Villa Grove, Ul. FOR SALE 3-room unfurnished apartment. Private entrance and bath. Call 299-W2.

23-1 FOR SALE 1 two-row planter for H. or like new; 1 9-foot I. H. C. disk, new; 1 Farmer Friend corn dump, like new.

WAYNE BRIAN, 23-2x Tuscola, Ill. WANTED TO BUY TRAPPERS, FARMERS, HUNTERS- -For the top prices on raw furs, hides, and wool bring or ship to us. Plenty of shot-gun shells and traps. FOSTERS SPORTING GOODS 1818 Western Ave. Mattoon, Illinois.

23-3 WANTED TO -Young spotted Poland China male hog. Telephone 422F22. Raymond Patridge, Tuscola, R. R. 2 23-1x A used vaccuum cleaner.Cal 153.

23-1 1 Genuine A PFISTER 'HYBRIDS We still have some sizes of the forlowing Hybrids, 164 (Hyx187) (Wf9x38-11) 160 (Hyx187) (140x317) 1897 (Hyx187-X (Wf9x37) 360A (159x187) (R4xHy) 280 (140x187X (Wf9xHy) If you do not yet have your ordered drop us a card quirements the desired hybrid and size, stating or call 05 planning to use con If you are mercial fertilizer this spring place your orer with as NOW. We handle fertilizer for all crops including gar den. GATES SEED COMPANY CAMARGO, ILLINOIS Phone, 412F18.

The Tuscola Review from Tuscola, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.