The Yazoo Herald from Yazoo City, Mississippi (2024)

C. C. C. C. C.

C. C. C. C. Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoon VOLUME LVIII OPENING HELD SUMMER CAMP ON WOLF LAKE Spacious New Structure Formally Opened Thursday.

PROVES DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR TO ALL PRESENT Legion Post and Auxiliary 1'o Be Complimented On Project. The opening Thursday of the American Legion summer camp on Wolf Lake was a delightful affair. Many members of the Auxiliary and Post and those eligible for membership gathered on the grounds in the early afternoon. Boating and swimming were etijoyed and just before dusk a most bountiful spread was enjoyed. Each family brought a basket lunch, including fried chicken, barbecued meat, bacon, stuffed eggs, potatoes, chicken salad, tomatoes, mayonnaise, pickles, brandied peaches, pies, cakes-in fact, anything anyone could wish for was spread underneath the trees in tempting array.

Ice cold drinks were sold and served. After supper boating and swimming attracted some. A joint business meeting of the Auxiliary and Post was held at 8 o'clock in the spacious living room of the camp, after which dancing was enjoyed until o'clock. Everyone present was charmed with the surroundings, the beautifu.l location and its arrangement, and members of the Post and Auxiliary are justly proud of their accomplishment. Negro Lodge To Hold Meet Soon Annual Convention of AfroAmerican Sons Daughters Aug.

20-23. The regular yearly convention of the Afro-American Sons Danghters will be held at Hattiesburg and the question of another hospital will be brought before the convention. There will be a special train run from Clarksdale, chartered to carry the delegates to the convention and the city of Hattiesburg is preparing to accommodate over 2000 delegates. The Afro-American Sons Daughters was organized by T. J.

Huddleston of this city and the hospital in this city is a model in construction and equipment. The members of the organization are given hospitalization at a very moderate price and the organization is so planned that the work in the hospital has been wonderfully successful in their efforts to assist the negro race. The surplus sum of this organization, which is only five years old. is $200,000.00 They are most liberal in extending aid to the educational institutions of the state and other states where they have entered to do business. The Yazoo City hospital is the first of its kind to be established in the state and with another one at Hattiesburg, the work of this large and fast growing institution will be greatly boosted and the usefulness broadened as the organization grows.

Jackson Man Will Represent Shell Products Here H. H. Rigsby has arrived in Ya200 City succeeding E. A. Jarvis former representative of the Shell Petroleum Co.

Mr. Rigsby comes from Jackson highly recommended from the capital city as a man thoroughly conversant with the oil business. He intends to satisfy the users of Shell products and feels sure that the popularity of Shell products will continue to grow in this section. CAR BURNS FRIDAY. The garage and car belonging to M.

E. Roby was destroyed by fire of undetermined origin Friday afternoon. The fire when discovered had gained such headway that both building and car were a total loss, with no insurance on either. The Bazoo CONSTRUCTIVE---CONSERVATIVE---DEDICATED YAZOO CITY. MISSISSIPPI, "ARMY WORM" BEING FOUND IN MANY SECTIONS State Plant Board Advises Liberal Use of Colcium Arsenate.

SPECIMENS FOUND ALL OVER MISSISSIPPI Many Local Stocks of Poison Evhausted By Early Buyers. A. M. COLLEGE, Aug. 9-Specimens and complaints of cotton leafworms or "army worms," discovered in Mississippi the early part of this week, have continued to pour into the office of the State Plant Board.

Speci-! mens or reports from Attala, Bolivar, Lincoln, Webster and Yalobusha counties have been received since the earlier reports from Sunflower, Holmes, Yazoo, Oktibbeha, Sharkey and Issaquena counties. The worms are apparently generally distributed over the Delta and the north central section of the state, with Lincoln county reporting the only infestation from South Mississippi, Planters are buying calcium arsenate in large quantities, and some local stocks have already been exhausted. The Plant Board has recommended about 5 pounds per acre, making the application as soon as the worms are discovered in numbers. Dr. Darrington Wins Prize For Best Fish Story The Izaah Walton league of Humphreys county entertained last Thursday, July 31st at the Kilby Lake Club House near Lamkin with an enjoyable fish fry anal among the principal speakers on the program was Dr.

John Darrington who talked on "Game and Fish of Yesterday and Today." The prize for the best fish story was awerded to Dr. Darrington in reference to a gar caught by lie Young with a number 8 thread. It took three hours and 30 minutes to lan dit and it was so large that it took a mule. to pull it over. Dr.

Darrington and N. A. Mott were the only two sportsmen invited from Yazoo county to attend the occasion. Herbie Holmes Winning Honors In Golf Tournament Young Herbie Holmes is playing in the Delta golf tournament which started Thursday of this week in Greenwood. Young Holmes played yesterday in the championship flight and was beaten 3 and 2 to go by Kittleman of Greenville, who has been state champion several times.

Herbie is one of the outstanding golfers in this section and those who have fellowed his form on the green predict for him still greater suecesses. Pacific Salmon Swims Over 1300 Miles In 44 Days New York Aug. 2-Evidence that certain species of fish travel great distances from their breeding areas is shown by a Pacific salmon. After being marked with a metal tag by the U. S.

Bureau of Fisheries in Alaskan waters, the salmon was caught 1,300 miles away 14 days later in a Siberian stream, according to report received by the American Game Protective Association. For more than a decade the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries has been carrying on its marking experiments, using metal tags each of which bears a serial number. Fishermen who return these tags to the bureau receive from 25 cents to $1 depending on the specie of fish.

Marking experiments have shown that regardless of how much salmon may indulge the wanderlust they always return to home waters for the spawning season. Another way of marking is to remove certain fins in such a manned that no confusion with unmarked fish can result. City TO THE SERVICE OF FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930. FINE ADDRESS IS PRESENTED ON THURSDAY Mr. Anderson Pace Made Interesting Talk At Chamber Of Commerce.

RESEARCH COMMISSION EXPLAINED TO HEARERS Aims and Objects of NewlyFormed Body Outlined By Speaker. The address Thursday morning of Anderson Pace at the Chamber of Commerce office was indeed worth hearing. Mr. Pace came in behalf of the Mississippi Research Commission to put before his hearers the concrete objects and aims of this project. As many are aware, the recent session the Mississippi perhaps, legislature appropriated a fund of $150,000, contingent upon a like sum 1 being raised by the coenties, in the state, the said county priations to be based on 5 cents capita of the 1930 census.

Yazoo's quota was put at $4,900. Yazoo county, through the board supervisors will be asked for $3,800 or $1,900 per year for a two year period. Yazoo City will be asked to contribute around $600.00 and the balance of the quota will be raised through popular subscriptions or donations. Mr. Pace presented a clear sight into the benefits derived from the survey as planned by the Research Commission, and based his remarks on knowledge gained by facts and said Mississippi can not hope to attract industries or enterprises of any nature until the prospective investor is assured of just how he is to benefit by locating in Mississippi.

This survey will tend to find out what is wrong with Mississippi. whether the government isn't run on an economical basis, why the educational system is not Superior or equal to that afforded by other states, whether her health program is producing results and economically run for the condition of any place or community that is a danger is dangerous to the Mississippi needs to be readjusted, so that she will enjoy her sovereign rights and prove to the world what wonderful resources are here. The prosperity of the state is reflected in the county, in the city. the farm and in the individual, said Mr. Pace.

Mr. Pace's address was keenly followed and he made a most pleasing impression on his hearers. Accompanied by H. Holmes and D. Wolerstein, Mr.

Pace talked to the Board of Supervisors over the matter. Yazoo Residents Have Enjoyable Vacation Trip Circuit Clerk C. H. Fisher, J. G.

Graham, deputy sheriff, and Gus Besser, manager of The L. A. Smith store came home this morning from a week's stay at the Mississippi coast. They brought back a grand catch of fish, 171 in number, light and speckled trout and perch. While on the trip they also caught three sharks.

They report a wonderful time at Mississippi's playground. SOME ALLIGATOR CATCH. ca Harold Beeson, 18 year old youth captured alligator in Sunflower river bottom Friday that weighed. 275 1-2 pounds, measured 10 feet long, had a mouth spread of 16 inches and 10 inches across jaws at jaw teeth. FORMER TEACHER DIES.

It is with sorrow that many in Yazoo City learn of the death last Friday in Gadsden, of Miss Marrimore Jones, member of the faculty in the public school here several years ago and her untimely demise is of deep regret. Tom Phillips of Cardill spent Thursday here on business. Miss Lucie orth leaves Chattanooga, where she has been visiting for New York City where she will purchase stock for R. P. Miller's store before returning home.

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Campbell, and Mrs.

J. S. Williams III, motored to Castallian Springs Thursday as the guests of the Girl Scouts. They were hostesses to the girls in camp at a bridge party which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Herald YAZOO AND HER PEOPLE Life-Saving Work Will Be Taught 2.000.000 Chevrolets Were Turned Out In 20 Months.

Harry A. Kenning, Filed Representative of American Red Cross First Aid and Life Saving Service will visit Yazoo County Chapter August 14-16 to teach and develop life saving. Mr. Kenning has for many years played an active part in first aid and I life-saving work and has taught hundreds of persons scientific methods for rescuing the drowning and giving emergency care to the injured. He first became interested professionally in swimming and life saving when he began teaching the subject to the Boy Scouts of Germantown, Pennsylvania.

So successful was he in this work that scout officials asked him to conduet the first Boy Scout swimming meet held in Philadelphia. This meet was such a success that it has ever since been an annual event. He soon became an outstanding figure in swimming and life saving in Philadelphia, qualifying as Red Cross life-saving examiner. He then won new laurels by conducting the most extensve "Learn to Swim Week" ever held in phia. This brought him signal recognition and attracted the attention of the American Red Cross, which invited him to be a member of its staff of life-saving field representatives.

After conducting classes in Red Cross life-saving chapters near important Atlantic batning beaches last summer, he was attached to the disaster relief organization which was sent to Porto Rico after the great hurricane of September. When relief work closed there last last February, he was assigned by the Red Cross to the task of arousing interest in water Porto Virgin Rico Islands. and in the neighboring So marked was his successs that he was retained for extra campaigns in both positions, training special life-saving instructors besides teaching hundreds the principles of water safety. Healso instructed police, firemen. railway employees and electric light and telephone workers of San Juan in first aid to the injured.

State Auditor To Make Race For R. R. Commissioner Carl C. White, present state auditor, announces for railroad commissioner from the Central District of Mississippi at the Neshoba County Fair--his native county. His announcement is short, but to the point.

He bases his claim upon three counts: 1. Because of the services that ho feels that he can render to the people of the state of Mississippi. 2. Because he desires an endorsem*nt as a state official at the hands of the voters of Mississippi. 3.

Because he desires to serve the people in this important office. He also states that it is not his purpose at this time to start a campaign for this office, but in due time further announcement will be made, and it is his plan to discuss with the people of the district this important place Yazoo 4-H Boys Attending Meet at A. M. College At A. M.

this week are Harris Swayze, Clayton Saxton, Roy Heidle, Frank Webb and Travis Montgomery who are attending the 4-H club congress. There are about 225 4-H club boys and girls in 200 County. Many of them having enviable records, and this speedy growth covers the past four year period. The boys and girls from Yazoo county are to return to their respective homes Saturday after a very interesting stay at A. M.

College. NOTICE PYTHIANS. Yazoo Lodge No. 23, Knights of ias, will hold a reg. uar meeting tonight at 7:30 p.

at Castle Hall. Mem. bers are urged to attend and visiting Knights are welcome, ALLEN TWINER, C. C. A.

MAGRUDER, K. R. S. Yazoo County's Oldest and Best Newspaper -58 Years Old and ARCHIVES HISTORY NUMBER 12. Yazoo Boy Scouts Enjoy Fish Fry Delightful Affair Held At Wyoming Park Thursday.

Through the courtesy of G. C. Chilton of Chilton Fish market, the local Boy Scouts enjoyed a delightful fish fry at Wyoming Park, Thursday afternoon. Between 75 and 100 Scouts were pres- ent. Boating and swimming were enjoyed later in the afternoon.

Under the personal supervision of G. P. LaBarre the fish were fried and served at the appointed time. After the eats a huge bon fire was built. Mr.

R. R. Norquist, accompanied by his guitar, sang appropriate songs and the concluding part of the program was a solo by Scout Master Adams that was thoroughly enjoyed and brought the happy affair to a close. Geo. H.

Critz of the Southern Ice and S. P. Cole of the Orange Crush Bottling kindly donated the ice and drinks for the occasion. "'Sunny Side Up" Written By Son of Former Resident The picture show "Sunny Side Monday and Tuesday of this week at the Yazoo Theatre was written by the son of a former Yazoo girl, Della Rosenthal, the eldest daughter of Mrs. R.

Rosenthali, who will be remembered years ago as having a millinery establishment here. Della Rosenthal soon developed histronic ability of a marked degree and begun to study for the stage early. She was among the first of her sex to play the part of men and played Hamlet- but in breaking old rule of propriety by appearing in the role of a the public was shocked and her success as an actress was forgotten and her career came to a close. Della Rosenthal married Mr. David Butler and it is their son, David Butler, who wrote "Sunny Side Up." that the author of this play If it had been generally the son of Della Rosenthal, many of her old friends would have taken an interest in the production for the sake of the mother who to the stage world is known as Adele Belguard.

"Great Moment" Of History Seen In Show Monday The famous farewell of Napoleon to his Old Guard is the latest "great moment" of history to be preserved in talking pictures. The scene forms the start of "Devil-May-Care," Ramon Novarro's first talking picture for MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, which opens Monday at the Yazoo Theatre. The story thereafter is not concerned with war, or historical politics. Ramon Novarro is seen as the flag lieutenant of the Emperor, who fights and laughs his way through a series of romantic adventures. Director Sidney Franklin taken the farewell of Napoleon with all regard to historical accuracy.

And it is said, this scene marks the first occasion on which the words of Bonaparte's last words to his troops have been preserved for posterity. The famous "farewell speech," one of the most affecting short orations of all history, was made by William Humphrey, who has played Napoleon with great success for over 30 years. The scene took place exactly as described by the historians, with the guard drawn up at attention, and representatives of the allies present to see that their sentence of exile to Elba was carried out. First Bale Cotton Received Here Friday Morning The first bale of the 1930 cotton crop to be received here was raised on Ware Sons plantation near Eden and was brought to Ya200 this morning. The cotton was ginned by the D.

Seward Gin at Eden and consigned to Reed Hollowell cotton factors of this city. The cotton was classed as full middling inch and 1-8 and will be auctioned off at the Yazoo cotton exchange the early part of next week. Interest Grows In Research Board Several Counties Make Appropriations To Match Funds. JACKSON, Aug. of the increasing interest in the work to be done the Research Commission of the State of Mississippi is reflected in the definite action that has already been taken by several progressive counties during the first days of the state-wide campaign which started Monday to raise $150,000 to match the amount appropriated by the state during the recent session of the legislature.

R. B. Clark, Tupelo banker, who is president of the Mississippi State Board of Development, and a former president of the Mississipi Bankers sociation, is chairman and executive officer of the commission. The Mississippi Bankers Association endorsed the program at its annual meeting in May and is cooperating actively in securing funds for this comprehensive statewide survey. state appropriation is available only when and as matched by appropriations by county and town boards and funds from private sources.

Interested citizens in many of the counties are appearing this week before boards of supervisors and town boards in the interest of appropriations for this work. Under the new law creating the Research Commission of the State of Mississippi, boards of supervisors, and all cities, towns and villages are authorized to appropriate to this work five cents per capita of population 1930 census for the years 1930-1931. Washington county board of supervisors Monday, headed the procession by voting the maximumamounting to Sunflower county on Tuesday appropriated through its board of supervisors the full county's quota for two years 1930 and 1931, Telegrams received by George B. Power, secretary the Mississippi State Board of Development indicate that other counties will report later in the week. Attorney George T.

Mitchell has addressed an official opinion to Chairman R. B. Clark of the commission stating unequivocally that boards of supervisors have full authority under Chapter 669 of the laws of 1930 to appropriate five cents per capta according to census of 1930 for eah year of the commission's life, for this work. Municipalities may make an appropriation of five cents per year for every person residing in the corporate limits, the opinion adds. Chevrolet Car Dealers Meet Here On Monday An interesting meeting of dealers and salesmen for the various Chevrolet organizations in this district was held Monday evening with the Handwerker Motor of this city as hosts.

Approximately 40 live dealers and their salesmen were present to discuss the sales records of the new six. The splendid sale on trucks and volume on used cars also sold, with Ian o. k. that counts. These meeting are full of pep, enthusiasm and Monday's meeting was no exception.

FAMILY REUNION. The 87th birthday of Capt. J. B. Tuesday of this with Mattingly was fittingly celebrated ily reunion.

His daughter, Mrs. A. F. Barbour, Mr. and Mrs.

Hansford Anderson and Hansford, motored over to be present for the happy event. The captain is beloved of a wide circle of friends here who share with his family in te hope that he will be spared to enjoy other happy birthdays. With the Churches METHODIST CHURCH. Next Sunday. Sunday school, 9:45 a.

m. Worship with preaching, 11:00 a. m. Epworth Leagues, 7:00 p. m.

Third Quarterly Conference, 4:00 p. m. Union services, 8:00 1 p. Rev. J.

T. Leggett will preach. Special attention is called to the holding of the Quarterly Conference at 4:00 o'clock, when reports will be made from all the departments of our church work. An invitation to worship with us is extended to all congregations whose pastors are out of town. GEO.

O. THOMPSON, Pastor. Satartia School Opens on Aug. 29 Beautiful New Structure Has Strong Faculty For New Term. Yazoo county has just cause to be proud of its most excellent schools, its splendid corps of teachers, and the general results that are obtained in the education of the youth of the county.

In our last issue we carried: story of the splendid Anding Consolidated High School and its future prospects. Today we have a story of another new, magnificent Smith- Hughes school, and that is the Satartia Consolidated school, which has a magnificent $50,000 brick structure whit was just completed this year on a thirteenacre tract and which has an artesian well on the grounds that flows eighty gallons of pure, delicious, health-giving water per minute, an item within itself that is quite an asset to this school. The people of Satartia take pride in this magnificent. school, which will have an attendance the coming session of about 200 when it opens on August 29th. R.

E. Selby, the superintendent Satartia Concolidated school, has the reputation of being one of the most efficient instructors and heads of schools in the county, and certain it. is that no school in the county has a more efficient corps of teachers, which are as follows: R. E. Selby, superintendent and Latin; Miss Ada Childress, first and second grades; Miss Annie Laura Griffin, third and fourth grades; Mrs.

A Kelly, fifth and sixth Miss Elizabeth Brame, history; Miss Daisy Newman, English; W. H. King, nathematics and coach; Miss HaDacus, commercial; E. R. Johnson, agriculturist; Mrs.

Grace Browne, economics. Golf Tourney Is Nearing Close Semi-Finals Played day at Yazos CounFeed try Club. Semi-finals in the annual golf tourney at the Yazoo Country clas were played Thursday and the finals will be played Sunday. In the championship flight H. T.

Barrier, defeated H. Y. West 2 up. W. J.

Kropp defeated Otto Weber 4 and 2. In the consolation division of the championship flight W. T. Clark defeated P. C.

Williams 6 and 4 and B. E. Patty won over J. S. Williams by default.

In the semi-finals of the second flight D. S. Weir defeated Norquist 6 and 5 and J. P. Bennett defeated Dr.

J. T. Rainer 3 and 1. In the consolation division of the second flight M. C.

Brickell defeated Dr. Gilruth Darrington 2 and 1. One match is in process of play today. Enjoyable Dance Here Tuesday Was Keenly Enjoyed The dance Tuesday evening at the Elk club wac keenly enjoyed. One of the largest crowds ever was present and the music was especially good.

Many lovely visitors were present to add to the pleasure of all and the dance will long be remembered as delightful. Robt. Hathco*ck Died on Tuesday After Sun Stroke Robert Hathco*ck, age 29, died at Silver City, Tuesday, afternoon, August 5th, at 3:00 o'clock. Mr. Hathco*ck's death was a result from sun stroke received last Friday from which he never rallied.

Mr. Hathco*ck had been working for Dr. I. F. Slaughter for the past two years.

His remains were prepared for burial by Bain's Undertaking home and carried to his former home near Ebenezer where the body was laid to rest Wednesday in the family burying ground near his old home. Mr. Hathco*ck is survived by his parents and a number of other relatives. Their many friends sympathize with them in their sorrow. -Belzoni Banner, FIRE DESTROYS DENTAL OFFICE ON THURSDAY Fixtures of Dr.

R. E. Hawking Ruined By Early Morning Blaze. BARBER SHOP ALSO SUFFERS DAMAGE Sanitary Barber Shop Considerably Damaged By Water. The fire department answered two calls last night.

The first one came shortly after one o'clock when the entire upper floor of the building on Main street, owned by Mrs. Alice McGuire and occupied by the dental office of Dr. R. E. Hawkins, was completely destroyed.

The valiant work of the firemen kept the flames from spreading to the lower floor and the Sanitary Barber shop was damaged by water only. Dr. Hawkins had, as many are aware, one of the most up-to-date and modern dental offices in the state. His fixtures were valued at $8,000 with insurance of $5,250. The building was insured for 000 with about a $1,500 loss to the upper floor.

The Sanitary Barber shop carried insurance for $3,500 with an estimated loss of $1,500. W. T. Hegman Son, next door were damaged by water to the extent of $200. While the Delta National Bank on the south side was damaged about $50 from the same cause.

The second alarm was after 3 o'clock when a frame building, owned by Wise Brothers and occupied by a pressing shop was burned on Water street. Dr. Hawkins, Mr. Combs and Mrs. McGuire have the deep sympathy of many friends in their loss.

Crops Suffer From Dry Spell Hill Section of County Hurt Badly By Extended Drought. The writer in company with County Agent L. I. Jones made a visit to the hill section of Yazoo county Tuesday afternoon, taking in that section between here and Benton and the Fugates neighborhood, where we found the feed crops, hay and corn, practically destroyed by the continued drouth which has existed for the past eighty or ninety days. In fact, the heavy rains of May 9, 10 and 11, which were the heaviest in the history of the county, and whien washed away much of the crops that had already been planted, has been followed since that time with such little rainfall that in some sections feed crops have been tirely destroyed, and even pastures burned up by the hot rays of the sun until grazing of cattle is an utter impossibility.

However, cotton, which requires of sunshine, seems to be holding its own, and especially is this true of the crop of D. L. Edson in the Fugates community, where we saw on his place about 450 acres of the prettiest cotton ever raised in the hill sections of the county. About 200 acres of this cotton had to be replanted after the heavy rains in May, and the crop as a whole is a beautiful sight to look upon. Mr.

Edson has used three in the cultivation of this crop of cotton, besides which he has about 125 acres in corn, raised nis own truck, has a splendid garden, a yard full of chickens, and has hogs and cattle on the run. He is a hard worker himself, and one cannot look upon his beautiful place without noting the touch of a master hand and mind. We predict in him another "master farmer" for Yazoo county, which will make our third, A. P. B.

Negro Thieves Steal Tire From Yazoo Resident Last night two negroes driving an old Ford roadster stole a new tire from the car owned by W. R. Shurley. The car was parked in Mr. Shurley's back yard.

He gave chase and pursued them as far as Boyd's service station where he lost trace of them..

The Yazoo Herald from Yazoo City, Mississippi (2024)


The Yazoo Herald from Yazoo City, Mississippi? ›

Many other Yazooans have achieved national recognition: Stella Stevens, a Hollywood movie star; Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author; Haley Barbour, a former chairman of the National Republican Party; Mike Espy, former Mississippi Congressman and United States Secretary of Agriculture; and Willie Brown, former ...

Who is famous from Yazoo City Mississippi? ›

Many other Yazooans have achieved national recognition: Stella Stevens, a Hollywood movie star; Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author; Haley Barbour, a former chairman of the National Republican Party; Mike Espy, former Mississippi Congressman and United States Secretary of Agriculture; and Willie Brown, former ...

What Indian tribes lived in Yazoo City Mississippi? ›

The Yazoo were a tribe of the Native American Tunica people historically located along the lower course of the Yazoo River in an area now known as the Mississippi Delta. They were closely related to other Tunica language–speaking peoples, especially the Tunica, Koroa, and possibly the Tioux.

What happened to Yazoo City? ›

Yazoo City was almost completely destroyed by fire in 1904 and was afterward rebuilt. Levees were built after a severe flood in 1927.

What is the population of Yazoo City by race? ›

Yazoo City Demographics
  • Black or African American: 88.95%
  • White: 9.73%
  • Two or more races: 1.31%
  • Asian: 0.01%
  • Native American: 0%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0%
  • Other race: 0%

What NFL player is from Yazoo City, Mississippi? ›

Fletcher Cox
No. 91
Weight:310 lb (141 kg)
Career information
High school:Yazoo City
College:Mississippi State (2009–2011)
17 more rows

Who is the most famous celebrity in Mississippi? ›

Famous People from Mississippi
  • Jim Henson. “Jim Henson & Kermit” by Ben Clark is licensed with CC BY 2.0. ...
  • Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo on Jan. ...
  • Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey was born in Kosciusko on Jan. ...
  • Jimmy Buffet. ...
  • James Earl Jones. ...
  • Brett Favre. ...
  • B.B. King. ...
  • Ruby Bridges.
Jul 1, 2022

Was there slavery in Yazoo County Mississippi? ›

Yazoo had more enslaved persons (16,716) than all but two other counties, and slaves accounted for three-quarters of the county's total population. In 1860 the economic value of Yazoo farms was the highest of all Mississippi counties, in large part because of its cotton production and the value of its livestock.

What does Yazoo mean in Indian? ›

Mysteriously, the Yazoo Native Americans became extinct about 1740, and the meaning of Yazoo has remained a puzzle. Some say it means River of Death, others suggest that it means hunting ground (Yashu). Between Satartia and Holly Bluff are fascinating and rare Native American mounds dating as early as 1500 BC.

What does the name Yazoo mean? ›

Yazoo County is named for the Yazoo River, whose name, legend has it, comes from an Indian word meaning "River of Death." To navigate the map with touch gestures double-tap and hold your finger on the map, then drag the map.

What is the nickname of Yazoo City? ›

Yazoo City is also known as the "Gateway to the Delta" due to its location on the transition between the two great landforms that characterize the geography of Mississippi (the western part of the city lies in the Mississippi Delta and the eastern part lies in the loess bluffs that characterize most of eastern ...

What is the legend of Yazoo City MS? ›

According to the legend, the old woman lived on the Yazoo River, and was caught torturing fishermen who she lured in off the river. The sheriff is said to have chased her through the swamps where she was half drowned in quicksand by the time the sheriff caught up with her.

Where is the Yazoo witch buried? ›

The witch's grave is located in the historical section of Glenwood Cemetery in Yazoo City.

What is Yazoo City famous for? ›

Standing as the famous Gateway to the Delta, Yazoo City occupies a fabled spot in Mississippi's culture and history. Tourists make the drive to Yazoo City a part of their trips through the state because of this rich history.

What is the crime rate in Yazoo City MS? ›

Yazoo City Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes33336
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.3534.13

What is the largest race in Mississippi? ›

Mississippi Demographics

White: 57.36% Black or African American: 37.53% Two or more races: 2.36% Other race: 1.28%

Yazoo City, MS - BestPlacesBestPlaces ›

Yazoo City, MS sits in Yazoo County with a population close to 11,000 people. Visitors here may explore interesting spots such as the Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museu...
Yazoo City is the county seat of Yazoo County, Mississippi, United States. It was named after the Yazoo River, which, in turn was named by the French explorer R...
By the 1820 Treaty of Doak's Stand, the Choctaw Nation sold their northwestern lands to the United States, and for the first time the large area of Mississi...

What is Yazoo, Mississippi known for? ›

Standing as the famous Gateway to the Delta, Yazoo City occupies a fabled spot in Mississippi's culture and history. Tourists make the drive to Yazoo City a part of their trips through the state because of this rich history. Our famous native children include Gov.

Who is the most famous resident of Mississippi? ›

It's pretty common knowledge that Elvis Presley hails from Mississippi; however, no list of famous Mississippians would be complete without the King of Rock and Roll. Born in Tupelo on January 8, 1935, he's considered one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century.


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.