Vivienne - Best build complete guide (2024)

By zanuffas
Last updated:


In this post, I will guide you on how you should build Vivienne in Dragon Age Inquisition. She is an Orlesian mage who will join the Inquisitor group. She supports the old order where Mage Circles should be established.

She has a Knight-Enchanter specialization making her one of the strongest mages.

Important! The companion build is compatible with Nightmare difficulty, however, to pull it off correctly, be sure to have a good Inquisitor build


  • Abilities level 1 - 10
  • Vivienne Mage build
    • Abilities - detailed progression
    • Tactics and tips
    • Stats and attributes
    • Best Items and Equipment
  • Conclusion

Abilities level 1 - 10

Till level 10 we level Vivienne as a simple mage. So there is nothing special with the skill selection or priority

1Barrier + Energetic DefenseMandatory ability to have for a mage, generate a barrier for Vivienne and allies
2Vivienne - Best build complete guide (2)Energy Barrage + Energy BombardmentGenerate numerous projectiles. Their element depends on the staff the mage has equipped
3Vivienne - Best build complete guide (3)Chain Lightning + Arcing SurgeLightning AOE spell. With the upgrade damage output increases further.
4Vivienne - Best build complete guide (4)Peaceful AuraVivienne will generate less Threat
5Vivienne - Best build complete guide (5)DispelUse this to dispel Veil Tear monsters
6Vivienne - Best build complete guide (6)Immolate + WildfireFire spell is cheap and deals decent damage. Upgrade further boosts damage and decreases the cooldown

With these skills, Vivienne will be helpful against all enemy types in the early game. Once you reach level 11 you are free to start working on the next build

Vivienne Mage build

This build will concentrate on constantly having barrier and using it to boost Vivienne. How will this work? With Chaotic Focus and Rejuvenating Barrier, Vivienne will have higher mana regeneration and increase in damage by utilizing the barrier.

Remember that you will need to respecialize skills before making this build

Abilities - detailed progression

This section will cover what abilities and when you should be picked for Vivienne. This will help you to decide the optimal path to follow when leveling your companion

IMPORTANT: Get relevant Amulet of Power for Vivienne to maximize the number of ability points

1Vivienne - Best build complete guide (7)Spirit BladeFor this to be used AI needs to equip Blade of Tidarion and enter melee mage. On Nightmare difficulty, I have found that this may be too risky for AI to handle
2Vivienne - Best build complete guide (8)Combat ClarityIncreases mana regeneration if Vivienne is close to enemies
3Vivienne - Best build complete guide (9)Fade ShieldThe most overpowered skill for Knight- Enchanter. It will generate a barrier for Vivienne for each attack that does damage
4Vivienne - Best build complete guide (10)Knight-ProtectorDecreases barrier decay for the whole group. Different from what the game description says
5Barrier + Energetic DefenseWill increase Vivienne damage and boost party members survivability
6Vivienne - Best build complete guide (12)Peaceful AuraVivienne spells and attacks will generate less threat
7Vivienne - Best build complete guide (13)Energy Barrage + Energy BombardmentAn extremely good spell that will launch projectiles that can easily activate Flashpoint for faster spell casting
8Vivienne - Best build complete guide (14)Immolate + WildfireOne of the fire spells that will use Chaotic Focus to boost its damage
9FlashpointIf the spell does a critical hit the next spell cast will have no cooldown
10Vivienne - Best build complete guide (16)Clean BurnEach spell cast will reduce active cooldowns by 1 second
11Vivienne - Best build complete guide (17)Chaotic FocusHalf of your barrier will be consumed to increase the Fire spell's initial damage. Works perfectly with Immolate and Fire Mine (not Flaming Array)
12Vivienne - Best build complete guide (18)PyromancerBoosts Burning duration
13Vivienne - Best build complete guide (19)Fire Mine + Searing GlyphWith Chaotic Focus this spell will deal large damage to enemies who activate Fire Mine. It is one of the strongest spells in the game
14Vivienne - Best build complete guide (20)DispelWe take it mainly for unlocking other abilities but you can also use it to remove summoning spots from Veil Tears
15Vivienne - Best build complete guide (21)Rejuvenating BarrierBoosts mana and stamina regeneration for party members if they have an active barrier
16Vivienne - Best build complete guide (22)Chain Lightning + Arcing SurgeA decent skill that will hit enemies 6 times
17Vivienne - Best build complete guide (23)Conductive CurrentThe less mana Vivienne has the more damage she will do with her spells.
18Vivienne - Best build complete guide (24)StormbringerEvery 15 seconds launch a Lightning strike for 300% weapon damage
19Vivienne - Best build complete guide (25)Gathering StormReduces cooldown by 0.5 seconds for each auto-attack

The build is quite costly, however, this will ensure that you have sufficient mana, mana regeneration, and offensive capabilities with Vivienne

Tactics and tips

Here is what Tactics I recommend for this Vivienne build:

Vivienne - Best build complete guide (26)

Important: set either Energy Barrage or Immolate to preferred. If you set them both, AI breaks and doesn't use any of those spells

Disable these spells: Spirit Blade, Dispel. The last one is optional, I do not see a point in using it, however, for others, it may be different as this is not an upgraded version.

With this setup, Vivienne should have no problem dealing large amounts of damage especially at the beginning of the combat.

Moreover, reduce the Mana threshold to 20% and set her to follow your tank.

Stats and attributes

Overall the stats are similar to other companions. Before level 13:

  • Armor - for survivability
  • Magic - increases attack stat
  • Willpower - increases attack

From level 13+:

  • Critical chance - I suggest trying to keep it at 50% at least.
  • Critical damage - will scale better than attack, after you have a high critical chance
  • Dexterity - Alternative to critical damage
  • Cunning - alternative to critical chance
  • Willpower - increases the damage and also magic defense.
  • Magic - will increase your damage

Best Items and Equipment

In this section, I will cover some recommended items and equipment for Vivienne


Here are recommendations for Masterwork skills:

  • Hidden Blades - works well with Energy Barrage and will proc quite often. These materials will active it: Fade-Touched Ring Velvet, Fade-Touched Velveteen, Fade-Touched Plush Fustian Velvet
  • Abilities cost *% less Mana/Stamina -will reduce the cost of using active abilities. Materials: Fade-Touched Velveteen, Fade-Touched Ring Velvet, Fade-Touched Fustian Velvet

General Items

  • Sigil of the Great Bear - this is mandatory for Vivienne. It will double the total mana pool and not weaken mana regeneration due to it being percentage-based.

Weapons - obtainable

Here are some great staves that you can obtain for Vivienne

1Hakkon's WisdomGives +100% critical damage. Extremely strong staff if you have a high critical chance
2Isana's SongThis staff can be obtained in The Descent DLC. Provides +41 to magic. In terms of pure damage, it has no equals. It also has a 10% chance to cast Chain Lightning.
3Earnest ReprisalThe staff gives a large bonus to critical damage. Use it on Vivienne once she has a 50%+ critical chance
4Staff of the VoidGives a small boost of 6% to critical chance and bonus magic

Weapons - craftable

This is a list of craftable staves that you can make to maximize the builds' damage

1Encore SchematicOne of the best staves in the game as it gives offensive buffs for all party members
2Staff of Corruption SchematicAlthough this is Tier 4, I would still go for Wrath of Lovias Schematic that provides better slots for the end game.
3Wrath of Lovias SchematicThe stave gives leather slots for increased critical chance or critical damage

Armors - obtainable

Here is a recommended list of obtainable armors that you can wear.

1The Skin That StalksObtainable only in the Trespasser DLC. Boosts Critical Damage, Critical Chance, and Attack.
2Vestments of the PureSimilar to craftable version. So choose the one that you prefer. Gives 45 points to willpower
3Masterwork Battlemage ArmorReduces the cost of the abilities and spells.

Armors - craftable

This section covers a list of schematics to craft armors

1Superior Battlemage Armor SchematicBest craftable Armor. This version has one Cloth and a leather utility slot. Quite powerful and can be bought in Hissing Wastes. Moreover, you can add Arms and Legs upgrades to have an even larger boost to damage
2Superb Antaam-saar Schematic
For this armor, you will need Spoils of the Qunari DLC pack. However, the schematic gives 3 Utility slots to increase offensive stats
3Vestments of the Pure SchematicThe armor is not as powerful as the options above. However, it can be a good alternative if you think that the second option does not have enough armor

Helmets - obtainable

1Stone Stalker MaskGives a large boost to offensive stats and also increases armor
2Helm of the Drasca
Provides bonuses to dexterity resulting in +8% increased critical damage. Gives a higher armor rating than Winter Palace masks
3Vivienne - Best build complete guide (42)Ambassador's MaskThis mask provides a large boost to critical damage
4Mask of the Grand duch*essGives a large bonus to critical chance

Helmets - craftable

1Superior Skirmisher Hat SchematicGreat slots for increasing critical stats
2Battlemage Cowl SchematicGives a Cloth Utility slot to increase magic related stats
3Skirmisher Hat SchematicCan be obtained earlier in the game with a leather utility slot.


Try to find and obtain amulets that have higher priority. They are better for this build

-Amulet of PowerGives Vivienne a single ability point. It is consumed once you use it.
1Andraste’s SacrificeThe best amulet for a mage. Gives higher mana regeneration and decreases ability cooldown. However, you will constantly taunt enemies, so it can be risky without a good Tank.
2Amulet of the MageA cheap amulet that can be bought in Black Emporium. Recommend it when you have 3k gold
3Vivienne - Best build complete guide (50)Superb Amulet of DexterityBoosts dexterity, which increases your critical damage
4Vivienne - Best build complete guide (51)Superb Amulet of CunningIncrease critical chance resulting in overall higher DPS.
5Superb Amulet of WillpowerBoosts willpower which increases your damage and provides bonus magic defense


Try to find and obtain belts that have higher priority. They are better for this build

1The Bind That GuidesGreat belt, unfortunately, available only in the late game during Trespasser DLC.
2Superb Belt of StaggeringThe belt will give a higher chance to temporarily stun enemies with normal attacks
3Superior Belt of FocusA weaker version of the above belt.


Try to find and obtain rings that have higher priority. They are better for this build

1The Hand That CutsOnly obtainable in Trespasser DLC. However, provides large offensive bonuses
2Vivienne - Best build complete guide (57)Superb Ring of Critical DamageBoosts critical damage by 20%, equip it, Vivienne, either has at least 50% critical chance
3Vivienne - Best build complete guide (58)Ring of SlicingExpensive ring bought in Black Emporium. Boosts your critical damage and critical rate.
4Vivienne - Best build complete guide (59)Superb Ring of Critical ChanceBoosts critical chance by 10%, use it if Vivienne has less than 50% critical chance


This post goes into great detail on how to best build Vivienne for Dragon Age Inquisition. You now know what abilities to choose, when to get them, what gear to use. All of this makes extremely powerful Vivienne build

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments below

Vivienne - Best build complete guide (2024)


What happens if you flirt with Vivienne? ›

Players can also flirt with Vivienne, though they will always be turned down. The other companions and advisors have no romantic dialogue options when the player tries to converse.

Can I romance Vivienne? ›

But romancing Vivienne was impossible, as her heart belonged to another. Even after her lover passed away, it was hard for her to imagine finding anyone else she felt to be worthy of her love. A woman of Vivienne's power and authority could very well go on to appear in future games.

What kind of mage is Vivienne? ›

Vivienne de Fer is an Orlesian mage and personal enchanter and adviser to Empress Celene. She is a potential companion to the Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition and can be unlocked through the quest the Imperial Enchanter.

Who voices Vivienne in Dragon Age Inquisition? ›

She is voiced by British actress Indira Varma. Vivienne's characterization has been mostly well received for its complexity and nuance, and has appeared in a number of "top" character lists.

What happens if Vivienne becomes divine? ›

Vivienne is Divine

In the end, they refuse Vivienne's invitation to rejoin the Circle of Magi and instead reform the College of Enchanters as a new order. The reaction from the new Divine is instantaneous: a war to dissolve the College before it begins. Some mages surrender; others return to the Inquisition.

Can you romance Cora as female Ryder? ›

It's worth noting your choice of Male or Female Ryder at the start of the game will restrict you from engaging in certain romances, though there are several characters in the game who can be romanced by either. As Male Ryder (Scott Ryder) you can romance the following characters: Squadmate Cora.

What happens if you give Vivienne a common wyvern heart? ›

Ends the quest, no rewards are given.

If Inquisitor gives Vivienne the real heart, the next conversation the Inquisitor initiates with Vivienne relates to her history with her lover. If given the common wyvern heart, Vivienne will reveal that she's aware of the Inquisitor's duplicity.

Can you marry Cassandra in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Cassandra is one such character, as she mistakenly thinks the Inquisitor is going to propose to her in Trespasser if she is romanced. When she finds out she is mistaken, she mentions that she is open to marriage in the future and will act surprised when and if the Inquisitor ever proposes to her.

What does Madame de Fer mean? ›

La Dame de fer – roughly pronounced la dahm duh ferr – translates precisely to 'the Iron Lady'. For British audiences, the 'Iron Lady' that comes to mind is likely former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher.

Does the Solas card change? ›

Solas' End Card

For those that did not romance Solas, his card eventually becomes the Tower card. This happens at the end of the game when it is finally revealed that he is the Dreadwolf.

Who can romance Sera? ›

Although Sera's romance is available for all female Inquisitors, she will respond to the Inquisitor differently depending on their race and class.

How to get Vivienne approval? ›

In general, you can gain approval from Vivienne by expressing your support in restoring the Circle and the Chantry. Agreeing when she brings up concerns over appearances will also net approval. Supporting the freedom of mages or changing the Chantry will gain disapproval.

Is Corypheus a demon? ›

Corypheus was once a human Magister by the name of Sethius Amladaris. He was the High Priest of Dumat and was also one of the Magisters Sidereal, the group of seven high priests of the Old Gods within the Magisterium.

Who is the female VA in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Alix Sophie Wilton Regan (born January 26, 1986) is an English actress known for voicing Calista in The Last Story, Samantha Traynor in Mass Effect 3, the female Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Aya in Assassin's Creed Origins and Selemene on Dota: Dragon's Blood.

Who voices Leliana? ›

She is voiced by French actress Corinne Kempa. Leliana is generally well received. The character was featured prominently in promotional material and advertisem*nts released by Bioware's parent company EA leading up to the release of Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

What happens if you romance Liara and Ashley? ›

If however you've been courting both Liara and Ashley at the same time, then after your next Mission briefing you'll be confronted by both of them, and they'll ask you to choose one. Choosing Ashley will continue the relationship with her.

Can you flirt with everyone in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

As the player, you can attempt to role-play a polyamorous character to an extent, but none of the NPCs will reciprocate. You can flirt with as many characters as you wish (subject to their preferences), but as you complete storyline milestones, multiple suitors may confront you and ask you to make a choice.

Should I give Vivienne the heart? ›

If Inquisitor gives Vivienne the real heart, the next conversation the Inquisitor initiates with Vivienne relates to her history with her lover. If given the common wyvern heart, Vivienne will reveal that she's aware of the Inquisitor's duplicity. Further approval gains and losses can be seen here.

Does Romancing Samara affect other romances? ›

Samara Romance Explained

It's considered a Semi-Serious Romance, which for Samara means that while it won't jeopardize a Romance with any other characters and has no Romance Scene, in Mass Effect 3 it can't be continued if you're in a Romance with any other characters.


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