The Rise of Spike the Dragon (2024)

The Rise of Spike the Dragon

By: MasterBrony Forever

I would like to give a huge thanks to NineTailBeastBall for Co-Writing, Pre-Reading, and Editing!

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

Chapter 19:
Bringing them Back

It had taken only a few minutes for the Scale Six to fully get used to the basic motor skills of their bodies. However, learning and retraining themselves on how to fully use their powers after all this time would be a different matter. Even though they had several burst of using their abilities while they were stuck in their younger bodies, they had to readjust in order to fully control them. Not only that, but they could feel their powers being repressed by some outside force. Though, none of them had to voice this thought, they could all tell what it was.

Luna had recommended that they rest themselves before doing even consider doing any retraining. They've gone through too much to be jumping right into preparing themselves to use their elements again. They agreed with this fact and decided to rest a bit and see what had become of their old home in the time they were gone. Spike whistled to his pet Peewee and the bird mounted on his master’s shoulder.

“It’s been too long since we've last been here.” Spike said as they walked out of the Sancta Sacrarium.

“So much has changed, and yet so much has stayed the same.” Lux added as she embraced the warmth of the sun as they reached the outside.

“Yeah, it’s great to be back!” Cobalt exclaimed as she wasted no time flapping her wings and taking off into the air, already ignoring Luna’s instructions.

Spike just smiled and shook his head at the dragoness’ recklessness as she flew away. Lux, Glamour, and Discord couldn’t help but but giggle at the face Luna was making seeing as her words completely ignored by the blue dragoness.

“Well, let’s go have a look around.” Night said with a grin as he began running down the hill side.

“Hey dude, wait up!” Spike yelled in a sudden burst of childish glee as he and Scout chased after him.

This prompted a giggle from Lux and Glamour who remained walking at a steady pace next to Luna and Discord.

As they raced down the hill, a patch of beautiful flowers in the distance caught Night’s eye. He decided to make a small detour and picked one gently. He looked back up the hill and smiled at the golden dragoness that approached him. He then walked up to her and placed the flower in Lux’s hair making her to blush. Lux then gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek causing him to blush in return. He soon fell over rolling down the hill with a love drunk look on his face.

Lux giggled even more at NightStalker’s actions as she walked down the hill under a large oak tree, where her drake had ended up. She sat down upon the cool grass and gently placed the unconscious yet smiling drake’s head on her lap. She then rubbed the spines on top of his head as they relaxed in the shade of a nearby tree.

Spike stopped next to a boulder with Scout. Peewee landed on Spike’s top spine as usual, after giving chase to his owner. They both looked around to see where Night was, but they couldn’t see him and just thought that he had ran off in a different direction. Spike’s attention was then quickly drawn from trying to locate Night to Glamour who was walking up to him with an amused smile. Spike could only smile back sheepishly seeing as she saw him race after Night like when they were younger. Scout smirked and snuck off leaving the two alone.

“You know, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you take off like that my dear.” she giggled as she leaned against the boulder next to him. Peewee decided to give his master some privacy as he flew to Luna and Discord. Glamour leaned on her drake and wrapped her arms around him, but not before noticing a look of worry in his eyes. “Spikey sweetie, I can tell there’s something troubling you, what is it?” she asked tenderly.

“I’m sorry Glamour it’s just...I’m concerned on how much has changed,” Spike responded. “I mean, we’ve been gone for so long, and from what I know, the dragons today seem to be going backward from what Aquila and Celsius worked so hard to achieve. Some seem to be growing further apart from one another, keeping distanced from other dragons, and they aren’t educated on their history anymore. Others let their greed take over and become more feral. Becoming the thing that most creatures make our kind out to be, monsters.” Spike said thinking back to the great dragon migration and the red dragon that once lived in the mountains just outside Ponyville.

He clenched his fist at the thoughts of those teenage dragons who ridiculed him during the migration, but calmed down as he felt his lover gently hold his hand. “I’m sorry for getting angry.” Spike said softly as he wrapped his wing around the dragoness.

“It’s alright dear, I understand how you feel, but now that we have returned, we can change all that.” Glamour then gave him a deep and passionate kiss which Spike happily returned as he stroked her hair lovingly. Glamour pulled back and traced a claw down his chest with an impish smile. “Now who gave you permission to touch my hair?” she teased before kissing him again.

High above the ground, Cobalt was laughing and whooping wildly as she enjoyed the long lost feeling of the wind rushing through her hair and under her wings. “I can’t believe I forgot how awesome flying is!” She exclaimed with pure joy before closing her wings close to her body. This sent her into an immediate free-fall.

Scout was watching from the ground with a smirk on his face, “Still as wild and carefree as ever.” He snickered.

Cobalt continued her dive before snapping her wings open at the last moment and shooting back into the air with a mighty flap. She burst through a cloud with a large grin before landing on the next one she saw. She took a deep breath and admired the bright sun and the cool relaxing feeling of the cloud beneath her.

“Enjoyin’ the view up there?” Scout shouted from the ground.

This caused Cobalt to let out a chuckle before looking over the edge of the cloud and seeing the drake right below her. She stood sprung herself into the air then dived down to Scout. She opened her wings to slow her descent and landed perfectly in front of the earth drake.

“Maybe, if you joined me up there, you would understand why I spend so much time off the ground.” She said with a smirk as she placed her hands on her hips.

Scout shook his head and bellowed in laughter, “Ah may have wings, but that doesn’t mean ah have to use them. Sides, I prefer being on the ground stead of in the clouds, it makes more sense for me to be down here anyway.”

“And that’s one of the hundreds of reasons why I love you big guy.” Cobalt said giving him a quick peck on the cheek, “You know only I can be the coolest thing in the sky, I don’t need any competition.” She teased as she flicked her tail under his chin.

Scout then rolled his eyes with a smile, “Still braggin’ ah see.”

Cobalt stuck her tongue out playfully, “You know me too well.” She flapped her wings just to hover off the ground a bit, “Come on, let’s go see how the places we left behind are doing.”

“Fine by me.” Scout said with a smile as he stretched and started walking alongside the floating dragoness.

Cobalt smiled and wrapped her arms around Scout’s neck and road on his back with a goofy grin. Riding his back was easy considering he was the biggest out of them all. Scout simply chuckled and allowed Cobalt to enjoy the ride as they looked at the familiar buildings from all those years ago.

* * * *

Luna watched with a soft smile as all this took place, “It seems they haven’t lost anything from their first or second childhood. They are still the same dragons they were before their ‘rebirth’.”

“Remember Lulu, by dragon standards they would still technically be children. Though they have have been alive longer than you or I.” Discord pointed out as he floated around her head lazily. “Anyways, Nubuatan told us of their power and we have seen a small bit of it in action ourselves, and he wasn’t kidding. The fact that they nearly brought down early Equestria at such a young age leads me to believe they could be something more.”

“Well we shall soon see if what you say stands true, but for now we rejoice that the Scale Six have returned.” The night princess said before she stood up, “We will now be taking direct orders from Spike, he already seems to have a plan for the coming future.” Luna said looking off into the distance.

“Whatever they decide, we shall follow them.” Discord stated taking off beside her.

* * * *

The next several days were spent resting and re-exploring the land Spike and the others had left behind. Their hangouts, training grounds, their old nest/homes, and even the capital in the center of the empire. In their eyes, it seemed like the grandest sight of all, but behind their grins and positive looks it was also a reminder of what happened on the fateful day that gave them their purpose.

* * * *

Spike held a controlled ball of fire to light the way for Luna and Discord as he and the Scale Six, lead them deeper into the depths of the capital’s underground portion. Though they all could see in the dark, Luna and Discord never had discovered or explored this part of the capitol building before.

“I never thought I would be coming down here again.” Night said rubbing the back of his head. “At least not so soon...”

“None of us did my dear.” Lux said as she walked beside him her hands trembling some but she relaxed feeling her hand being taken by Night’s.

Glamour was extremely quiet, she didn’t want to return to this part of her past just yet, but she knew she would have to eventually.

“They would kick our hides’ fer not bein’ back here in so long.” Scout stated as he tried to stay relaxed.

“Well I’m sure they would have understand. It would have been kinda hard to roll ourselves back here as eggs.” Cobalt said with a forced smile but it quickly faded as they reached the bottom of the staircase.

“We’re here.” Spike said holding the fireball up to the massive obsidian doors that blocked their path.

“Spike, what is the purpose of us being here?” Luna asked unaware of why all the dragons were acting so off.

The purple drake fell silent for a moment, before he took a deep breath, “It is something we need to do. Something that I actually wish I had done many years ago...”

Each of the Scale Six prepared themselves for what was to come. They walked up to the door and spoke in an ancient draconic dialect.“Wer jiko batobot oupil tenpiswo jahen woari shar nurti forgotten. Wer iri svaust birthed udoka...fed udoka...raised udoka...loved udoka...let udoka ocuir wux huena throdenilt.” As the six dragons spoke the ancient words in unison, the door suddenly started glowing.

A few seconds later, the door rumbled and slowly began to open. A rush of wind came in and blew out Spike’s ball leaving all eight of them in the dark. The Scale Six entered the room and familiar scent filled their senses. A fuel that filled the trenches along the edges of the room, was still present, and with a small spark from a snap of Spike’s finger it ignited creating bright flames. Instantly, several things were revealed as the light flooded the ancient room.

The first things that caught Discord and Luna’s attention, were two large statues of hooded dragons. The only parts of them that could be seen, were the horns and snouts. The two deities could only assume that these statues represented Aquila and Celsius. When they moved closer in behind the Scale Six, they saw six tombstones on the ground, right in front of the statues.

“Hey mom...” Spike said before kneeling in front of the center tombstone. His body began trembling, “We’re back...” he managed to let out as tears soon welled up in his eyes.

Glamour leaned onto his shoulder to try and comfort him as tears rolled down her eyes. Soon, the Scale Six were all crying silently as they stood in front of their mothers’ graves.

Luna and Discord were stunned at this, Peewee flew onto Spike’s other shoulder. Seeing how sad his master was, Peewee nuzzled him and gently wiped his tears away with his soft feathers. “Thank you Peewee.” Spike said feeling a little better thanks to the young phoenix.

After a few minutes, the six dragons each began to explain every event they had gone through since the last time they have visited. From the most traumatizing to the ones that made them the most gleeful. Afterwards, they explained the things that has happened in the recent years. Their emotions were a roller coaster as they explained different events in their lives to the tombs.

“They speak as if their mothers are still around.” Discord sadly whispered to Luna.

“Most creature who bury the dead pay their respects and speak to them. It keeps them alive in their minds and hearts.” Discord stated.

Night walked up to his mother’s tomb and placed one of the flowers he collected the day they had arrived in the empire onto the grave. Lux rested her hand on the tombstone in front of her, allowing her tears to fall freely onto the dirt that covered her mother’s bodies. Scout and Cobalt made quick work of cleaning the area around the graves and statues; not wanting to disrespect their mothers. Glamour had place a hand made basic infront of her mother’s grave. She turned her head to look at Spike who was completely silent as he gazed on at the gravestone in front of him.

Tears flowed freely from his eyes as he said, “I m-miss you mom…” he stuttered as he sat back down. “It’s been so long since I have...heard your voice...seen your face...I-I...” Spike held his arm up to his eye and tried to rub away the tears but it was pointless, “I have forgotten what you looked like...what you sounded like...”

These facts brought the Scale Six to dead silence from talking to their respective mothers. It is true they had all their memories back, but the deepest memories of their mothers’ wondrous looks, and sweet heartwarming voices had naturally faded from their minds. Moments passed as they all were left in deep thoughts racking their brains over trying to remember everything about their parents before they too went back to crying silently to themselves.

Cobalt growled as she threw her hands up, “Arg! This is all that damned pansy pony Radiant’s fault!”

“She’s responsible for all the pain and suffering we and other dragons have had to endure.” Night said standing up as rage began to build up in all of them, but their tears still evident on their features.

“We should’ve finished her when we had the chance!” Scout barked.

“This time we won’t let our guard down or play around with her.” Lux said as wisps of golden fire flowed out of her mouth.

“Don’t worry,” Spike said as he stood up and looked at the statues of Aquila and Celsius, “We will be able to finish what we started all those year ago.” He said as a grin appeared on his features.

NightStalker began to grow a smile of his own, “I take it you’ve got a plan boss, I don’t know what it is, but I like that look in your eye.”

Spike turned and looked at his closest friends, his family, “You bet I do,” He responded to Night. “But first we have to remind many others of our race of their heritage, and grow the empire back to it’s former glory. This will also give me a chance for little payback from some torture I suffered through a few years back.” Spike said cracking his knuckles.

“Ooh, revenge my dear?” Glamour asked with a somewhat amused look.

“Just a little bit, more like some childish payback than anything else.” Spike answered with a chuckle.

* * * *

Several Days Later

* * * *

“KING OF THE HOARD!” A certain red scaled dragon roared from the top of a mini mountain of gems, gold, and other treasures.

Several other teenage dragons roared in laughter as they fought their way up to the red and orange drake that stood atop of the hoard. Every time someone got close to the top, they would either get pulled down by another dragon, or kicked off by the one on top.

“You losers can’t even stay up here for more than five seconds!” The red drake gloated with a laugh.

“Oh whatever Garble!” A purple scaled dragon with yellow hair said as he lied on the ground. “You know, that you always win because you always start on top of the hoard first dude.”

“Shut up for once Spear, you’re just upset because you never win! Even Fizzle won once, and that was by accident.” Garble said making fun of the purple dragon. “Now come on, aren’t any of babies game enough to take down the king?!” he called out with a thick air of co*ckiness.

Before Garble knew it, he felt the wind being knocked out of him and a blast of pain in his abdomen as a fist came crashing into his gut. He rolled down the pile of gemstones and landed hard on his back.

“What just happened?!” he grunted as he clutched his stomach in pain.

“So much for being the king.” Said the figure that now stood upon the little mountain of jewels.

Garble stared at him angrily, “Who do you think you are, you little sh*t?!” he yelled, but the dragon stared at him with an eyebrow raised.

“Seriously, you don’t remember me?” he asked disbelievingly.

“No I really don’t-” Garble stopped and looked over the new dragon before the realization came to him. “Y-you’re the little squirt who lives with those namby-pamby ponies!”

“Correction, who ‘used’ to live with those namby-pamby ponies, and the name’s Spike.” the purple and green drake snarled.

“Whatever, you’re still a complete loser for choosing them over us.” Garble said glaring daggers into the purple dragon. He looked up to see Peewee mounted on Spike’s shoulder glaring down at him. “And I see you kept that damned phoenix from the nest raid, that just makes you more pathetic!”

“Oh really, maybe this’ll change your mind.” Spike snapped his fingers and several shadows flew past the teenage dragons.

“No one calls our leader a loser.” NightStalker said lividly before he picked Garble up by his neck.

“Put him down Night, we’re not here to hurt him. Or at least not yet anyways.” Spike ordered.

Night nodded and looked back to Garble who was gasping for air and clawing his hand. The black dragon shook his head in disappointment and dropped the obnoxious drake like he was ordered to. Garble took a deep breath, as he began to cough violently to get back the air he was deprived of.

“Now Garble, knowing how dimwitted you and your lackeys over there are, it’s obvious you have no idea why I’ve come back.” Spike said as he sat on the hoard like it was his throne.

“You’re right, I don’t know, nor do I give a sh*t!” Garble growled as insolent as usual, “As far as I’m concerned, you and your sh*tty pals should beat it!” He gave each of the dragons a glare before he noticed Glamour looking at him. Seeing how beautiful she was, Garble instantly tried to turn on his charm for the dragoness. “Well you’re a pretty one, why not leave this eyesore here and hang with a real drake?”

Glamour turned her head disgusted, “What makes you think a vulgar drake like you, knows how to properly treat a lady such as myself?” Some teenage dragonesses from the corner overheard the insult and began giggling.

Garble’s face turned redder than its usual color due to both the rage and embarrassment. “That tears it! GET OUT OF HERE!!!” he ordered furiously.

Baff, Vex, Clump, Spear, and a somewhat hesitant Fizzle, walked toward Spike and the others cracking their knuckles. “Yeah, while you punks can still fly out!” Fume threatened.

“They won’t even be able to ‘walk’ out once we’re done with them.” Vex stated with a smirk as he popped the joints in his neck.

“Ya’ll really wanna try that?” Scout asked walking from behind the pile of gems; looking to the five dragons that were approaching. Seeing the very muscular drake, caused the teenagers to lose their courage and take a step back. “Ah thought not.” He smirked.

Spike crossed his legs before he continued, “As I was saying, since you have no idea why I’m here, I will explain it in one word. Revenge.”

“Yeah right, what are going to do?” Garble asked with a daring tone, “There may be six of you but there are six of us. Besides, just because you got bigger doesn’t mean sh*t to me!” Garble growled.

Glamour giggled at the predicament Garble has unknowingly just thrown himself into “Well, if you seem so sure of yourself...”

“Why don’t you fight Spike one on one?” Cobalt finished Glamour’s statement. “Unless you’re all talk that is.”

Garble looked at Spike who jumped down from the pile of gems, “Peewee go to Glamour, I got this.” Peewee obeyed his order, and flew to the white dragoness to watch the show.

“Come on pipsqueak!” Garble mocked as he took a stance, “I am gonna beat the tar out of you like I should have done after that egg raid.”

Spike didn’t respond as wasting words on the red drake wouldn’t be worth it. From all the commotion, other teenage dragons from around the area gathered to watch the fight. A few of the larger adult dragons looked down on the small gathering of younger drakes. Most thought it was nothing but a silly game between the young ones, others took interest seeing as they had nothing better to do.

Garble launched a punch to try and scare Spike, but he didn’t flinch. ‘What’s going on? It’s like the little sh*t knew I wasn’t trying to actually hit him!’ the confused drake thought.

“Are you going to fight or just play around?” Spike asked with a neutral expression.

Garble’s eye twitched at this as his anger began to build. He quickly stepped forward and launched a real punch aiming straight for Spike’s face. Spike simply moved his head to the side, causing Garble to miss and stumble forward a bit. This allowed Spike to grab his wrist and flip him over his shoulder in one fluid motion.

Spike smirked as he watched Garble scramble to get up as he blushed in embarrassment. Most the other teen dragons were either cheering or surprised by how easily Garble’s punch had been turned around. As far as they knew, Garble was the strongest and most brutal of them.

Garble roared in anger as he rushed at Spike throwing a wave of punches at him. Spike smoothly avoided every attempt the red drake made at trying to hit him. Every punch that failed to make contact with him only enraged Garble further as he swept his tail under Spike’s legs to make him trip. Fortunately, Spike saw through the dirty trick and quickly stepped on his tail to hold it in place. Garble say this as a new chance to trip Spike up. He yanked his tail from under Spike’s foot hoping to knock him off balance.

From the way Spike moved backwards it looked like it worked until he did a backflip through the air and recovered flawlessly. With a single but powerful flap of his wings, he rushed over and punched Garble in the gut for the second time that day making him collapse again. “That was for laughing at me when I fell face first into a pit of lava.”

Spike then lifted Garble up and struck him again in the jaw sending him high into the air. “That was for wanting to smash my phoenix when he was just a defenseless egg.” He said as he flew after his opponent.

“D-damn it all!” Garble yelled in pain. He opened his wings to gain control of his forced trip into the sky. He looked down to glare at Spike as he rubbed his sore chin, but Spike was nowhere to be seen.

Garble’s eyes darted around as he tried to locate where the purple dragon had disappeared to. The only place he didn’t look was behind him. It was too late for red and orange drake to react as Spike rose from behind and used his tail and hands to restrain Garble’s own hands along with his wings.

“WHAT THE HELL!? LET GO OF ME!!” Garble wailed as he thrashed around trying to free himself.

“And this...” Spike closed his wings, sending them toward the ground at a speed that could rip off the wings and fur of an average pony.

Every dragon watched in awe at what was happening. Spike flapped his wings to gain momentum, this increase in speed and velocity soon caused the two to be surrounded in a bright green fireball. Spike’s eye were a blaze of green flames as they came closer and closer to the ground.

All of the teen dragon below scattered, all except Night, Scout, Glamour, Lux, and Cobalt who just watched with smirks. Seconds before they hit the ground, Spike whispers into Garble’s ear, “This is for trying to flirt with Glamour.”

They hit the ground with incredible force, the impact caused a mushroom cloud of dust and rubble to explode upwards. This clouded the outcome of what had happened to the two drakes. As the dust cleared, a crater several yards deep could now be seen. All the dragons who had been watching both young and old, approached the edge of the crater and looked down to see what had become of the two drakes.

What they saw stunned most of them, Spike stood tall with one of his feet on Garble’s back holding him down. The defeated drake’s wings were charred black and several areas bent in ways they shouldn’t physically be able to. Most of his bright orange spines were now either dulled, bent or crooked. His eyes were closed tight as he was now totally unconscious from the pain. The drakes and dragonesses around the wings started whispering to each other.

“You don’t need to worry.” Spike said loud enough for all of them to hear, “I assure you, he is not dead. He’s simply going to be unconscious for at least a few days.”

He removed his foot from Garble’s back before lifting him up and tossing him over his shoulder. Spike then knelt down and leapt out of the crater with ease. He laid Garble down before turning to face his friends.

“That was quite a show you put on.” Night snickered.

“Well, I had a few things I had to get out of my system.” Spike chuckled as he rolled his shoulders. Peewee then flew to his arm and Spike stroked his head.

“Only a few?” Cobalt asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, only a few.” He replied before he heard the sound of something large approaching them.

“Who are you young dragons?” A drake inquired from behind Spike, “Have you come here to start trouble or do you have some other purpose aside from beating another of your kind?”

Spike turned to see who was talking to him, and saw a dragon much smaller than Nubuatan’s size but still larger than them.

“What happened between me and that dragon is none of your concern. Besides, we did not come to cause trouble, we just came to remind you all of your history.” Spike stated.

“Our history? What is it that you hatchings know of our history?” The drake chuckled completely ignorant to whom he was speaking to.

“We may look young, but if you knew who we are and what happened to the place that all dragons used to call home, you would know we are actually centuries old.” Lux said to him.

“And we have come to remind of where your race began. Where your ancestors came from, the stories that were lost in the sands of time.” Spike said snapping his fingers as he performed as spell that was taught to him by Aquila and Celsius when they trained them to use their powers, and thanks to Nubuatan’s essence returning to him and the Scale Six he remembered how to cast it. A sphere of emerald green light appeared on his fingertips before spreading outwards to every dragon on the mountainous volcano. “This will help you learn, this will help you all remember.”

* * * *

Fluttershy’s Cottage

* * * *

Meanwhile, Fluttershy had just finished going about her daily routine of feeding, washing, and checking up on her animal friends. She had completed her tasks pretty early today, so she had plenty of extra time to simply enjoy a warm cup of tea by her fireplace. This relaxed her, and gave her time to think clearly without having too much fear of anything.

‘I haven’t heard from Discord for a while.’ She thought to herself. ‘I hope the letter I sent made it to him, wherever he is.’ Fluttershy thought herself.

Fluttershy had sent her letter to Discord voicing her concerns years ago and she still had yet to receive any response from him. Usually, the draconequus would respond to a letter by immediately sending it back with some kind of harmless prank or witty response. Yet this time, there wasn’t anything.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, which made Fluttershy yelp and tumble off her couch out of fright. The timid pegasus slowly reached her hoof and opened the door to be greeted by a haggard looking scroll. Fluttershy leaned in closer to the scroll to get a better look at it but it stood up on its own before falling back over. It looked like it was taking deep breaths, tired from its journey.

“This must be Discord’s letter.” She said as she gently picked the scroll up to read it.

The scroll suddenly rolled itself open revealing Discord’s writing to the yellow pegasus. The message was short but it gave Fluttershy a reason to start panicing. She tucked the letter under her wing before galloping as fast as she could to Twilight’s home in the Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight had finished feeding Owlowiscious when she heard a fast knocking at the door, “Who could that be?” She asked herself as she wasn’t expecting any visitors today. She went to open the door and came face to face with a sweating and panting Fluttershy with a torn up scroll under her dropping wing.

Twilight was momentarily surprised to see her friend like this but shook it off, “Oh hello Fluttershy,” she greeted her friend as politely as she could “I wasn’t expecting to see you today. Is something wrong?” She inquired.

Fluttershy could only nod as she tried to catch her breath. Twilight let her in and helped her sit on the couch so she could relax. After getting a cold glass of water, Fluttershy gave the scroll over to Twilight.

“Who’s it from?” She asked before she opened the letter and quickly read over it.

“Discord...” Fluttershy answered in a small voice.

By the time she had said this, Twilight had already read the letter several times over to confirm her fear. The letter was shaking in her magic as many thoughts ran through her mind at what was going on, and how much meaning Discord’s letter had behind it.

“W-what do you think this means?” Fluttershy asked in her usual timid voice.

“I have a theory, but I need to get the others, they’ll want to hear this. I’ll be right back.” Twilight said reading over the letter one more time before leaving out her front door in a mad dash to get the other elements.

About twenty minutes later, Twilight returned to the library with each of the girls behind her. She didn’t have time to explain the situation to them when she arrived at each of their homes so they were all still confused about what was going on. Once they were all gathered in the library, they looked to Twilight awaiting for the reason they were all here.

“Now that we’re all here, what’s the big emergency?” Rainbow Dash asked as she floated over Twilight’s head.

Twilight used her magic to force the rainbow maned pegasus to sit down with the others, “Well the reason has to do with this letter.” She then levitated the scroll in front of the mares, “Discord’s the one who sent it.” Everypony’s ears perked up when they heard this.

She then read the letter aloud:
My Dear Little Fluttershy,

I'm afraid I cannot speak to you in length right now, but we will be seeing each other again soon, that I can promise you. And it will be such a grand time then.

Your Chaotic Friend,

“The fact we haven’t heard from him in all these years, and the way this letter is written, tells me Discord is up to something.” Twilight said as she started pacing back and forth worriedly.

“Now that ya’ll mentioned it, we really haven’t seen hide nor hair of him in years. Which is extremely surprisin’ considerin’ how often Discord visits Fluttershy.” Applejack said scratching the side of her head in thought.

“Do you think he could be with Princess Luna? She has been missing for quite a while too.” Rainbow Dash stated.

By this point, it was no secret that Princess Luna had gone missing. Nopony knew where she had vanished to but it made them start to worry, especially when her Lunar Guard started to disappear as well. With Discord it was a different matter, Celestia usually kept him on a tight leash so he couldn’t get away with too much tomfoolery. Yet ponies still notice when no pranks were pulled, or at least when the chaotic deity wasn’t seen floating on a pink cottoncandy cloud. Most ponies still wondered where the two deities had ended up but never voiced their concerns.

While all the elements were in thought about this Fluttershy decided to speak up.

“Well...” Fluttershy spoke up enough for the rest to turn their attention to her. “I sent him a letter after a while after Spike left the borders of Equestria. I was wondering if he knew anything about where Spike might know since he can bend reality and is usually around Canterlot Castle with Celestia and all...And I haven’t seen him in a while so I was just a little worried is all...”

“Why didn’t you tell us about this sooner Shy?!” Rainbow asked getting up in Fluttershy’s personal space. This caused the butter yellow pegasus to shrink down in fear, “I-I-I n-never thought he would have d-d-disappeared like that...”

“Take it easy Rainbow Dash, it wasn’t her fault.” Rarity said as she pulled the cyan mare away from Fluttershy.

“She’s right Rainbow, Fluttershy couldn’t have had anything to do with Discord disappearing. I don’t know why but I think that this may be connected to when Spike ran off.” Twilight said as she looked out a nearby window.

Rarity raised a brow, “Darling, what are you implying?”

“Yeah, tell us what’s on your mind?” Pinkie said tilting her head much farther than it should have gone. The others just ignored the random action as they were more focused on Twilight’s response.

Twilight looked at her friends who were patiently waiting for an answer, “I think Spike is still out there somewhere and Luna and Discord are with him.” She answered with a nervous expression. It made the unicorn’s mind race and her emotions she from when Spike left, and the theory never come back.

“Now hold on sugarcube,” Applejack said getting the lavender mare’s attention, “Ah wouldn’t start worrying your little head over it. What makes ya think Spike has anythin’ to do with Luna and Discord’s disappearance?” She asked trying to be the voice of reason.

“AJ has a point Twilight, maybe them leaving was just a coincidence.” Rainbow Dash said in agreement.

“Do you all really believe that all the events that happened all those years ago had nothing to do with each other? Luna seemed to have vanished only a few days after Spike left Equestria.” Twilight’s voice had a more serious tone as she looked at her friends. They all looked to each other thinking that she had a point.

“Okay, maybe she is just secretly looking for him outside the borders of Equestria.” The cyan mare suggested.

“For over three years, and we still haven’t heard from her?” Twilight asked, “If she was looking for Spike, I’m sure she would’ve at least informed us of her doing so to avoid the political consequences.” Twilight’s head began hurting from all this thinking and worrying.

“Why don’t we have Fluttershy write Discord another letter asking where he and Luna are? The letter she writes him always seem to be able to find their way to him.” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“ not a bad idea Pinkie.” Twilight said before looking to Fluttershy, “Do you think it will work trying to write him another letter?”

“I’ve tried several times, but none of them ever leave or vanish like they normally do after I write them. I don’t think he wants anypony reaching him wherever he is.” The timid mare said hiding behind her mane, her face crestfallen.

Twilight let out a sigh “Okay girls, I believe it’s time we get some help.”

“Are we goin’ to Celestia?” Applejack asked.

“I still don’t feel I’m ready to talk to her yet. Even after all this time, hiding such an important fact from us about Spike...I don’t know how I could ever trust her again....” Twilight said uneasily.

A look of determination lit in the unicorn mare’s eyes as she stood up. “We’re going to the Crystal Empire to ask Cadence and Shining Armor for help.” She stated.

“That sounds like a grand idea,” Rarity said with a bit of glee, “It’s been quite a while since we had a trip there.”

“Don’t forget Rarity, our mission is to see if Cadence and Shining have a way to contact either Luna or Discord. This isn’t a vacation where we can go shopping or anything of the sort.” Twilight reminded the fashionista sternly.

“Can we just go already?” Rainbow asked with impatience in her tone.

“Yeah, wastin our time here ain’t gonna get us anywhere.” AJ agreed.

As the group walked out of the library Twilight looked up at the sky, ‘I know you’re out there somewhere Spike…’ she thought before looking back to her friends. “Go pack what you need for the next few days in the Crystal Empire.”

“And that doesn’t mean bring enough stuff for ten families a month.” Rainbow said to Rarity whose face quickly turned red from embarrassment.

“We’ll meet up at the Ponyville Train Station in thirty minutes, that should give us enough time to pack our essentials for the trip.” Twilight informed them.

They all nodded before rushing out to get ready, expect Fluttershy who walked out and gently closed the door behind her, leaving Twilight alone to get ready. Twilight remained in thought as she hoped and prayed that Spike was somewhere safe. She would feel better if he was with someone she knew like Princess Luna. Maybe, even Discord being with him would calm Twilight’s nerves.

Wondering how Spike was doing or where he was, made the lavender mare feel the same guilt in her heart. Once their lives had gone back to normal, none of them forgot about him, but they couldn’t always dwell on missing him. It wasn’t healthy, and Pinkie said something about annoying the readers with all the sappy sadness. The others just brushed the random theory off as her being Pinkie Pie.

They had moved on for the most part, but they would never completely forget about Spike. From all the times he helped them out, to even the small mistakes he had made. He was part of their group. He was, and hopefully still would be, their friend.

* * * *

Later at Ponyville Train Station

* * * *

Twilight was patiently waiting for each of her friends to show up for their departure to the Crystal Empire. Rainbow Dash, as expected, arrived at the train station first being the fastest of them all. The only thing she had with her was a scarf, she never overpacked for trips and this seemed the most appropriate thing to bring. Right behind her was Applejack wearing a saddle bag with some clothing and snacks for the trip up north. Even with the defeat of Sombra freeing the empire from the a never ending winter it was still further northern regions of Equestria so it could still get rather cold during large portions of the year.

The hyperactive mare, Pinkie Pie came bouncing to the station about 5 minutes after Applejack’s arrival. Her saddlebags looked as though they carried very little, but knowing Pinkie, she could somehow fit all of Sugarcube Corner in her saddlebags if she wanted. Rarity and Fluttershy showed up together and the butterscotch pegasus, seemed to be carrying much more than she would normally pack for a trip.

“Fluttershy why do you have all those extra bags?” Twilight asked the straining mare.

“Ah think ah have an idea of who’s bags most of those belong to.” AJ said looking at the triple diamond insignia on the extra baggage.

Everypony looked at Rarity who began sweating with embarrassment. “Oh I couldn’t help myself Applejack, a lady must be prepared when she takes a trip.”

Rainbow looked at the white unicorn quizzically, “Bet you’d be making Spike carry the luggage if he was still around.”

This left the Rarity speechless as she dropped her head and started drawing a small circle in the ground with her hoof. Meanwhile, Applejack and Pinkie were getting rid of all the stuff they knew she didn’t need.

Rainbow’s last comment hit the fashionista where it hurt, “I figured he enjoyed helping me so much, he didn’t mind carrying my things. Now that I look back on it, I shouldn’t have selfishly played with Spike’s emotions like that and maybe acknowledged his feelings at some point.” The steam blowing loudly out of the train, snapped Rarity out of her trance of guilt.

“Come on girls, they’ll be leaving any minute.” Twilight said as she checked in her ticket and boarded the train. The rest of the girls filed on after her and each took a seat. The train wouldn’t arrive in the empire until a couple of hours, so Twilight decided to take a little nap to pass the time.

* * * *

Princess Luna paced back and forth in the capital of the Dragon Empire, “Where are they? They’ve been gone for almost two weeks.” She said to Discord who was relaxing on a cloud hammock.

The draconequus rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers to stop the moon goddess in her tracks. “Oh Lulu, you’re acting like you are their mothers.” This caused the moon alicorn to blush in embarrassment. “They’re thousands of years older than either of us and contain just as much if not, more power. Point is, they’re than capable of handling things by themselves.”

“I’m aware of that Discord, but they could’ve at least checked in with us. Spike could easily have sent a letter or something confirming they have found where most of the other dragons were currently nesting.” The moon goddess said.

Recently, Spike had learned how to control his ability to send letters as well as choose the receiver. It was all a matter of thinking who he wanted to send the message, and who he didn’t want to have contact with.

“I’m sure they’ll be back any day now,” Discord said closing his eyes to rest again, “It can’t be easy trying fin to every dragon out there.

Luna looked back out to the empire before sighing and bringing herself a chair to from another section of the capitol building, “You’re right Discord, they’ll return with every dragon they can find, and bring them back to where it all started.”

She closed her eyes in thought at what she had been told about the all-out battle between the Scale Six and their Draconic Army against Celestia’s pony forces. As far as Luna knew, ponies have always been peaceful and the magic that the three races had were fairly weak against dragons and was always positive. Yet, the battle fought back then involved magic and powers that only herself, Discord, Sombra, and even Celestia had ever used to their knowledge.

In ancient times, a unicorn’s magic was stronger and had less limitations, allowing them to even wield dark magic after years of intense training. A single pegasi could create a hurricane and destroy miles of land if he desired to. Earth ponies could control plant life, but this required becoming one with what the earth, but this took several years of meditation and studying of as much plant life they could find.

“The three pony races were not limited to the rules of world magic that are in place today.” Luna said to herself as she thought long and hard. “Yet today ponies never practice magic stronger than transformation, teleportation, simple weather conditions, or growing crops. Nopony knows of any spells that could control, torment, or kill another living creature. The only kind of magic could allow my sister’s ponies to use such spells is… dark magic.”

Luna snapped out of her trance thanks to Discord shaking her lightly, “Luna, are you okay?” he asked with concern.

She coughed and straightened herself on her seat, “I’m fine Discord,” She answered with a sheepish smile, “Though, I thank you for your concern. I was just deep in thought is all.”

“If you say so Lulu.” He said before pointing out into the distance, “And it’s a good thing I snapped you out of your train of thought.”

Luna followed where Discord was pointing and saw hundreds of dragons of all shapes, sizes, and breed entering the Dragon Empire. In the front of the mass of dragons, were Spike, NightStalker, Scout, Glamour, Lux, and Cobalt. The Scale Six.

Okay this chapter isn't my best work because I was a little rushed by some people and other things. Next chapter will be short and after the next chapter I will be starting work on the story for the Sexy Time with the Scale Six.

I know there are a lot of mistakes and I know that people will comment and dislike this story for it but I would like you to point out the errors and be helpful with fixing them instead of just complaining about it. I am giving you a chance to help fix the problems.

Anyways, TTYL.

Next Chapter: Chapter 20: CrystalsEstimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes Return to Story Description

The Rise of Spike the Dragon (2024)


Is Spike still a baby dragon? ›

Being a full-grown dragon, Spike possesses the full strength of one.

Does Spike become dragon Lord? ›

In the Generation 5 My Little Pony: Make Your Mark episode The Isle of Scaly, Spike reappears as a fully grown dragon and the current Dragon Lord after spending centuries in magical hibernation.

How old is Spike in dragon Years? ›

In dragon years, Spike's about 12, but in pony years (dragons age faster) he's 20-ish. Rarity is 24.

Is Spike a dragon or dinosaur? ›

Spike is a Dragon in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a purple and green baby dragon. He is Kids World's friend and assistant. His ability to magically deliver scrolls to and from Princess Celestia with his green fire-breath is featured in many episodes, as is his crush on Rarity.

Who does Pinkie Pie marry? ›

In the future setting of the last episode "The Last Problem", Pinkie is shown to be married to Cheese Sandwich with a child named Li'l Cheese.

Who does Rainbow Dash marry? ›

Soarin is a male Pegasus pony and a member of the Wonderbolts, being Spitfire's second-in-command. He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, being able to ask her to go on a date with him when she is nominated an official Wonderbolt. He later marries Rainbow Dash and the two has a child named Gust.

Does Spike stay dead? ›

Over the course of Buffy, Spike falls in love with the Slayer, reacquires his soul to prove himself to Buffy and dies a hero in the show's series finale. He is subsequently resurrected in the first episode of the fifth season of the spin-off series Angel.

Who did Twilight Sparkle marry? ›

Twilight's mixed feelings catches the attention of a Royal Guard Flash Sentry. They got married after two years, and they had a mare foal Sparkling Armor, and a stallion named Starknight. Flash dies of old age, when Twilight was 82.

What is Spike's full name? ›

Spike (born William Pratt) was a famous and widely feared vampire, well-known among both humans and demons for having faced and killed two Slayers throughout his unlife and for his history of torturing his victims with railroad spikes (which is what it is rumored the moniker of "Spike" is derived from); in fact, his ...

Does Rarity get married? ›

Finding True Love

In "An Apple Falls for a Pie", Rarity attends Bushel's welcome party with Shadow Claw. In "Spike... the Pony?", Rarity marries Shadow Claw at the Light Kingdom, having Fluttershy as her best mare.

Why is Spike not like other dragons? ›

This is due to his nature as a Fire Dragon. Also, due to the fact he was raised by a pony, Spike doesn't "act like other dragons" and acts more like a pony.

Is Spike Twilight's son? ›

This might be the first time Shining and Twi really saw Spike as their brother, but the truth is he always has been. Being a sibling looks vastly different for everyone. His relationship with Twilight strongly resembles that of a brother-sister bond than it does a parent-child.

Who is Spike's girlfriend? ›

Drusilla, or Dru for short, is a fictional character on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, portrayed by Juliet Landau. Created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt, she is introduced as a main antagonist alongside her lover Spike in the second season of Buffy.

Is Spike a girl or a boy? ›

Spike is a young male dragon and one of the main characters of My Little Pony: Pony Life.

How old is Spike the vampire? ›

In "The Initiative" (season 4) he said he was 126, thus born or sired in 1874. Flashbacks in "Fool for Love" (season 5) show that Spike was sired as an adult in 1880. Assuming he was in his early to mid-20s when he was sired, Spike would be in his 140s during the series.

Who does Spike in My Little pony end up with? ›

And at the end of the series, he grew up, but he didn't end up with Rarity. In fact, it looks like both of them ended up alone, living far apart. And it wasn't really that many episodes ago from the end (of the series) that either Spike or Rarity needed each other.

Is Twilight Spike's mother? ›

As far as official material goes, there's nothing substantial to the claim that Twilight is Spike's adoptive mother. "He's as related to them as Celestia is to Twilight pretty much" Twilight's only related to Celestia through Cadance's marriage to Shining Armor.

Is Spike Twilight's pet? ›

Spike is the pet dog of the human Twilight Sparkle and a supporting character in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchise. He is the human world counterpart of the Equestrian Spike.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.