(ENG) D&D - Gary Gygax's - Fantasy Worlds Book 2 - World Builder - Flip eBook Pages 151-181 (2024)

150 Gary Gygax’s World Builder 12-13 Diminution of a non-living thing or things 14-15 Diminution of flora (one or more specimens) 16-17 Diminution of self and/or another person(s) 18-19 Dismiss a demon or similar entity 20-21 Dismiss a spirit or spirits of dead beings 22-23 Dismiss a visible creature/monster 24-26 Dismiss an animal or animals 27-28 Dismiss an invisible creature/monster 29-30 Dismiss the remains of a dead being or beings 31-33 Earth/soil becoming like air for a person(s) 34-35 Empower two magical events at one time 36-38 Enable hearing at a distance (clairaudience) 39-40 Enable hearing and seeing at a distance 41-42 Enable hearing at a distance and sending a magical effect to the area 43-44 Enable seeing at a distance (clairvoyance) 45-46 Enable seeing at a distance and sending a magical effect to the area 47-48 Engender bravery in all creatures in a area 49-50 Engender bravery to fill a specific subject 51-53 Engender climbing ability for self /others 54-55 Engender a desire to comply/cooperate (charm) 56-58 Engender greater movement speed by touch 59-60 Engender greater movement speed in self or another person by touch 61-62 Engender greater physical health by touch 63-64 Engender greater physical health in self or another person by touch 65-66 Engender magical armor 67-68 Engender magical shielding 69-70 Engender magical weapon 71-72 Engender premonition (sixth sense) capacity in self or other 73-74 Engender superior audial sensory capacity in self or other 75-76 Engender superior olfactory sensory capacity in self or other 77-78 Engender superior sense of taste in self or other 79-80 Engender superior tactile sensory capacity in self or other 81-83 Engender superior visual sensory capacity in self or other 84-85 Engender the ability to see infrared spectrum energy in self or other 86-88 Engender the ability to see untraviolent spectrum energy in self or other 89-90 Enlargement of a creature or creatures 91-92 Enlargement of a non-living thing or things 93-94 Enlargement of flora (one or more specimens) 95-97 Enlargement of self and/or another person(s) 98-00 Fire/flame becoming like air for a person(s) Table 4 01-02 Flying ability for an otherwise inanimate object 03-04 Flying ability for self and/or another person(s) 05-07 Force compliance/cooperation (by geas) 08-09 Generate a blast of wind (air missile) 14-16 Cause sickness to overwhelm a specific subject 17-18 Cause sickness to overwhelm all creatures 19-20 Cause silence in a specific area 21-22 Cause silence surrounding self and/or one or more others 23-24 Cause sleep to come to one or more creatures 25-27 Cause wakefulness for one or more creatures 28-30 Convey a magical effect at a distance by an object (such as a wand) 31-33 Convey a magical effect by consumption of liquid or solid (foodstuff) 34-35 Convey a magical effect by gaze 36-37 Convey a magical effect through touch of a creature or thing 38-39 Convey greater Wisdom to self or other 40-41 Convey greater Dexterity to self or other 42-43 Convey greater Intelligence to self or other 44-45 Convey greater Constitution to self or other 46-47 Convey greater Strength to self or other 48-50 Create a blocking plane (wall) of flames 51-52 Create a blocking plane (wall) of ice 53-54 Create a blocking plane (wall) invisible/energy 55-56 Create a blocking plane (wall) of living flora 57-58 Create a blocking plane (wall) of metal 59-60 Create a blocking plane (wall) of stone 61-62 Create a blocking plane (wall) of wood 63-65 Create a cage of magical energy 66-67 Create a cube of magical energy 68-69 Create a globe of magical energy 70-72 Create a moderate-sized shelter, invisible 73-74 Create a moderate-sized shelter, visible 75-76 Create a small shelter, invisible 77-78 Create a small shelter, visible 79-80 Create an automaton (golem) from animal 81-83 Create an automaton (golem) from some mineral substance 84-85 Create an automaton (golem) from some vegetable substance 86-87 Create bonds of magical energy 88-89 Decipher arcane/magical writings 90-91 Delay a magical event for a specified time 92-94 Delay a magical event until a specified event 95-96 Destroy the remains of a dead being or beings 97-98 Detect ambush by foes 99-00 Detect magical creature Table 3 01-02 Detect magical force in operation 03-04 Detect magical object 05-06 Detect magical person 07-08 Detect mundane non-living traps 09-11 Diminution of a creature or creatures

151 Appendixes 10-11 Generate a bolt of electricity to a distance 12-13 Generate a bolt of magical energy to a distancea 14-16 Generate a fiery explosion at a distance 17-19 Generate missile(s) of fire 20-22 Generate missile(s) of ice 23-24 Generate missile(s) of stone 25-27 Generate poisoning by breath, expectoration, or touch 28-30 Generate poisonous gas in a specified area 31-33 Grant a considerable wish 34-35 Grant a small wish 36-38 Guard of person, absorbing harm 39-41 Guard of person, delivering harm 42-44 Guard of person, reflecting/returning harm 45-46 Guard of person, warning 47-48 Illuminate a person/creature/object by a glowing outline at a distance 49-51 Illuminate an area with a soft glow 52-53 Invisibility for an object or objects in area 54-55 Invisibility for all persons in an area 56-57 Invisibility for self and/or other 58-60 Jumping ability for self and/or other 61-62 Levitation ability for self and/or other 63-64 Make all invisible creatures and/or things within a specified area visible 65-66 Make an invisible creature visible 67-69 Make an invisible thing visible 70-72 Make marks of passage over an area invisible 73-75 Make normal armor magical 76-78 Make normal weapon magical 79-80 Move objects (small-light to large-heavy) by force of will 81-83 Open a “portal” to a distant place so that one or more can enter and be there 84-85 Open a “portal” to a special space so that one or more can enter and be there 86-87 Prevent a creature from attacking 88-89 Prevent a magical event from occurring 90-92 Rapid movement of self and/or others 93-94 Read another’s thoughts 95-96 Read kind/meaning of magical force 97-98 Receive thoughts from another 99-00 Remove a curse/hex on a person/creature/thing/ place by ritual Table 5 01-02 Remove a curse/hex on a person/creature/thing/ place by touch 03-04 Remove a magical force to self or other 05-06 Remove poison from a creature or object 07-08 Remove poison from self or another person 09-10 Restore a quality of a creature lost 11-12 Restore a quality of a object lost 13-14 Restore a quality of a person lost 15-16 Restore mental health in self or other by touch 17-18 Restore physical health in self or other by touch 19-20 Send a demon or similar entity to a specified person or locale 21-22 Send a spirit or spirits of dead beings to a specified person or locale 23-24 Send a visible creature/monster to a specified person or locale 25-26 Send an animal or animals to a specified person or locale 27-28 Send an invisible creature/monster to a speci fied person or locale 29-30 Receive thoughts to and from another 31-32 Send messages by magical voice 33-34 Send the remains of a dead being or beings to a specified person or locale 35-36 Send thoughts to another 37-38 Servant force obeying mental command 39-40 Slow movement brought upon one or more other volitant creatures 41-42 Stone/mineral becoming like air a for person or persons 43-44 Summon a demon or similar entity 45-46 Summon a spirit or spirits of dead beings 47-48 Summon a visible creature/monster 49-50 Summon an animal or animals 51-52 Summon an invisible creature/monster 53-54 Summon hailstorm to area 55-56 Summon lightning storm to area 57-58 Summon rainstorm to area 59-60 Summon snowstorm to area 61-62 Summon the remains of a dead being or beings 63-64 Summon windstorm to area 65-66 Transfer by thought an object or objects to or from your location to another one 67-68 Transfer by thought another creature to some other location 69-70 Transfer by thought self or another person to some other location 71-72 Turn flesh to stone 73-74 Turn stone to flesh 75-76 Understand unknown spoken language(s) 77-78 Understand unknown written language(s) 79-80 Ward against a demon or demons or similar entity or entities 81-82 Ward against a spirit or spirits of dead beings 83-84 Ward against the remains of a dead being(s) 85-86 Ward of object, absorbing harm 87-88 Ward of object, delivering harm 89-90 Ward of object, reflecting/returning harm 91-92 Ward of object, warning owner 93-94 Water becoming like air for a person or persons 95-96 Water becoming like air for person or persons 97-98 Water breathing ability for self and/or other 99-00 Water-walking ability for self and/or other

152 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Room Decoration, Ceiling Hung 01-15 Chandelier 16-29 Dried herbs 30-43 Lamp 44-57 Lantern 58-71 Mobile 72-85 Plant (in pot) 86-00 Wind chimes Room Decoration, Floor, Freestanding 01-13 Armor, suit of 14-25 Clock, tall 26-38 Gong, striker, and stand. 39-50 Pedestal 51-62 Statue 63-75 Trophy (see below) 76-87 Urn 88-00 Vase Room Decoration, General 01-03 Aquarium 04-07 Box (See Box listing for final result) 08-11 Clock (See Clock listing for final result) 12-15 Cloth (spread) 16-19 Coffer 20-23 Collection (See Collection listing for final result) 24-26 Curio 27-30 Cushion 31-33 Decanter 34-36 Dish 37-40 Driftwood 41-43 Ewer 44-46 Figurine 47-50 Flagon 51-54 Flowers 55-58 Fruit 59-61 Handicraft (see below) 62-65 Painting 66-68 Pet, bird, caged 69-71 Pet, bird, perched 72-75 Pet, fish, aquarium 76-79 Pet, fish, bowl 80-82 Pillow 83-86 Plant, potted 87-90 Statuette 91-94 Terrarium 95-97 Trophy (See below) 98-00 Vase Room Decoration, Macabre/Odd 01-05 Ashes (human) 06-10 Bone 11-15 Death mask 16-20 Ear, dried 21-26 Eyeballs preserved in a jar 27-32 Finger, dried 33-38 Human head in a jar 39-43 Live poisonous amphibian in a container 44-49 Live poisonous insect/ arachnid in a container 50-54 Live poisonous reptile in a container 55-59 Mummified animal 60-64 Mummy 65-69 Petrified body 70-74 Shrunken head 75-80 Skeleton 81-85 Skull 86-90 Teeth 91-95 Torture instrument 96-00 Whip Room Decoration, Table or Surface Therein 01-03 Aquarium 04-06 Ashtray 07-09 Basin 10-12 Basket 13-15 Bell, hand 16-18 Bottle 19-21 Book 22-24 Bowl 25-27 Box 28-30 Box, music 31-33 Cloth 34-35 Coffer 36-38 Decanter 39-41 Dish 42-43 Doily 44-46 Driftwood 47-49 Egg 50-52 Ewer 53-55 Figurine 56-58 Flowers, in container 59-61 Fruit, in container 62-64 Geode 65-67 Gong, striker, and stand, 68-70 Insect in amber 71-73 Jar 74-76 Nuts, in container 77-79 Object d’art 80-82 Plate 83-85 Platter 86-88 Statuette 89-91 Terrarium 92-94 Trophy (See Trophy listing for final result) 95-97 Urn 98-00 Vase Room Decoration, Wall 01-04 Basin, wall 05-07 Column, half 08-11 Bell, pull 12-14 Fresco 15-17 Gilding 18-21 Inlay, ivory 22-24 Inlay, metal 25-27 Inlay, stone 28-30 Inlay, tile 31-33 Inlay, wood 34-37 Mirror, inset 38-41 Molding, plaster 42-44 Molding, wood 45-47 Molding, wood, carved 48-50 Mosaic 51-53 Mosaic, inlaid tile 54-57 Niche 58-60 Mural 61-63 Paint 64-67 Paneling 68-70 Paneling, half 71-74 Pilaster 75-77 Rail, chair 78-80 Sheathing, metal 81-84 Sheathing, stone 85-87 Tile 88-90 Trophy (see below) 91-93 Wall, cloth covering 94-96 Wallpaper 97-00 Whitewash Room Decoration, Wall, Hung 01-05 Arass 06-10 Armorial bearings 11-14 Bird cage 15-18 Candelabrum 19-23 Cloth 24-27 Cresset 28-31 Cross-stitch cloth 32-35 Drawing 36-39 Flag 40-44 Fur 45-49 Hide 50-54 Mirror 55-58 Map 59-63 Painting 64-68 Plant 69-73 Sconce 74-78 Shield (see belowt) 79-82 Skin, animal 83-86 Tapestry

153 Appendixes 87-91 Trophy (see belowt) 92-96 Weapon (arms) 97-00 Weaving Sub-tables Box 01-05 Bread box 06-10 Can 11-15 Canister 16-20 Cash box 21-25 Cedar chest 26-30 Crate 31-34 Case 35-38 Filing box 39-42 Foot locker 43-47 Hatbox 48-52 Jar 53-57 Hope chest 58-62 Lock box 63-66 Music box 67-71 Pillbox 72-76 Pot (small) 77-81 Powder box 82-86 Puzzle box 87-91 Sea chest 92-95 Strong box 96-00 Tinder box Clocks & Watches 01-50 Clock 51-00 Watch 01-05 Carriage, clock (portable) 06-10 Carriage, clock (portable), striking and chiming quarter hours 11-15 Carriage, clock (portable), striking the hour 16-20 Mantle clock 21-25 Mantle clock, striking and chiming quarter hours 26-30 Mantle clock, striking/ hour 31-35 Small clock 36-40 Small clock, striking & chiming quarter hours 41-45 Small clock, striking/ hour 46-50 Table clock, repeater, striking and chiming quarter hours when string pulled 51-55 Table clock, repeater, striking the nearest hour when string pulled 56-60 Table clock 61-65 Table clock, striking and chiming quarter hours 66-70 Table clock, striking the hour 71-75 Tall (floor) clock 76-80 Tall (floor) clock, striking and chiming quarter hours 81-85 Tall (floor) clock, striking the hour 86-90 Wall clock 91-95 Wall clock, striking and chiming quarter hours 96-00 Wall clock, striking the hour Watches 01-14 Watch, pin-on, ladies 15-29 Watch, pocket, large 30-44 Watch, pocket, large 45-58 Watch, pocket, large 59-72 Watch, pocket, large, music 73-86 Watch, pocket, sm., man 87-00 Watch, pocket, sm., woman Collections 01-04 Arachnid 05-08 Armor 09-12 Arms 13-16 Book (see Library) 17-20 Boxes 21-24 Butterfly 25-28 Clocks and watches 29-32 Coins (and medals) 33-36 Devotional objects 37-40 Divination objects 41-44 Figurines and statuettes 45-48 Flags, shields & standards 49-52 Insect 53-56 Kaleidoscopes 57-60 Minerals 61-64 Musical instruments 65-68 Paintings 69-72 Pottery 73-76 Puzzles 77-80 Puzzle boxes 81-84 Sculpture 85-88 Sea shells 89-92 Stuffed animals 93-96 Trophies (hunting/fishing) 97-00 Wood carvings Handicraft Object 01-09 Basket/container, woven 10-18 Bone carving 19-28 Ivory carving 29-37 Jewelry, bone 38-46 Jewelry, claws/teeth 47-55 Jewelry, nut 56-64 Jewelry, shell 65-73 Mat, woven 74-82 Sandals 83-91 Stone carving 92-00 Wood carving Trophy 01-25 Head 26-50 Fully Mounted 51-75 Hide/Pelt/Skin 76-00 Other Head 01-04 Alligator/crocodile 05-08 Antelope 09-12 Bear 13-15 Bison (buffalo) 16-19 Boar 20-23 Caribou 24-27 Cat (see below) 28-31 Creature/monster (fantasy) 32-35 Deer 36-39 Eland 40-43 Elk (wapiti) 44-47 Gazelle 48-51 Giraffe 52-55 Gnu 56-58 Hippopotamus 59-62 Hyena 63-65 Moose (elk) 66-69 Musk ox 70-73 Okapi 74-77 Rhinoceros 78-80 Walrus 81-84 Water buffalo 85-88 Wolf 89-92 Wolverine 93-96 Yak 97-00 Zebra Fully Mounted 01-05 Badger 06-10 Bear 11-15 Beaver 16-20 Bird (see below) 21-26 Creature/monster (fantasy) 27-32 Ermine/weasel 33-37 Fish 38-42 Fisher 43-48 Fox 49-54 Martin 55-59 Mink 60-64 Panda, giant 65-69 Porcupine 70-74 Raccoon

154 Gary Gygax’s World Builder 75-79 Reptile 80-85 Skunk 86-90 Snake 91-95 Squirrel 96-00 Wolverine Hide/Pelt/Skin 01-03 Alligator/crocodile 04-07 Antelope 08-11 Bear 12-15 Bison (buffalo) 16-19 Boar 20-23 Caribou 24-27 Cat (see below) 28-31 Cattle 32-34 Creature/monster (fantasy) 35-37 Deer 38-41 Eland 42-45 Elk (wapiti) 46-49 Gazelle 50-53 Giraffe 54-57 Gnu 58-61 Hippopotamus 62-65 Hyena 66-69 Moose (elk) 70-73 Musk ox 74-77 Okapi 78-81 Rhinoceros 82-85 Snake 86-89 Water buffalo 90-92 Wolf 93-96 Yak 97-00 Zebra Other 01-14 Horns (including cattle horns) 15-28 Antlers 29-43 Claws 44-57 Jawbones with teeth 58-72 Teeth 73-86 Tusks (elephant, walrus) 87-00 Foot Sub-tables 2 Cats 01-06 Bobcat 07-11 Cervil 12-16 Cheetah 17-21 Domestic 22-26 Domestic, curly hair 27-32 Domestic, long hair 33-37 Domestic, short hair 38-43 Domestic, tailless 44-48 Domestic, wild (feral) 49-53 Jaguar 54-58 Jaguarundi 59-64 Leopard 65-69 Leopard, snow 70-74 Lion 75-79 Lynx 80-84 Ocelot 85-89 Puma (cougar, mountain) 90-95 Tiger, northern (Siberian) 96-00 Tiger, southern (Bengal) Birds 01-20 General 1 21-40 General 2 41-60 Flightless 61-80 Owls & Raptors 81-00 Scavengers General 1 01-02 Albatross 03-05 Auk 06-08 Bird of paradise 09-11 Bittern 12-13 Blackbird 14-15 Bluebird 16-17 Bluejay 18-20 Bustard 21-23 Canary 24-25 Cardinal 26-27 Catbird 28-29 Chickadee 30-32 co*ckateel 33-35 co*ckatoo 36-37 Coot 38-40 Cowbird 41-42 Crane 43-44 Creeper 45-47 Crow 48-50 Cuckoo 51-52 Dove 53-55 Duck 56-58 Finch 59-60 Flamingo 61-62 Flicker 63-65 Flycatcher 66-68 Goose 69-70 Grackle 71-72 Grebe 73-74 Grouse 75-77 Gull 78-80 Heron 81-83 Hummingbird 84-85 Ibis 86-87 Java temple bird 88-90 Jay 91-92 Kingfisher 93-95 Kinglet 96-98 Loon 99-00 Lovebird General 2 01-02 Magpie 03-04 Macaw 05-06 Mocking bird 07-08 Mourning dove 09-10 Mud hen 11-12 Night hawk 13-15 Nightingale 16-17 Nuthatch 18-19 Oriole 20-22 Parakeet 23-24 Parrot 25-26 Partridge 27-29 Passenger pigeon 30-32 Petrel 33-35 Pheasant 36-37 Pigeon 38-39 Plover 40-41 Prairie chicken 42-43 Ptarmigan 44-45 Puffin 46-48 Quail 49-50 Rail 51-52 Raven 53-54 Robin 55-56 Sandpiper 57-58 Shrike 59-60 Snipe 61-62 Sparrow 63-64 Spoonbill 65-67 Stork 68-69 Swallow 70-72 Swan 73-74 Swift 75-77 Tern 78-79 Thrasher 80-81 Thrush 82-84 Titmouse 85-86 Turkey 87-88 Vireo 89-90 Warbler 91-92 Widgeon 93-95 Woodco*ck 96-97 Woodpecker 98-00 Wren Flightless 01-11 Cassowary 12-22 Dodo 23-34 Emu

155 Appendixes 35-45 Moa 46-56 Ostrich 57-67 Penguin 68-78 Rhea 79-89 Road runner 90-00 Secretary bird Owls & Raptors 01-06 Eagle 07-11 Eagle, bald 12-17 Eagle, golden 18-23 Eagle, harpy 24-28 Falcon 29-34 Falcon, peregrine 35-39 Goshawk 40-45 Gyrfalcon 46-51 Hawk 52-56 Kite 57-62 Osprey 63-68 Owl 69-74 Owl, snowy 75-79 Owl, barn 80-85 Owl, burrowing 86-90 Owl, great gray 91-95 Owl, great horned 96-00 Owl. screech Scavengers 01-25 Buzzard 26-50 Caracara 51-75 Condor 76-00 Vulture Appendix B: Human Physical Traits Although the focus of this book is for careful selection based on logic and common sense, sometimes the beleaguered DM will find it useful to randomly determine material for an imminent game. Use the charts below to form a complete physical description for humans, elves, dwarfs etc. NOTE: It is recommend that the DM use minimal rolls to reach maximum descriptive effect. Too much of a good thing is distracting to players. Body Areas 01-10 Overall body type 11-20 Skin/Complexion 21-30 Head 31-40 Neck 41-50 Torso, upper back 51-60 Torso, upper front 61-70 Arms 71-80 Torso, lower back 81-90 Torso, lower front 91-00 Legs Overall Body Type Height 01-14 Average 15-28 Diminutive 29-42 Miniscule 43-57 Short 58-71 Short, very 72-85 Tall 86-00 Tall, very Musculature 01-33 Ectomorph 34-67 Endomorph 68-00 Mesomorph Ectomorph: Light body build; slight muscular development 01-11 Average 12-22 Frail 23-33 Gawky 34-44 Lanky 45-55 Scrawny 56-66 Slender 67-78 Slender, wiry 79-89 Thin 90-00 Willowy Endomorph: Heavy rounded body build; tendency to become fat 01-12 Average 13-25 Corpulent 26-37 Fat 38-50 Obese 51-62 Plump 63-75 Stocky 76-88 Stocky, muscular 89-00 Stocky, very muscular Mesomorph: Husky, muscular body build 01-10 Average 11-20 Buff 21-30 Built 31-40 Cut 41-50 Muscular 51-60 Muscular slender 61-70 Muscular, corded 71-80 Muscular, heavy 81-90 Ripped 91-00 Toned Body Shape 01-08 Ape-like (no ectomorphs) 09-16 Average 17-24 Heavy-hipped 25-32 Heavy-legged 33-39 Pear-shaped 40-47 Rail-like (ectomorphs only) 48-55 Rotund (endomorphs only) 56-62 Slab-like (no ectomorphs) 63-69 Spare (ectomorphs only) 70-77 Stick-like 78-85 Squat (no ectomorphs) 86-92 Square (no ectomorphs) 93-00 V-shaped (mesomorphs) Skin/Complexion Skin 01-05 Chapped 06-10 Coarse 11-15 Creased 16-20 Fine 21-25 Firm 26-30 Flaky 31-35 Furry 36-40 Gnarled 41-45 Hairy 46-50 Leathery 51-55 Loose 56-60 Lumpy 61-65 Oily 66-70 Pocked

156 Gary Gygax’s World Builder 71-75 Scaly 76-80 Scarred 81-85 Smooth 86-90 Splotchy 91-95 Warty 96-00 Wrinkled Complexion 01-12 Dark 13-23 Fair 24-34 Freckled 35-45 Ghostly 46-56 Grayish 57-67 Pallid 68-78 Porcelain 79-89 Rosy 90-00 Tanned Complexion Color 01-03 Black, coal 04-06 Black, ebony 07-09 Brown, bronze 10-12 Brown, cinnamon 13-15 Brown, light 16-18 Brown, mahogany 19-21 Brown, muddy 22-24 Brown, olive 25-27 Brown, tawny 28-30 Red, blush 31-33 Red, brownish 34-36 Red, coppery 37-39 Red, crimson 40-41 Red, ruby 42-44 Red, sun kissed 45-47 Red, yellowish 48-50 Tan, dark 51-53 Tan, golden 54-56 Tan, light 57-59 Tan, olive 60-62 White, albino 63-65 White, florrid 66-68 White, olive cast 69-71 White, pale 72-73 White, pink cast 74-76 White, ruddy 77-79 White, tan 80-82 White, tanned dark 83-85 White, yellow cast (sallow) 86-88 Yellow, dark 89-91 Yellow, golden 92-94 Yellow, ivory 95-97 Yellow, muddy 98-00 Yellow, pale Head Head 01-14 Size 15-29 Shape 30-43 Head Hair 44-57 Face Shape 58-72 Facial Features 73-86 Facial Expression/Look 87-00 Ears Size 01-34 Average 35-67 Small 68-00 Large Shape 01-09 Bullet-shaped 10-18 Egg-shaped 19-27 Flat-skulled 28-36 Irregular 37-46 Long 47-55 Lumpy 56-64 Oval, long 65-73 Oval, wide 74-82 Pointed 83-91 Round 92-00 Square Head Hair 01-34 Bald 35-67 Shaved 68-00 Ear-back fringe Hair Color 01-02 Black, brown 03-05 Black, dull 06-07 Black, ebony 08-09 Black, raven 10-12 Blond, brassy 13-15 Blonde 16-17 Blonde, ash 18-19 Blonde, dull (dirty) 20-21 Blonde, flaxen 22-23 Blonde, golden 24-25 Blonde, honey-colored 26-27 Blonde, platinum 28-30 Blonde, straw 31-32 Blonde, titian (strawberry) 33-35 Blonde, towheaded 36-37 Blue-Black 38-39 Brown 40-42 Brown, chestnut 43-44 Brown, chocolate 45-46 Brown, dark 47-48 Brown, dun 49-50 Brown, golden 51-53 Brown, honey 54-56 Brown, light 57-59 Brown, mouse-colored 60-61 Brown, red 62-64 Brown, rusty 65-66 Brown, sandy 67-68 Brown, tan 69-71 Gray 72-74 Gray, iron 75-76 Red 77-79 Red, auburn 80-81 Red, brick 82-84 Red, carrot 85-86 Red, coppery 87-89 Red, rusty 90-91 Red-henna dyed 92-93 Salt & pepper 94-96 Silver 97-98 Streaked (find colors) 99-00 White Texture/Growth 01-16 Average 17-33 Coarse 34-50 Fine 51-67 Thick 68-84 Thin 85-00 Wiry Hair Types 01-08 Bushy 09-16 Cowlicked 17-24 Curly 25-33 Downy 34-41 Feathery 42-50 Kinky 51-58 Pepper-corned 59-66 Poker Straight 67-75 Ringleted 76-83 Spiky 84-91 Straight 92-00 Wavy Length 01-12 Average 13-24 Bobbed 25-37 Clipped (burr cut) 38-50 Long 51-62 Medium 63-75 Short 76-87 Shoulder length 88-00 Waist-length Hair Style 01-03 Bald, Shaven 04-06 Bangs 07-09 Bouffonted

157 Appendixes 10-12 Braided, multi 13-15 Braided, two 16-18 Braids, wrapping head 19-22 Corn-rowed 23-25 High and Tight (crue cut) 26-29 Mullet 30-32 Pageboy 33-35 Parted, left 36-38 Parted, middle 39-41 Parted, right 42-45 Parted, zig-zag 46-48 Piled 49-51 Pony tail 52-54 Pony tails each side 55-57 Que 58-60 Scalplock 61-63 Scalplock, Roached 64-66 Sides long, top short 67-69 Sides shaved 70-72 Spiked 73-76 Swept back 77-79 Tonsured 80-82 Top knot 83-85 Tousled 86-88 Twist/bun, back of head 89-91 Twist/bun, top of head 92-94 Uncombed/tangled 95-97 Unkempt 98-00 Windblown Face Shape Plane 01-20 Angular 21-40 Average 41-60 Dished 61-80 Flat 81-00 Sharp Shape 01-14 Heart 15-28 Oval 29-42 Oval, reverse 43-56 Pointed (reverse triangle) 57-70 Round 71-85 Square 86-00 Wide Facial Features Facial Hair 01-10 Beardless 11-20 Beardless, in need of shave 21-30 Beardless, shaved 31-40 Beardless, long muttens 41-50 Beard 51-60 Full beard 61-70 Moustache 71-80 Moustache joined to beard 81-90 Moustache joined/sideburns 91-00 Sideburns (porkchops) Beard Growth 01-33 Average 34-66 Thick 67-00 Thin Length 01-17 Long 18-34 Long, braided 35-51 Long, tangled 52-67 Medium 68-84 Short 85-00 Stubble Style 01-08 Braided 09-17 Bristling 18-25 Bushy 26-33 Curled 34-42 Forked 43-50 Fu Manchu 51-59 Goat-like 60-67 Joined to mustache 68-76 Joined to sideburns 77-84 Ringleted 85-92 Spaded 93-00 Van Dyke (lower lip only) Full beard (mustaches and sideburns included) 01-09 Braided 10-18 Bristling 19-27 Bushy 28-36 Combed 37-45 Curled 46-54 Forked 55-63 Goat-like 64-72 Ringleted 73-82 Spaded 83-91 Tangled 92-00 Unkempt Moustache 01-07 Bristling 08-14 Bushy 15-21 Curled 22-28 Drooping 29-35 Hairline 36-42 Handlebar 43-49 Joined to beard 50-56 Joined to sideburns 57-63 Parted 64-70 Pointed 71-77 Sides of upper lip 78-85 Thick 86-93 Thin 94-00 Under nose (sides shaved) Sideburns 01-15 Boot-shaped 16-29 Curley 30-43 Fuzzy 44-57 Joined to beard 58-71 Joined to mustache 72-85 Narrow 86-00 Wide Forehead 01-11 Broad 12-23 Bulging 24-34 Flat 35-45 High 46-56 Low 57-67 Lumpy 68-78 Narrow 79-89 Rough 90-00 Widow’s-peaked Eyebrows 01-14 Absent/shaved 15-28 Average 29-42 Bushy 43-57 Penciled 58-71 Plucked 72-86 Thick 87-00 Thin Eyebrow Shape 01-07 Arched 08-14 Average (downward curve) 15-21 Boomerang-shaped 22-27 co*cked, left higher than right (find shape) 28-33 co*cked, right high, left low 34-39 Continuous, straight 40-46 Continuous, down curve at bridge of nose 47-52 Gull-wing 53-59 Lowering 60-66 Slanting upwards 67-73 Slanting upwards 74-80 Straight 81-86 Turning downwards

158 Gary Gygax’s World Builder 87-93 Turning upwards 94-00 Upward-curved Eyes Descriptors 01-12 Almond-shaped 13-25 Down-slanted 26-38 Hooded 39-50 Long 51-63 Round 64-76 Slanted 77-88 Slitted 89-00 Squarish Optional Descriptors 01-07 Blind 08-15 Blind, one eye 16-22 Bug-eyed 23-29 Cross-eyed 30-37 Glaring 38-45 Goggling (pop-eyed) 46-53 Saucer-like 54-61 Squinting 62-69 Staring 70-76 Unblinking 77-84 Wall-eyed 85-92 Wandering eyed (left or right) 93-00 Wild-eyed Eye Setting 01-14 Average 15-28 Bulging 29-42 Close 43-56 Deep 57-71 Sunken 72-86 Uneven 87-00 Wide Eye Size 01-16 Average 17-33 Beady 34-50 Big 51-67 Large 68-84 Small 85-00 Uneven Eye Color 01-02 Black 03-04 Blue 05-06 Blue to gray 07-08 Blue, bright 09-10 Blue, dark 11-12 Blue, ice 13-14 Blue, midnight 15-16 Blue, periwinkle 17-18 Blue, sky 19-20 Blue-green 21-22 Blue, watery 23-24 Blue-lilac 25-26 Blue-violet 27-28 Brown 29-31 Brown to hazel 32-33 Brown to yellow 34-35 Brown, bright 36-37 Brown, dark 38-39 Brown, golden 40-41 Brown, light 42-43 Brown, pale 44-45 Brown, reddish 46-47 Gray 48-49 Gray to blue 50-51 Gray, blue tint 52-53 Gray, green tint 54-55 Gray, ice 56-57 Gray, iron 58-59 Gray, pale 60-61 Green 62-63 Green to hazel 64-65 Green, bright 66-67 Green, Kelly 68-69 Green, pale 70-71 Green, pea 72-73 Green, Seafoam 74-75 Hazel 76-77 Hazel to brown 78-80 Hazel to green 81-82 Hazel, gold flecks 83-84 Irises different colors 85-86 Irises ringed with different color (find color) 87-88 Milky (blind) 89-90 One iris split (find colors) 91-92 Pink 93-94 White 95-96 Yellow 97-98 Yellow to brown 99-00 Yellow, golden Eye Pupils 01-14 Average 15-29 Large 30-44 Lightless 45-58 Oval, high 59-72 Oval, long 73-86 Slit (cat-like or reptilian) 87-00 Small Eyeball (White of the Eye) 01-20 Blood-shot 21-40 Bright 41-60 Nearly absent 61-80 Surrounds iris widely (staring effect) 81-00 Yellowish Eye Lids 01-12 Average 13-23 Creased 24-34 Drooping 35-45 Drooping, one only 46-56 Folds at ends 57-67 Folds at inner sides 68-78 Heavy 79-89 Painted 90-00 Wide open Eye Lashes 01-13 Average 14-25 Curly 26-38 False 39-50 Long 51-62 Mascara-coated 63-74 Short 75-87 Thick 88-00 Thin Cheekbones 01-25 Average 26-50 High 51-75 Protruding 76-00 Wide Cheeks 01-09 Average 10-18 Cherub 19-27 Chubby 28-36 Dimpled 37-45 Drooping 46-54 Fat 55-63 Flat 64-72 Hollow 73-82 Puffy 83-91 Round 92-00 Sunken

159 Appendixes Nose Nose Size 01-13 Average 14-26 Button 27-38 Cherry 39-50 Huge 51-63 Large 64-75 Nub 76-88 Small 89-00 Tiny Nose Shape 01-07 Bridgeless 08-14 Broken 15-21 Bulbous 22-28 Down-turned 29-35 Flat 36-43 Hawk-like 44-50 High-bridged 51-58 Hooked 59-65 Long 66-72 Narrow 73-79 Pointed 80-86 Roman 87-93 Sharp 94-00 Upturned Nostrils 01-11 Average 12-22 Elongated 23-33 Flared 34-44 Gaping 45-55 Hairy 56-66 Large 67-78 Pinched 79-89 Slitted 90-00 Small Mouth 01-13 Average 14-26 Compressed 27-39 Full 40-51 Large 52-63 Puckered 64-75 Slack-jawed 76-88 Small 89-00 Wide Shape 01-12 Average 13-25 Down-curved (frowning) 26-38 Drooping 39-50 Square 51-63 Cornes turned down 64-75 Turned up at the corners 76-87 Up-curved (smiling) 88-00 V-shaped Lips 01-07 Average 08-13 Bee-stung 14-19 Blubbery 20-26 Cupid’s bow 27-33 Down-pointing lower lip 34-40 Full 41-46 Long upper lip, thin 47-53 Out-thrust (find type) 54-60 Parted (find type) 61-66 Pouting 67-73 Pursed 74-79 Sunken 80-86 Thick 87-93 Thin 94-00 Thin, near lipless Teeth 01-07 Average 08-14 Broken 15-21 Buck-toothed 22-28 Crooked 29-35 False 36-42 Gap-toothed (front) 43-49 Gap-toothed (general) 50-56 Large 57-63 Missing teeth 64-70 None (toothless) 71-77 Perfect 78-84 Small 85-92 Snaggled 93-00 Straight Color 01-07 Blackish 08-14 Brownish 15-21 Gold 22-28 Grayish 29-35 Greenish 36-42 Ivory 43-49 Pearl 50-57 Stained 58-64 White, dull 65-71 White, sparkling 72-79 Wooden 80-86 Yellowish 87-93 Coated, gold 94-00 Coated, silver Condition 01-25 Average 26-50 Fang-like canines 51-75 Filed 76-00 Rotting Tongue Size 01-33 Average 34-67 Long 68-00 Short Descriptors 01-09 Blotchy 10-18 Coated 19-27 Forked 28-37 Lolling 38-46 Normal 47-55 Odd-colored 56-64 Pink 65-73 Pointed 74-82 Red 83-91 Speckled 92-00 Wide Chin Size 01-33 Average 34-67 Large 68-00 Medium Shape 01-08 Average 09-15 Cleft (find shape) 16-23 Dimpled (find shape) 24-30 Double (find shape) 31-37 Lantern-jawed 38-44 Pointed 45-51 Prognathus 52-58 Receding 59-65 Receding, near-chinless 66-72 Rounded 73-79 Square 80-86 Strong 87-93 Wattled (find shape) 94-00 Weak Facial Expression/Look 01-50 Table 1 51-00 Table 2 Table 1 01-03 Angelic 04-06 Angry 07-09 Authoritative 10-12 Avaricious 13-15 Benign

160 Gary Gygax’s World Builder 16-18 Bird-like 19-21 Bored 22-24 Bovine 25-27 Cat-like 28-30 Cheerful 31-33 Cherub-like 34-36 Child-like 37-39 Clouded 40-42 Compassionate 43-45 Confused 46-48 Craggy 49-51 Cruel 52-54 Cunning 55-57 Demonic 58-60 Devilish 61-64 Diabolic 65-67 Distant 68-70 Dog-like 71-73 Foxy 74-76 Friendly 77-79 Hard 80-82 Haughty 83-85 Haunted 86-88 Hawkish 89-91 Hostile 92-94 Inquisitive 95-97 Jovial 98-00 Lascivious Table 2 01-03 Laughing 04-06 Leering 07-09 Mad (insane) 10-12 Malign 13-15 Maternal/Paternal 16-18 Mischievous 19-21 Mobile 22-24 Pained 25-27 Peaceful 28-30 Prudish 31-33 Reptilian 34-36 Retarded 37-39 Saintly 40-42 Sanguine 43-46 Savage 47-49 Sexy 50-52 Smiling 53-55 Smug 56-58 Sneering 59-61 Sour 62-64 Stern 65-67 Surprised 68-70 Suspicious 71-73 Tired 74-76 Unctuous 77-79 Vulpine 80-82 Wide-eye 83-85 Wild 86-88 Wise 89-91 Wizened 92-94 Wolfish 95-97 Worn 98-00 Young Ears 01-33 Average location 34-67 High on head 68-00 Low on head Ear Size 01-11 Average 12-22 Large 23-33 None 34-45 Oval, long 46-56 Pointed 57-67 Round 68-78 Shell-like 79-89 Small 90-00 Square Ear Lobes 01-25 Attached 26-50 Average 51-75 None 76-00 Pendant Ear Prominence 01-20 Average 21-40 Flat to head 41-60 None, lizard-like holes 61-80 Sticking out fully 81-00 Sticking out partially Ear Condition 01-20 Average 21-40 Cauliflower 41-60 Distended by insertions 61-80 Notched 81-00 Pierced Neck Length 01-17 Abnormally Long 18-34 Average 35-51 Long 52-67 Long, swan-like 68-83 Short 84-00 Virtually none Size 01-15 Average 16-29 Fat 30-43 Slender 44-57 Thick 58-72 Thick, corded 73-86 Thin 87-00 Thin (pencil-like) Condition 01-14 Adam’s apple prominent 15-28 Creased 29-42 Flabby 43-56 Leathery 57-71 Smooth 72-86 Wattled 87-00 Wrinkled Torso, upper back Length 01-34 Average 35-67 Long 68-00 Short Shoulders 01-25 Average 26-50 Broad 51-75 Narrow 76-00 Sloping Back 01-33 Average 34-67 Broad 68-00 Narrow Unusual Features (optional) 01-15 Bent 16-30 Crooked 31-44 Curved 45-58 Hairy 59-72 Hump 73-86 Scarred 87-00 Shoulder blades prominent Torso, upper front Length Same as upper back Shoulders Same as upper back Chest (Breast) 01-12 Average 13-24 Barrel-chested/buxom

161 Appendixes 25-36 Broad/full-bosomed 37-49 Flabby/drooping 50-62 Flat/small-breasted 63-75 Gaunt/skinny 76-87 Muscular/outstanding 88-00 Sunken/flat-breasted Unusual Features (optional) 01-16 Concave area 17-33 Hairless 34-49 Hairy 50-66 Pigeon-breasted 67-83 Scarred 84-00 Superfluous nipple Belly 01-10 Average 11-20 Fat 21-30 Flat 31-40 Gorilla-like 41-50 Gut/ Beer belly 51-60 Hard 61-70 Paunchy 71-80 Sunken 81-90 Tight 91-00 Washboard-muscled Arms Length 01-25 Ape-like 26-50 Average 51-75 Long 76-00 Short Descriptor 01-09 Beefy 10-17 Bulging 18-26 Corded 27-34 Fat 35-42 Flabby 43-50 Muscular 51-58 Shapely 59-66 Smooth 67-74 Stick-like 75-83 Thin 84-92 Toned 93-00 Wiry Hands Size 01-33 Average 34-66 Large 67-00 Small Descriptor 01-08 Ape-like 09-16 Big-knuckled 17-25 Bony 26-33 Calloused 34-41 Crooked 42-49 Delicate 50-57 Fat 58-66 Hairy 67-75 Ham-like 76-83 Hard 84-92 Slender 93-00 Soft Palms 01-17 Broad 18-33 Calloused 34-50 Long 51-66 Hard 67-83 Moist 84-00 Soft Fingers (Average, long, or short length) Size 01-33 Average 34-67 Long 68-00 Short Descriptor 01-08 Banana-like 09-16 Bony 17-25 Bulbous 26-33 Clawed 34-42 Delicate 43-50 Fat 51-59 Hard 60-67 Nimble 68-75 Sausage-like 76-83 Spatulate 84-92 Thick 93-00 Thin Fingernails Length 01-33 Average 34-66 Long 67-00 Short Descriptor 01-12 Claw-like 13-23 Discolored 24-34 Horny 35-45 Manicured 46-56 Ragged 57-67 Sharp 68-78 Talon-like 79-89 Thick 90-00 Yellowed Torso, lower back Length 01-33 Average 34-67 Long 68-00 Short Waist 01-11 Average 12-22 Broad 23-33 Fat 34-44 Lean 45-55 Narrow 56-66 Thick 67-77 Thickly muscled 78-88 Thin 89-00 Wasp-like Hips 01-10 Average 11-20 Boyish 21-30 Broad 31-40 Fat 41-50 Hippo-like 51-60 Lean 61-70 Narrow 71-80 Rounded 81-90 Slender 91-00 Wide Buttocks 01-05 Apple 06-09 Average 10-14 Bag-like 15-18 Drooping 19-22 Fat 23-26 Flabby 27-31 Flat 32-35 Gigantic 36-40 Ham-like 41-45 Heart-shaped (inverse) 46-49 Hot 50-54 Lean 55-59 Lumpy 60-64 Muscular 65-68 Onion 69-73 Peach-like 74-78 Plump 79-82 Rounded

162 Gary Gygax’s World Builder 83-87 Sexy 88-91 Skinny 92-95 Small 96-00 Steatopygic Torso, lower front Length 01-34 Average 35-67 Long 68-00 Short Abdomen/Loins 01-14 Average 15-29 Fat-rolled 30-43 Muscular 44-58 Plump 59-72 Scrawny 73-86 Smooth 87-00 Thin Legs Optional Descriptors 01-20 Bandy legged 21-40 Bent-kneed 41-60 Bowlegged 61-80 Knock-kneed 81-00 Pigeon-toed Thighs Length 01-33 Average 34-66 Long 67-00 Short Descriptor 01-10 Average 11-19 Bony 20-28 Bulging 29-37 Curvaceous 38-46 Fat 47-55 Muscular 56-64 Plump 65-73 Thick 74-82 Thin 83-91 Scrawny 92-00 Shapely Legs Length 01-33 Average 34-66 Long 67-00 Short Descriptor 01-09 Average 10-18 Bony 19-26 Bulging 27-34 Curvaceous 35-42 Fat 43-50 Hairy 51-58 Muscular 59-67 Potato-like 68-75 Scrawny 76-83 Shapely 84-91 Thick 92-00 Thin Feet Size 01-33 Average 34-67 Large 68-00 Small Descriptor 01-17 Broad 18-34 Delicate 35-50 Hairy 51-66 Hard 67-83 Slender 84-00 Thick-ankled Feet, soles 01-20 Calloused 21-40 Delicate 41-60 Flat 61-80 Hard 81-00 Soft Toes Size 01-33 Average 34-66 Long 67-00 Short Descriptor 01-09 Bony 10-18 Bulbous 19-27 Callused 28-36 Clawed 37-45 Delicate 46-54 Fat 55-64 Hammer-like 65-73 Hard 74-82 Spatulate 83-91 Thick 92-00 Thin Toenails 01-12 Claw-like 13-24 Discolored 25-37 Horny 38-49 Manicured 50-62 Ragged 63-74 Sharp 75-87 Thick 88-00 Yellowed Optional Adjustments Missing Part 01-11 Arm 12-22 Ear 23-33 Eye 34-44 Finger 45-55 Foot 56-66 Forearm 67-77 Hand 78-88 Leg 89-00 Toe Other 01-20 Birth-marked 21-40 Burn-marked 41-60 Mutilated 61-80 Scarred 81-00 Tattooed

163 Appendixes Appendix C: Appurtenant Structures & Places (randomized) Places 01-05 Abattoir 06-10 Arbor 11-16 Bakery 17-21 Barn 22-26 Blacksmith forge/shop 27-31 Bower 32-36 Carpentry shop 37-41 Chapel 42-47 Dairy 48-52 Drying house 53-57 Hermitage 58-62 Kennels 63-67 Labyrinth, garden 68-72 Laundry 73-77 Mason shop 78-82 Shrine 83-88 Smoke house 89-94 Stables 95-00 Summer house Structures 01-03 Arch 04-06 Bartizan 07-08 Catwalk 09-11 Cistern, roof 12-13 Coach house 14-16 Coop 17-18 Courtyard 19-21 Curtain wall 22-24 Dove cot (for pigeons) 25-26 Fountain 27-29 Garden 30-32 Garden, kitchen 33-35 Gate house 36-37 Gazebo 38-40 Grotto 41-42 Guard house 43-45 Kitchen 46-48 Lodge 49-51 Mews (for hawks) 52-54 Moat 55-57 Orchard 58-59 Patio 60-62 Pen 63-65 Pergola 66-68 Pool 69-71 Pool and fountain 72-74 Pool, fish 75-77 Pool, garden 78-80 Pool, swimming 81-83 Poultry coup 84-86 Privy 87-89 Terrace 90-92 Tower (beaked, bullet- shaped, horned, rectangu lar, round, square) 93-95 Turret 96-98 Vinery 99-00 Well house Appendix D: Colors and Associated Colors Color (Hue) Black: Blue-black Charcoal Coal Crow Ebony Ink Jet Pitch Raven Sable (heraldric) Soot Blue (and Indigo) Aqua Aquamarine Azure (heraldric) Cerulean Cyan/cyanic Periwinkle Robin’s egg blue Royal blue Sapphire Sky blue Spark blue (electric blue) Turquoise blue Ultramarine Blue-black Dark blue Indigo Navy blue Brown Adust Auburn Bay Baise Bistre Bronze Chestnut Chocolate Cinnamon Dapple Ecru Fawn Hazel Liver-colored Mahogany Nut brown Ochre Puce Sepia Tan Tawny Toast Umber Clear Crystalline Limpid Lucid Pure Translucent Transparent Gray Ash-gray Bat Blue-gray Chiaroscuro Dingy Dove gray Drab Dun Dusky Heather Iron-gray Lead/leaden Livid Mousy Pearl gray Pewter Salt & pepper Silver Slate Smoke Stone Green Apple-green Aquamarine Beryl Bottle-green Celadon Chartreuse Emerald Glaucous Grass-green

164 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Hunter Kelly Leaf-green Lime Malachite Moss-green Olive Pea-green Pine-green Reseda Sage Sea-green Spinach-green Slime-green Turquoise Verd Verdigris Vert (heraldric) Opalescence—Color Play Iridescence Luminous Pearlesent Phosphorescent Radiant Scintillating Sheen Striated Rainbow Variegated Orange Apricot Bright rust Burnt orange Carrot-orange Coral Flame Peach Red-yellow Salmon Tangerine Tenne (heraldric) Purple Amethyst Blue-red Eggplant Heliotrope Lavender Lilac Magenta Mauve Plum Puce Purpure (heraldric) Violet Red Beet-red Blood-red Brick-red Burgundy Carbuncle-red Cardinal Carmine Carnation Cerise Cherry Cinnabar Claret Cochineal Crimson Damask Fuchsia Gules (heraldric) Lake Madder Magenta Mulberry Murrey Pink Raspberry Red ochre Rose Rouge Ruby Ruddy Rust-red Sanguine Scarlet Strawberry Terra cotta Vermilion Wine-red Red-Brown Bronze Copper Henna Khaki Maroon Roan Russet Rust Sorrel White Alabaster Argent (heraldric) Chalk Ivory Lily Milk Paper Platinum Silver Snow Yellow Amber Banana Beige Buff Chartreuse Chrome yellow Citrine Crocus Cream-colored Fallow Fawny Flaxen Gamboge Gilt Gold Golden Honey Lemon Or (heraldric) Primrose Saffron Sallow Sandy Straw-yellow Sulfur Topaz Yellow ocher Descriptive & Modifying Terms for Color Bright Brilliant Clear Deep Intense Pure Sharp Vibrant Vivid Glittering Glossy Metallic Shining Dark Dull Dusty Muddy Muted Pale Shade Tint Undertone Watery Blotched Mottled Spattered Stained Streaked

165 Appendixes Appendix F Names, Unusual/Archaic Names for Things (with definitions) Antre: A cavern or large cave. Arass: A fine, heavy tapestry, usually hung a short distance away from the wall. Argosy: A large merchant ship. Ban-Dog: A fierce and vicious guard dog held fast by bands or a chain. Barbed: Armed and armored (harnessed) for warfare. Bases: Embroidered knee-length skirt worn by a knight in full-dress and mounted. Bat-Fowling: Netting birds at dusk; a thieves’ trick to distract victims in the evening. Bating: To cause a falcon to flutter or flap its wings. Battle: A division of an army. Bauble: The fool’s or jester’s stick or “rod of office.” Bavin: Light wood and brush that burns away quickly. Beaver: The lower part of the helmet. Bilbo: A fetter used to confine a prisoner aboard a ship, Bodkin: A dagger. Bolter: A sieve for sifting and straining meal. Bolter-House: A meal-straining outbuilding. Bombard: A leather vessel to hold and carry liquor. Bombast: Cotton stuffing for lining of garments. Bot: A small worm. Brace: Armor worn on the arm. Brach: A female hound. Brook: To loose a falcon to hunt. Brusing iron: A heavy mace. Buckram: Coarse linen cloth stiffened with glue. Bulk: The protruding part of a shop upon which goods are displayed. Buskin: A high-heeled boot worn mainly for hunting. Cambric: Fine white linen cloth. Camlet: Light and fine cloth made from camel’s hair. Cater-Cousin: A distant relative or a close friend. Appendix E: Light from a Flame This short appendix is not designed to establish how far one can see with a given source, but rather explains the quanitity of light that certain sources may produce. In other words the value of the light itself. Without further ado, prepare to be enlightened. Terminology Lumen: The basic unit of measurement used for light. A dinner candle produces approximately 12 lumens. A 60- watt Soft White bulb is much more powerful producing 855 lumens. Reflectance: Reflectance is the ratio of luminous flux (lumens) reflected from a surface in relation to luminous flux (lumens) incident onto the surface. Types of surface reflectance range from specular (mirror like) to the diffuse (lambertian), with many objects exhibiting combinations. Reflectances are important when calculating illuminances. Task Height: The plane at which the work is performed (readings taken). Unless it is otherwise specified the work plane used is 3’ (36”). Foot-candle (fc): One Foot Candle equals the total intensity of light that falls upon a one square foot surface that is placed 1 foot away from a point source of light that equals 1 candle power. All of the examples of lighting included in this essay are in foot-candles. It was determined that .5 foot-candles are the minimal amount of light needed to read hand- written words on a piece of paper without any difficulty. The sentences on the paper were one-quarter inch in height and were written with a hand-dipped calligraphic pen. At .2 foot candles the sentences were readable but with great difficulty and many mistakes made. At .1 foot-candle it could be determined that there was writing on the page and that’s all. .1 foot-candles allows you to tell the difference between light and dark colors, and distinguish writing on a page. The dark colors would be indiscernible from one another and the writing on the page would be unreadable. .2 foot-candles allows you to tell the difference between light and dark colors, and distinguish writing on a page. The dark colors would be almost indiscernible from one another and the writing on the page would be readable, but with great difficulty. .5 foot-candles allows you to tell the difference between light and dark colors, and distinguish writing on a page. The dark colors would distinguishable from one another and the writing on the page would be easily readable. Projecting Illumination from other Light Sources: Campfire, small: 25 candlepower on average. Campfire, large: 60 candlepower on average. Cresset: 20 candlepower on average. Fireplace Fire: 30 candlepower on average. Lantern. Candle, with Reflector: 3 candlepower directed in a beam. Lantern, Oil: 2 to 6 candlepower depending on wick height. Lantern, Oil, with reflector: 6 to 15 candlepower directed in a beam. Torch: 15 candlepower on average.

166 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Cheap: A market. Cheveril: Kidskin. Chine: A joint of beef. Clout: The center of the target, the bull’s eye. co*ck-Shut: Evening time; a net set to snare woodco*ck. Consort: A company of musicians. Coranto: A quick and lively dance. Crare: A small ship with both fore- and sterncastle. Curtle-Axe: A cutlass. Cuttle: The knife used by a cutpurse; a cutpurse. Daubery: The art or practice of impersonation. Dancing Rapier: A decorative sword. Demi-Wolf: A cross between a wolf and a dog. Dibble: A pointed stick to make holes for seed planting. Distaff: A spinning wheel. Doit: A small coin (originally half of a farthing); a trifle. Domestic Offices: Buttery, cellars, kitchen, and pantry. Draff: Food scraps fed to swine. Drench: A mixture of bran and water. Drollery: A puppet show. Durance: The strong material from which prison uniforms were made. Fardel: A backpack or similar bundle. Farthingale: A hoop. Fast and Loose: A cheating game of Gypsies based on a knot, it being fast or loose. Fitchew: The polecat. Foison: A rich harvest; plenty. Fosset: A tap to drain liquid from a container. Frippery: An old-clothes shop. Furred Pack: A leather container with the hair side outwards. Galligaskins: Loose breeches. Gest: A stage of a royal journey; the time of stay at a place by a royal party. Gloze: Empty, usually deceitful, words. Grange: A solitary farm. Gyves: Fetters. Haggard: A wild hawk. Harness: Armor. Hive: A conical bonnet. Holy-Ales: Rural religious festivals. Horologe: A clock. Inkle: A kind of tape. Jack: The small bowl aimed at in lawn bowling. Jakes: An outside privy. Jauncing: Making a horse prance. Jesses: Straps tied between a falcon’s legs & the arm. Keech: A roll of beef fat; also a term for a butcher boy. Kirtle: A jacket with attached skirts. Lag: The lowest class of people or things. Leaguer: The camp of a besieging army. Leaping House: A brothel. Limbec: An alembic or still. Linsey-Woolsey: Fabric made of linen and wool blend. Lop: Small branches cut off for burning as fa*ggots. Luce: A pike (fish). Maintenance: A carriage. Maund: A hand basket. Mead: A fermented alcoholic drink made from honey. Measure: A stately dance. Meiny: Household retinue. Moocher: A truant or petty thief. Neat: Horned cattle, those lacking horns being palled. Orisons: Prayers. Orts: Innards; scraps. Paddock: A toad. Pageant: A theatrical exhibition or performance. Painted Cloth: A large canvas hanging painted or written upon used to decorate a wall. Pilch: A leather coat. Pitch: The apex of a falcon’s flight in hunting. Posset: A drink made of boiled milk, ale or sherry, eggs, bread crumbs, sugar and spice. Pot: A wooden drinking vessel. Pouncet Box: A small, perforated box in which musk or perfume is kept for smelling. Pox: A disease, either epidemic (the plague) or venereal. Puling: Whining and begging for something. Puttock: A kite. Quarry: A heap of slaughtered game. Quern: A hand mill for grinding mostly grain. Rascal: A lean and worthless deer. Remove: One of several courses at a dinner where old dishes are cleared for new ones. Rouse: A bumper; a full measure of drink. Stone Bow: A pellet crossbow. Stoop: The dive of the falcon as it goes after its prey. Sweetmeat: A candied fruit. Synod: An assembly of the gods. Tally: A notched stick used to keep count, each mark called a score. Tike: A small dog. Toils: Nets or snares used to capture. Trestle Table: Basically, a table made from planks set upon something akin to saw horses. Truckle Bed: A bed on wheels so as to be stored under something, usually a higher bed. Tuck: A rapier. Urchin: A hedgehog. Vizard: A face mask. Wassail: Revelry; feasting and drinking with merriment. Water-Galls: Secondary rainbows. Weed: A garment; thus “weeds” are garments. Wind, Downwind: The direction a falcon is sent if being freed. Wind, Upwind: The direction a falcon is sent after prey. Wink: Shut the eyes; thus “winks” is slumbering.

167 Appendixes Appendix G Gemstones by Color, Generally Named in Order of Relative Value Note: This is a compilation of actual gemstones, but it is not meant to reflect actuality. That is, it is aimed at use in a fantasy world environment, not as a treatise on gemology. Colors named follow as closely as possible the light spectrum from white to black with the hues violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, (purple, and brown), between them. Of course, variations of color are interposed, such as “Colorless” before “White”, “Pale Violet” after “Violet”, and so forth. The number after the name of a stone indicates its relative hardness on the Mohs’ Scale. Precious Opal (quartz mineral base at 5.5-6.5) colored as follows black, black ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink, red. black, indigo ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink, red. black, deep blue ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of green, yellow, pink, red. black, dark green ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, yellow, pink, red. black, dark gray ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink, red. white, blue ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink, red. white, pale blue ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink, red. white, pale green ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink. white, blue-white ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink. white, milky ground; inclusions of flecks/spatterings of blue, green, yellow, pink. Common Opal (quartz mineral base at 5.5-6.5) colored as follows milk white, blotches and/or swirl inclusions of blue, green, red, pink color. whitish, blotches and/or swirl inclusions of blue, green, red, pink, brown color. pale yellow-brown, blotches and/or swirl inclusions of blue, green, red, pink color. brown-yellow, blotches and/or swirl inclusions of whitish, blue, green, red, pink color. grass green, blotches and/or swirl inclusions of whitish, blue, red, pink color. Pearl (with a pearlesent luster called “orient” at 3-4) colored as follows black, spherical fine skin dark green, spherical fine skin rose tint, spherical fine skin green tint, spherical fine skin pink tint, spherical fine skin cream, spherical fine skin silvery tint, spherical fine skin yellow tint, spherical fine skin brown tint, spherical fine skin gray tint, spherical fine skin Pearls with a weight over 100 carats add 1% per carat to the carat weight value of the specimen. Oval and pear-shaped pearls are worth approximately 75% of the value of spherical ones. Hemispherical pearls are worth approximately 75% of the value of spherical ones. Baroque (irregularly shaped) pearls are worth approximately 50% of the value of spherical ones. Average skin texture lowers pearl value by approximately 25%. Coarse skin texture lowers pearl value by approximately 50%. Fresh water pearly have approximately 50% of the value of marine ones. Moonstone (feldspar at 6-6.5) with a turbid transparency colored as follows whitish clear, strong blue-white sheen whitish translucent cat’s eye whitish translucent very pale dove gray translucent cat’s eye very pale dove gray translucent pale tan-yellow translucent cat’s eye pale tan-yellow translucent pale dove gray translucent cat’s eye pale dove gray translucent soft gray translucent cat’s eye soft gray translucent Labradorite Feldspar (6-6.5) opaque with a play of metallic colors colored as follows pale gray with a strong blue color play dark gray with a full-spectrum color play black with a full-spectrum color play dark gray with a green to gold color play black with a green to gold color play dark gray with a blue to green color play black with a blue to green color play Aventurine Feldspar (6-6.5) opaque with a play of metallic color colored as follows orange with a blue color play red-brown a blue color play orange with a green color play red-brown a green color play orange with a red color play red-brown a red color play

168 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Colorless (showing “sparkle” from light refraction): Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque diamond (10) sapphire (9) euclase (7.5) beryl (7.5-8) topaz (7-7.5) grossular, leuco garnet (7-7.5) cassiterite (6-7) cassiterite (6-7) zircon (6-6.5) sanidine orthoclase (6) amblygonite (6) Colorless (transparent not showing great “sparkle” from light refraction): hambergite (7.5) topaz (7-7.5) phenacite (7.5-8) danburite (7-7.5) petalite (6-6.5) labradorite feldspar (6-6.5) scapolite (6-6.5) tantalite (5-6) hypersthene (5-6) diopside (5-6) apatite (5) rock crystal (7) Colorless (Inclusions Resembling Green Flora/Ferns with Reds, Browns, Grays): dendritic agate, quartz (6.5-7) Colorless(Inclusions of Red and/or Brown, Resembling a Landscape): scenic agate, quartz (6.5-7) White: hambergite (7.5) jadeite (6.5-7) jadeite (6.5-7) cat’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no cat’s eye quartz (7) nephrite * (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) coral (3-4) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) *Often with flecks, spots, or pattern of darker color. White with Blue Banding: chalcedony quartz (7) White with Gray-Blue Banding: chalcedony quartz (7) White with Green: jadeite (6.5-7) jadeite (6.5-7) nephrite (6-6.5) nephrite (6-6.5) White (Inclusions Resembling Green Flora/Ferns with Reds, Browns, Grays): dendritic agate, quartz (6.5-7) White (Inclusions of Red and/or Brown, Resembling a Landscape): scenic agate, quartz (6.5-7) Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque Blue-White: lazulite(5-6) lazulite(5-6) Ivory (White): ivory (2-3) Pale Violet: siberite tourmaline (7-7.5) zircon (6-6.5) spodumene, kunzite (6-7) jadeite (6.5-7) jadeite (6.5-7) scapolite (6-6.5) scapolite (6-6.5) /yes/no Violet: beryl (7.5-8) spinel (8) siberite tourmaline (7-7.5) iolite (7-7.5) iolite (7-7.5) spodumene, kunzite (6-7) tanzanite (6-6.5) jadeite (6.5-7) jadeite (6.5-7) violane diopside (5-6) violane diopside (5-6) /yes/yes apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no Violet-Blue: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) iolite (7-7.5) iolite (7-7.5) siberite tourmaline (7-7.5) Violet Red: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) spinel (8) Indigo (very dark “navy” blue): sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) spinel (8) indigolite tourmaline (7-7.5) coral (3-4) lazulite (5-6) lazulite (5-6) Deep Blue: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) indigolite tourmaline (7-7.5) hauynite lapis lazuli (5.5-6) lazulite (5-6) lazulite (5-6) lapis lazuli * (5-6) *Flecked with gold-colored pyrites. Deep Blue to Clear (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Blue: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) iolite (7-7.5) iolite (7-7.5) aquamarine (7.5-8) indigolite tourmaline (7-7.5) tanzanite (6-6.5) benitoite * (6-6.5) benitoite * (6-6.5) hauynite lapis lazuli (5.5-6) lazulite (5-6) lazulite (5-6) apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) chalcedony quartz (7) turquoise (5-6) turquoise ** (5-6) lapis lazuli *** (5-6) *No larger when cut than 10 carats, and most stones smaller. **Veined with green, brown or black. ***Flecked with gold-colored pyrites.

169 Appendixes Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque Blue with White Banding: chalcedony quartz (7) Gray-Blue: chalcedony quartz (7) Gray-Blue with White Flecks: chalcedony quartz (7) Gray-Blue with Brown Flecks and/or Swirls: chalcedony quartz (7) Blue to Clear (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Blue to Clear to Pink (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Light Blue: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) euclase (7.5) aquamarine (7.5-8) anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) topaz (7-7.5) indigolite tourmaline (7-7.5) benitoite * (6-6.5) benitoite * (6-6.5) zircon (6-6.5) turquoise (5-6) turquoise ** (5-6) *No larger when cut than 10 carats, and most stones smaller. **Veined with green, brown or black. Light Blue to Clear (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Green-Blue: aquamarine (7.5-8) wardite (5) lazulite (5-6) lazulite (5-6) turquoise (5-6) turquoise * (5-6) *Veined with green, brown or black. Blue-Green (Sea Green): aquamarine (7.5-8) euclase (7.5) amazonite feldspar (6-6.5) wardite (5) turquoise (5-6) turquoise * (5-6) *Veined with green, brown or black. Blue to Green (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Blue to Clear to Pink (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Olive Green: peridot (6-6.5) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) idiocrase (6.5) smaragdite (6.5) actinolite (5.5-6) apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no Dark Olive Green with Red Flecks and/or Spots: chalcedony, heliotrope Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque quartz (6.5-7) Moss Green: chrysoberyl (8.5) chrysoberyl (8.5) /yes/yes anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) epidote (6-7) epidote (6-7) kornerupine (6.5) kornerupine (6.5) smaragdite (6.5) diopside (5-6) diopside (5-6) /yes/ yes apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no aventurine quartz ** (7) cat’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no moldavite (5.5) moldavite (5.5) malachite *** (3.5-4) obsidian **** (5-5.5) obsidian **** (5-5.5) *Typically with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. **This stone has a metallic iridescence. ***With stripes or bands of lighter green color. ****Most valuable is with golden or silver luster; another variety has whitish, flower-shaped inclusions, and it is thus called flowering obsidian. Bottle Green: diopside (5-6) diopside (5-6) /yes/ yes enstatite (5.5) enstatite (5.5) * /yes/yes enstatite * dioptase (5) moldavite (5.5) moldavite (5.5) *Displays a metallic sheen Deep Green (Emerald Green): emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5-8) spinel (8) uvarolite garnet (7.5) uvarolite garnet (7.5) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) verdalite tourmaline (7-7.5) verdalite tourmaline (7-7.5) /yes/no demantoid garnet (6.5-7) spodumene, hiddenite (6-7) smaragdite (6.5) diopside (5-6) diopside (5-6) /yes/ yes dioptase (5) malachite ** (3.5-4) *Typically with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. A stone of solid coloration is the most valuable. **With stripes or bands of lighter green color. Deep Green to Bright Pink: tourmaline (7-7.5) Deep Green to Clear (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Green: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5-8) “jardine”chry* (8.5)

170 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque (8.5) /yes/yes chrysoberyl (8.5) (8.5) /yes/yes chrysoberyl (8.5) verdalite tourmaline (7-7.5) verdalite tourmaline (7-7.5) /yes/no grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) hydro anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) demantoid garnet (6.5-7) jadeite ** (6.5-7) jadeite ** (6.5-7) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) zircon (6-6.5) kornerupine (6.5) kornerupine (6.5) diopside (5-6) diopside (5-6) /yes/ yes sphene (5-5.5) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) chalcedony, chrysoprase quartz (6.5-7) amazonite feldspar (6-6.5) *This stone will show a commensurate hue of red in artificial light. **Typically with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color, or white. Green to Clear (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Green to Pink (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Green Exterior, Clear Middle Band, Red Interior (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Green Exterior, Red Interior (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Apple Green: jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) chalcedony, chrysoprase quartz (6.5-7) turquoise (5-6) turquoise ** (5-6) *Typically with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color, or white. **Veined with green, brown or black. Light Green: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5- 8) beryl (7.5-8) chrysoberyl (8.5) chrysoberyl (8.5) /yes/yes chrysoberyl (8.5) topaz (7-7.5) verdalite tourmaline (7-7.5) verdalite tourmaline (7-7.5) /yes/no grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) demantoid garnet (6.5-7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) zircon (6-6.5) spodumene, hiddenite (6-7) kornerupine (6.5) kornerupine (6.5) smaragdite (6.5) malachite ** (3.5-4) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color, or white. **With stripes or bands of lighter green color. Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque Light Green to Clear (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Leek Green: peridot (6-6.5) andalusite (7.5) prasiolite quartz (7) prase quartz (7) cat’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no cat’s eye quartz (7) Yellow-Green: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5-8) emerald (7.5-8) beryl (7.5-8) chrysoberyl (8.5) chrysoberyl (8.5) /yes/yes chrysoberyl (8.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) peridot (6-6.5) andalusite (7.5) idiocrase (6.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) Green-Yellow: beryl (7.5-8) grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) andalusite (7.5) spodumene, hiddenite (6-7) idiocrase (6.5) brizalianite (5.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) Wine (very pale) Yellow: phenacite (7.5-8) danburite (7-7.5) amblygonite (6) Pale Yellow: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) beryl (7.5-8) topaz (7-7.5) spodumene, hiddenite (6-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) amblygonite (6) apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no citrine quartz (7) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. Yellow: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) beryl (7.5-8) topaz (7-7.5) andalusite (7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) diopside (5-6) diopside (5-6) /yes/yes brizalianite (5.5) apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) citrine quartz (7) Lemon Yellow: beryl (7.5-8) demantoid garnet (6.5-7) demantoid topazolite garnet (7.5) prehnite (6-6.5) sulphur (1.5-2) Deep Yellow: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes

171 Appendixes Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque sapphire (9) cancrinite (5-6) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) Golden Yellow: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) beryl (7.5-8) chrysoberyl (8.5) chrysoberyl (8.5) /yes/yes chrysoberyl (8.5) topaz (7-7.5) idiocrase (6.5) sphene (5-5.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) citrine quartz (7) cat’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no cat’s eye quartz (7) Greenish Gold: chalcopyrite * (3.5-4) *Shows a brassy luster. Golden: beryl (7.5-8) spinel (8) topaz (7-7.5) dravite tourmaline (7-7.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) enstatite (5.5) enstatite (5.5) /yes/eys amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) citrine quartz (7) chalcopyrite * (3.5-4) *Shows a brassy luster. Pale Brownish Gold (Champagne color): scapolite (6-6.5) scapolite (6-6.5) /yes/no orthoclase feldspar (6-6.5) amblygonite (6) apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no chalcopyrite * (3.5-4) *Shows a brassy luster. Golden with Golden Brown Bands: tiger’s eye quartz (7) Golden Orange: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) beryl (7.5-8) spinel (8) topaz (7-7.5) zircon (6-6.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) citrine quartz (7) Pale Orange: scapolite (6-6.5) scapolite (6-6.5) /yes/no amblygonite (6) apatite (5) apatite (5) /yes/no Orange: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) topaz (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) zircon (6-6.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) cancrinite (5-6) sphene (5-5.5) Red-Orange to Scarlet: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque piemontite epidote (6-7) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) coral (3-4) Pale Pink: spodumene, kunzite (6-7) phenacite (7.5-8) danburite (7-7.5) petalite (6-6.5) scapolite (6-6.5) scapolite (6-6.5) /yes/no coral (3-4) rose quartz (7) rose quartz (7) /no/yes Pale Pink with White Bands: rhodochrosite (4) rhodochrosite (4) Pink: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) beryl (7.5-8) spinel (8) anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) topaz (7-7.5) coral (3-4) rose quartz (7) rose quartz (7) /no/yes Pink with White Bands: rhodochrosite (4) rhodochrosite (4) Pink to Golden Brown (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Bright Pink: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) spinel (8) anchorite tourmaline (7-7.5) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) rubelilite tourmaline (7-7.5) /yes/yes tugtupite * (6) tugtupite * (6) purpurite ** (4-4.5) coral (3-4) rhodochrosite (4) *With a violet tine and white and/or black inclusions in spots and/or swirls. **Shows a metallic luster. Bright Pink to Brown (in one stone): tourmaline (7-7.5) Bright Pink with White Bands: rhodochrosite (4) Light Red: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) chalcedony, cornelian quartz (7) coral (3-4) Scarlet to Strawberry Red: beryl (7.5-8) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) zincite (4.5-5)

172 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque Strawberry Red with Black Inclusions: rhodonite (5.5-6.5) rhodonite (5.5-6.5) Red: ruby (9) ruby (9) /yes/yes ruby (9) spinel (8) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) zircon (6-6.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) fire opal (5.5-6.5) chalcedony, cornelian quartz (7) rhodonite (5.5-6.5) rhodonite (5.5-6.5) rhodonite (5.5-6.5) zincite (4.5-5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) coral (3-4) Red with Black Inclusions: rhodonite (5.5-6.5) rhodonite (5.5-6.5) Deep Red: ruby (9) ruby (9) /yes/yes ruby (9) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) zincite (4.5-5) Violet-Red (Crimson to Carmine): ruby (9) ruby (9) /yes/yes ruby (9) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) piemontite epidote (6-7) cuprite (4.5) zincite (4.5-5) Violet-Red: ruby (9) ruby (9) /yes/yes ruby (9) spinel (8) rubellite tourmaline (7-7.5) almandine garnet (7.5) chalcedony, cornelian quartz (7) Brown-Red: ruby (9) ruby (9) /yes/yes ruby (9) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) cassiterite (6-7) cassiterite (6-7) zircon (6-6.5) chalcedony, cornelian quartz (7) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) Red-Purple: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) Blue-Purple: axinite (6.5-7) axinite (6.5-7) Dark Purple: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) amethyst quartz (7) Purple: sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) gahnite spinel (8) tanzanite (6-6.5) Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque axinite (6.5-7) axinite (6.5-7) purpurite * (4-4.5) amethyst quartz (7) *Shows a metallic luster. Pale Purple: tanzanite (6-6.5) amblygonite (6) amethyst quartz (7) Purple-Brown: purpurite * (4-4.5) amethyst quartz (7) *Shows a metallic luster. Light Brown: diamond (10) sanidine orthoclase (6) labradorite feldspar (6-6.5) topaz (7-7.5) cassiterite (6-7) cassiterite (6-7) idiocrase (6.5) sinhalite (6.5) smoky quartz (7) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. Golden Brown: topaz (7-7.5) dravite tourmaline (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) cassiterite (6-7) cassiterite (6-7) idiocrase (6.5) sinhalite (6.5) tantalite (5-6) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) smoky quartz (7) smoky quartz (7) /no/yes aventurine quartz * (7) c at’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no cat’s eye quartz (7) *This stone has a metallic iridescence. Copper Brown: grossular garnet (7-7.5) idiocrase (6.5) binghamite quartz * (7) citrine quartz (7) *Displays a metallic shimmering when cut in a cabochon. Brown: diamond (10) dravite tourmaline (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) axinite (6.5-7) axinite (6.5-7) cassiterite (6-7) cassiterite (6-7) zircon (6-6.5) sphene (5-5.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) smoky quartz (7) smoky quartz (7) /no/yes cat’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no cat’s eye quartz (7) chalcedony, sard quartz (7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) obsidian ** (5-5.5) obsidian ** (5-5.5) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. **Most valuable is with golden or silver luster; another variety has whitish, flower-shaped inclusions, and it is thus called flowering obsidian.

173 Appendixes Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque Brown with Golden Brown Striations: hawk’s eye quartz (7) Green-Brown: diamond (10) chrysoberyl (8.5) chrysoberyl (8.5) /yes/yes chrysoberyl (8.5) peridot (6-6.5) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) clinozoisite epidote (6-7) sinhalite (6.5) kornerupine (6.5) kornerupine (6.5) enstatite (5.5) enstatite (5.5) * /yes/yes enstatite * (5.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) obsidian ** (5-5.5) obsidian ** (5-5.5) *Displays a metallic sheen **Most valuable is with golden or silver luster; another variety has whitish, flower-shaped inclusions, and it is thus called flowering obsidian. Red Brown: topaz (7-7.5) garnet, pyrope (7-7.5) garnet, pyrope (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) spessartite garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular garnet (7-7.5) grossular, hessonite garnet (7-7.5) andalusite (7.5) axinite (6.5-7) axinite (6.5-7) cassiterite (6-7) cassiterite (6-7) zircon (6-6.5) rutilite (6-6.5) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) sphene (5-5.5) tantalite (5-6) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) citrine quartz (7) aventurine quartz ** (7) hematite (5.5-6.5) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. **This stone has a metallic iridescence. Gray-Brown: smoky quartz (7) smoky quartz (7) /no/yes obsidian * (5-5.5) obsidian * (5-5.5) * Most valuable is with golden or silver luster; another variety has whitish, flower-shaped inclusions, and it is thus called flowering obsidian. Black-Brown: epidote (6-7) epidote (6-7) hypersthene (5-6) purpurite * (4-4.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) jet (2.5-4) *Shows a metallic luster. Gray: enstatite (5.5) enstatite (5.5) /yes/yes enstatite (5.5) smoky quartz (7) smoky quartz (7) /no/yes cat’s eye quartz (7) /yes/no cat’s eye quartz (7) chalcedony quartz (7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) hematite (5.5-6.5) obsidian ** (5-5.5) obsidian ** (5-5.5) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. **Most valuable is with golden or silver luster; another variety has whitish, flower-shaped inclusions, and it is thus called flowering obsidian. Transparent Trlcnt/Cat’s Eye/Star Opaque Pale Gray: sanidine orthoclase (6) jadeite * (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) nephrite * yes/no (6-6.5) nephrite * (6-6.5) *Sometimes with flecks, spots, or pattern of lighter or darker color. Pale Gray with Blue and White Banding: chalcedony quartz (7) Black: diamond (10) sapphire (9) sapphire (9) /yes/yes sapphire (9) spinel (8) jadeite (6.5-7) jadeite * (6.5-7) ilmenite (5-6) demantoid melanite garnet (6.5-7) coral (3-4) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) amber (2-2.5) smoky quartz (7) hematite (5.5-6.5) obsidian * (5-5.5) obsidian * (5-5.5) jet (2.5-4) *Most valuable is with golden or silver luster; another variety has whitish, flower-shaped inclusions, and it is thus called flowering obsidian.

174 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Appendix H: Crimes Accessory after the Fact: Whoever, knowing that an offense has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact. Accessory to a Crime: Whoever is not the chief actor in the perpetration of the offence, nor present at its performance, but is some way concerned therein, either before or after the fact committed. Adulterating Food or Drink: The introduction of foreign agents into food or drink for gain. Adultery: Voluntary sexual relations between a married person and another person who is not their married spouse. Aiding/Comforting an Enemy: The provision of assistance to a hostile foreign power or a member of such a force; see also Treason. Armed/Highway Robbery: The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation, with the present ability to carry out the threat by the use of a dangerous weapon or device. Highway robbery refers to banditry generally taking place upon remote or unpatrolled roads. Arson: A criminal offense occurring when a person intentionally sets fire to or burns something; and the person acted wrongfully and without justification, or the person did something which was a substantial step toward committing the crime. Assault: Whenever one person makes a willful attempt or threat to injure someone else, and also has an apparent, present ability to carry out the threat such as by flourishing or pointing a dangerous weapon or device at the other. Assault with a Deadly Weapon: Whenever one person makes a willful attempt or threat to injure someone else, and also has an apparent, present ability to carry out the threat and presents a dangerous or grievous weapon likely to seriously injure or kill the other. Battery: The unlawful touching of another person by the aggressor himself, or any other substance put in motion by him. It must be either wilfully committed, or proceed from want of due care. Begging without License: The solicitation of assistance from others, without licensure, with entreaties or pleas, as a means of income. Breaking & Entering: Parting or dividing by force and violence a solid substance, as a door or window, or piercing, penetrating, or bursting through the same with violence and a felonious intent. Bribery of an Official: Giving, offering or promising something of value to a public official, with the intent to influence an official act by the agent or to persuade the agent to omit to do an act in violation of the agent’s lawful duty. Burglary: Any unlawful entry into, or remaining in, any building with the intent to commit a crime. Coercion: Positive or direct coercion takes place when a person is by physical force compelled to do an act contrary to their will. Coin Shaving: The act of debasing coins with a lessar metal. Counterfeiting: Passing, with intent to defraud, any coin or note in likeness to local monetary units; the creation of same without national, local, or royal consent. Cowardice in the Face of the Enemy: Fleeing from, or not acting against, a known enemy of the state, when confronted, or having a reasonable opportunity to resist their intent. Criminal Trespass: To commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another’s land wrongfully. Debt: A sum of money due by certain and express agreement; a claim for money. It may denote any kind of a just demand; such as the debts of a bankrupt. Desecration: To violate the sacredness of a place or object, usually through touch or presence. Desertion: An offence which consists in the abandonment of the public service, in the army or navy, without leave. Destruction of Private Property: The rendering of property unusable by neglect or intent. Destruction/Theft of Government Property: The removal or dissolution of property involving a governmental agency, without consent. Disobeying a Lawful Order: Ignoring an officers directive, either armed forces or civil, which does not counter locally observed law. Disorderly Conduct: Disturbing the public peace or decorum. Disrespect to a Noble or Ecclesiastic: Acting in a manner insulting to the dignity of one or the other. Drunk & Disorderly Conduct: Disturbing the public peace or decorum while intoxicated. Embezzlement: The wrongful or willful taking of money or property belonging to someone else after the money or property has lawfully come into the possession or control of the person taking it. Endangering life by careless use of magic: Careless and/ or unlawful use of magic that poses an immediate and credibly realistic danger to anothers life. Endangering property by careless use of magic: Careless and/or unlawful use of magic, usually within city limits, that poses an immediate and possibly catastrophic danger to another property. Extortion: The use, or the express or implicit threat of the use, of violence or other criminal means to cause harm to person, reputation, or property as a means to obtain property from someone else with his consent.

175 Appendixes Flight from Arrest: Fleeing from officers of the law intent upon siezure of said person. Flight from Slavery: Fleeing from master(s) who have legally bought and/or obtained said person. Flight from/to Avoid Bond Servitude: Fleeing from an agreed upon indenturement to avoid the *** Forgery: The act of criminally making or altering a written instrument for the urpose of fraud or deceit. Gaming (gambling) without License: Purveying games of chance without licensure from a local authority. Gaol-Breaking: The unlawful removal of persons being held within a prison, gaol jail), or other confinement. Grave Robbery: The unlawful removal of burial goods from a tomb, grave, or other internment site without consent. Harboring a Felon: Giving shelter and/or aid to a known criminal, generally fleeing from incarceration. Harboring a Slave: Giving shelter and/or aid to the known property of another, e.g. slave. Heresy: An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs. Horse Theft: The felonious abstraction of a horse of another, without consent, generally for monetary gain. Impersonation: To assume the character or appearance of, especially fraudulently, an fficer of the law or establishment. Impersonation, Petty: To assume the character or appearance of, usually of well known locals or without fraudulent intent. Incest: Sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that their marriage is illegal or forbidden by custom. Inciting a Riot: Urging or instigating other persons to riot. Kidnapping: To forcibly and unlawfully hold, keep, detain and confine a person against his or her will. Leaving area of Villeinage: A villein (a freedman in all dealings, but with their lord) who has removed themselves from the demesne of their liege lord without prior approval or consent. Lese Majesty: An offense against the dignity of the sovereign of a state or of a state itself. Lewd Conduct: Conduct which is obscene or indecent, generally with a sexual intent or desire. Libel: Published material meeting three conditions: The material is defamatory either on its face or indirectly; The defamatory statement is about someone who is identifiable to one or more persons; and, The material must be distributed to someone other than the offended party; i.e. published; distinguished from slander. Maiming of an Innocent: The disabling or disfigurement of an individual, either though the loss of limb or loss of use of said limb, who is uninvolved in the primary action taking place, usually a bystander present at the scene of a crime. Manslaughter: The unlawful killing of a being without malice or premeditation, either express or implied; distinguished from murder, which requires malicious intent. Mental Control/Domination by Magic: The unlawful subjugation of another, without their consent, to control via magical means. Murder: When a person of sound mind and discretion, unlawfully kills any reasonable creature in being, and under the king’s peace (e.g. not in wartime), with malice aforethought either express or implied. Murder, Accessory: Not the chief perpetrator of the offense, nor necessarily at its performance, but is some way concerned therein, either before or after the fact committed. Mutilation of an Innocent: The disabling or disfigurement of an individual, either though the loss of limb or loss of use of said limb, who is uninvolved in the primary action taking place, usually a bystander present at the scene of a crime. Mutiny: The unlawful resistance of a superior officer, or the raising of commotions and disturbances on board of a ship against the authority of its commander, or in the army in opposition to the authority of the officers; a sedition; a revolt. Oath Breaking: The giving of a promise and then knowingly not fulfilling said promise. Passing off of Shoddy Goods: The sale of goods, with known defects, either apparant or not, without disclosing said defects to the prospective buyer; usually passing goods as perfectly sound, knowing of inherent defects. Pedaling without a License: The sale of items, generally without benefit of a store front or shop, without licensure from a local authority. Perjury: When a person, having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true. Piracy: The commission of any murder or robbery on the high seas, or any act of hostility against the principality, or against any citizen thereof, under color of any commission from any foreign prince, or state, or on pretense of authority from any person. Pocket Picking: The removal of another’s belongings from their person without their knowledge. Prison Breaking: The act by which a prisoner, by force and violence, escapes from a place where he is lawfully in custody. Prostitution without License: The giving or receiving of the body for sexual activity for hire but excludes sexual activity between spouses, which is made without licensure of the local authority.

176 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Purse Cutting: The removal of another’s purse from their person without their knowledge. Racketeering/Protection: Carrying on of illegal business activities involving crimes such as extortion, loansharking, bribery, obstruction of justice, murder, kidnapping, gambling, robbery, dealing in obscene materials, or dealing with dangerous drugs. Rape: The carnal knowledge of a woman by a man (or vice versa) forcibly and unlawfully against their will. Receiving Stolen Goods: The knowledgable taking of goods which do not belong to the proffering entity. Resisting Arrest: Failure to cooperate with an officer of the law, having identified themselves or being obvious as such, in their attempt to apprehend said person. Riot: A tumultuous disturbance of the peace, by three persons or more assembling together of their own authority, with an intent, mutually to assist each other against any who shall oppose them, in the execution of some enterprise of a private nature, and afterwards actually executing the same in a violent and turbulent manner, to the terror of the people, whether the act intended were of itself lawful or unlawful. Robbery: The felonious and forcible taking from the person of another, goods or money to any value, by violence or putting him in fear. Rustling: The theft of livestock, especially cattle. Sale of Stolen Goods: Knowledgable passing of goods which were not obtained through legitimate means. Sedition: Conduct which is directed against a government and which tends toward insurrection but does not amount to treason. Selling Alcohol without a License: The sale of beverages of an alcoholic nature, without licensure from a local authority. Selling Goods without a License: The sale of any manner of goods, without licensure from a local authority. Shipwrecking: To cause a ship to be destroyed, as by storm or collision, or to cause a passenger or sailor on a ship to suffer shipwreck. Shop Lifting: The theft of merchandise from a store or vendor that is open for business. Slander: Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person’s reputation. Smuggling: The fraudulent taking into a country, or out of it, merchandise which is lawfully prohibited. To bring something into a location secretly or by fraud. Soliciting for Prostitution without License: The proferring of sex for hire, without licensure from a local authority. Sorcery: Divination by the assistance, or supposed assistance, of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits. Swindling/Confidence Games, Conducting of: To cheat or defraud of money, especially with games of chance, where conditions are preset to provide an advantage to the “house” or performer. Tax Evasion: Willfully attempting to evade or defeat the payment of taxes Theft: The secret and felonious abstraction of the property of another for sake of lucre, without their consent. Treason: Betrayal, treachery against, or breach of allegiance, usually with regard to nationality or fealty; conduct consisting of levying war against said state or of adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Use of False Weights: The sale of goods, whose weight determines the price, by substituting heavier weights for weights of known value with intent to defraud. Vagrancy: Living idly without any settled home, especially those who refuse to work, or go about begging. Witchcraft: An act of employing sorcery, especially with malevolent intent, and the exercise of supernatural powers.

177 Appendixes Index Aclis Club 19 Adaga 13 Adamantite Metal 107, 108 Adz 21 Ailettes 10 Algae 82 Aketon 10 Animals 100-102 Animals, Draft & Pack 102 Appurtenant Structure 124 Arachnids 100 Armet 12 Arming Cap 12 Armor 8,9 Armor Pieces or Piece 10, 11 Arquebus 32 Assagai 19 Avant-bras 10 Axe & Axe-like 18 Axe, Jedberg 22 Axe, Lochaber 22 Axe, pole 22 Bacinet 12 Bacinet, closed 12 Bacinet, pig-faced 12 Ballista 33 Bamboo 109 Bardiche 23 Barrel-like Containers 41 Barrel (measure) 40 Basket Hilt Broad Sword 26 Bastard Sword 26 Bate 109 Bath & Accessories 132 Battle Axe 18 Bazu bands 10 Bearded Axe 18 Bec de Corbin 22 Bedding 132 Bee, sting, remedy 138 Beer 56 Belaying Pin 19 Belfry 33 Belting 44 Berries 57 Beverages 56 Bill, billhook, brown bill 22 Bill-guisarme 22 Billy Club 19 Birds 100 Birthstones 76,77 Bludgeon 19 Bo Stick (Japanese) 19 Boats 60 Bola 30 Boomerang 30 Bone 109 Bottle 43 Bow 29 Box 43 Box Capacity 40 Box, Decorative 43 Brass Knuckles 21 Brassard 10 Bread and Bread-like 57 British Saber 26 Broad Axe 18 Broad Sword 26 Bronze Axe, Assyrian, Egyptian 18 Buckler 13 Building ,Commercial 118,119,120,121 Building ,Government & Military 123,124 Building, Materials, Other 109 Building ,Religious 121,122 Building ,Residential 117,118 Building ,Residential, Tent/Temporary 117 Building Construction Materials 104 Building Materials 104 Bull-hide, shield 13 Burgonet 12 Bushel 42 Bushel, Heaped 40 Byrnie 10 Cable Length 40 Caldron (measure) 40 Camail 10 Camping Gear 43 Casquetal 12 Catapult 33 Cats 101 Ceiling Decorations 132 Celt helmet 12 Celtic Iron Sword 26 Cement 109 Ceramic 109 Cereal, Cooked 57 Cestus 21 Chain (measure) 40 Chain Square(measure) 40 Chausses 10 Cheese 57 Chinese Broad Sword 26 Cistern Capacity 124 Claybeg Sword 26 Claymore 26 Cleaning Implements 43 Clocks 43,44 Cloth & Cloth Material 46 Cloth Patterns 45 Clothing 44,45,46,47 Clothing, Ecclesiastical 47,48 Clouds 64 Clove 40 Clubs & Club-like 19,20 Coif 12 Coins 42 Collections 136 Colors (Hue) 163,164 Composit Bow 29 Condiments & Relishes 57 Construction Costs 115,116 Construction, Materials 104 Construction, Materials, Item 127 Containers 41,42,49 Container Contents Generator 41,42 Containers, Barrel-like 41 Containers, Large 49 Containers, Travel 49 Cooking Items Cordials 56 Courdiere 10 Crimes 172 Crossbow 30 Crossbow Hand Held 30 Crow 33 Crowbill 22 Cubit (measure) 118 Cudgel 19 Cuircass 10 Cuissards 10 Culverin 32 Curios 130 Cutless 26 d20armor 16 d20birthstones, month 77 d20birthstones, planetary, lucky 76 d20concealment 114 d20door composition 110 d20draft 102 d20fur 48 d20helms 17 d20herbs 97 d20horses 102 d20lodging &board 55 d20metal, stone, gem 76,77 d20metal, magical 106 d20metal, value 107 d20sheilds 17 d20weapons 34,35,36,37 d20weight of things 112 Daggers, Knives, & Like Weapons 20 Dagger-ax 22 Dairy Products 57 Dan-dao Sword 26 Daub 107 Demi-brassarts 10 Demi-jambarts 10 Demi-lune 23 Demi-vambraces 10 Depression 69 Deserts 69 Desserts 57 Devotional Objects 131 Divination Objects 131 Dogs 101 Door Additions 110 Door Composition 110 Door Concealment 111 Door Coverings 110,111 Door (or Gate) Form 110 Doors 110,111 Drinking Vessels 132,133 Eggs 57 Eggs, Decorative 133 Egyptian 13 Ell (measure) 40 Entertainers 144 Entertainment, Music 144 Entertainments 144 Epaulieres 10 Epec Sword 26 Estoc Sword 226 Galchion Sword 26 Fasteners 55 Fathom (measure) 120 Fauchard 23 Fauchard fork 23 Fauchard-guisarme 23 Feather staff 23 Felt 104 Fence 111

178 Gary Gygax’s World Builder Ferns 82 Figure Eight Shield 15 Finger (measure) 120 Firearms 32 Fireplace Implements 131 Fish, Seafood & Shellfish 58, 59 Flail & Flail-like 21 Flamberge Sword 26 Flatchet Sword 26 Fleece wash 109 Flightless, Birds 101 Flintlock 32 Floor Coverings 112 Floors 112 Flowers 98,99,100 Fog, etc. 65 Foil Sword 26 Foothills 69 Foodstuffs, Sweeteners 59 Footwear 44 Fork, military 23 Francisa Axe 18 Fruit 57,58 Fruit, Dried 58 Fruit, Preserved, Spreads 58 Fungi 58 (food), 82 (plant) Furnishings & Accessories 131,132,133,134 Furnishings, Bawdy House 128 Furnishings, Bedroom 128 Furnishings, Hostel, Inn, Tavern 128 Furniture 128, 130,131 Furniture, Business 134,135 Furniture Materials 127 Furs 48 Gallery 33 Gambeson 10 Gambling House, Main Room 128 Games143 Garrote 21 Gemstones 75,76,77 Gems, hardness, 167,168,169,170,171,172,173 Ghost Head Swrod 26 Gill (measure) 40 Gladiator Helm 12 Gladius 26 Glaive 23 Glaive-fork 23 Glaive-guisarme 23 Godentag 19 Gorget 11 Governments 139 Grain 58 Grasses 82 Grasslands 70,71 Gratuitous Picture 138 Guisarme 23 Guisarme-fork 23 Hacqueton 11 Haladie 20 Halberd 23 Hammer, military 19 Hammer, Maul 19 Hand (measure) 120 Hanger 27 Handicraft Object 49 Hardness, Extended 108 Hardness, Stone 74 Hardness, MOHs 75 Harpoon 21 Hatchet 18 Hatpin 21 Hauberk 11 Heater 13 Heaume 12 Helm 12 Helm, Pot 12 Helmet 12 Herbs 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,92,93,94,95,96,97 Herbs, Meaning of 86 Herbs Poisonous 87 Herbalist Lore 138 Head Coverings 12,13 Headgear 44,45 Helmets 12,13 Highland see Foothills Hills see Foothills Hoguine 11 Hook-fauchard 24 Hook, Hafted 21 Hook Sword 27 Horn 109 Horses 99,100 Human Descriptors 155 Hurlbat 31 Ice 66 Igneous Rock 74 Imperial Gallon 40 Inn 127,128 Insects 100,101 Ivory 109 Jack 11 Japanese Long Bow 29 Javelin 31 Jerkin 11 Jewelry 49 Jewelry of State 140 Jo stick (Asian) 19 Jousting Shield 13 Katana 27 Katar 20 Kaltzbalger 27 Kettle Hat 12 Kiseru 21 Kitchen 135 Kitchen Utensils 135 Kite Shield 14 Khanda 27 Knives & Knife-like 20 Knobkerrie 19 Knot (speed) 40 Kopesh 27 Korseke 28 Kris 20 Kukri Sword 27 Kwan dao 24 LA metal, stones, gems 80,81 LA metal value 107 LA weapons 40,41 Laboratory, Magical, Items 128,129 Land, Productivity 71 Larva 100,101 Lasso 21 League 40 Leather 109 Legumes 59 Library Items & Furniture 129,130 Light 165 Light Axe 18 Light Source, Artificial 135 Lime wash 109 Liquor & Liqueurs 56 Long Bow 29 Long Sword 27 Lucerne hammer 24 Mace 19 Mace, two-handed 19 Machete 27 Main gauche 20 Man-catcher 24 Mangonel 33 Manopele 33 Manopele Sword 27 Mantlet 33 Maquahuilt 19 Marsh 70 Masai Sword 27 Materials, Alchemy 128,129 Materials, Construction 104 Materials, Item Construction 104 Materials, Resistance, Crushing 109 Maul 19 Measurements, Person based 120 Measurements, Unusual 40 Meat 58 Meat, Game 58 Meat, Other 58 Medicine 50 Melting Points, Metal 105 Metals 105,106 Metals, Magical 106,107 Metals, Value 107 Metamorphic Rock 74 Meteor Hammer 21 Middle Eastern Helm 12 Miscellaneous Weapons 21,22 Missile Engines 33 Missile Weapons 29,30 Missile Weapons, Handhurled 30,31 Mithril Metal 106, 107 Monk Cudgel 24 Monk Spade 24 Moorish Long Sword 27 Morion 12 Morning star 19 Moss 80 Mountains 68 Multure 109 Musical instruments 51,52,53 Musket 32 Myriapoda 100 Naginita 25 Names, occupational 144 Names, unusual, archaic 165,166 Names, unusual, occupations 143 Names, Nicknames 16,146 Nautical Mile 40 Net 21 Nine Ring Sword 27

179 Appendixes No-dachi 28 Noble Coronets 140 Norman Helmet 12 Nunchaku 21 Nuts 58 O-dachi 26 Offices, Religious 142,143 Offices, Royal 140,141 Onager 33 Oracalcum metal 106,107 Outer Garments 46,47 Oval Shield 16 Owls 101 Pace (measure) 120 Palm (measure) 120 Partizan 24 Partizan, ox-tongue 24 Pasta 57 Pastry (and Pastry-like) 57 Peck 40 Personal Possessions 146 Pickles 57 Pick-like 22 Pick, siege 33 Piercing Axe 18 Pike 24 Pilum 31 Pistol Shot (measure) 120 Plains 70,71 Plants, Unusual 82 Plaquet 11 Plastron 11 Pneumatic catapult 33 Pole Arms 22,23,24,25 Poniard 20 Portal Coverings 110,111 Poultry 58 Poultry, Game 58 Rain 64 Ram 33 Ram Catcher 33 Random Generators 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 Ranseur 24 Rapier 28 Raptors 101 Rattan 109 Rive 109 Rock 74,75 Rod (measure) 120 Rood (measure) 120 Roman Helmet 12 Roof Additions 111 Roof Covering Type 111 Roof Type 111 Room Decoration, Ceiling Hung 130 Room Decoration, Floor 130 Room Decoration, General 130 Room Decoration, Macabre/Odd 130 Room Decoration, Table 130 Room Decoration, Wall 130,131 Room Decoration, Wall Hung 131 Rooms and Appurtenant Structures 124,125 Rope Strength 114 Round Shield 16 Roundrels 11 Sabbatton 11 Saber 30 Saber-axe 26 Saddle, Tack, & Harness 53,54 Sai 20 Salade 13 Salade, Mentonniere 13 Sap (blackjack, cosh) 19 Scavengers 101 Schiavona Sword 28 Scimitar 27 Scorpion 33 Scorpion (bill-guisarmelike) 24 Screw 33 Seafood 58,59 Sedimentary Rock 72 Servants & Staff 139,140 Scythe 21 Shellfish 58,59 Shields 13,14 Ships 61,62 Ships Cargo 62 Short Sword 28 Shrubs 80,81 Shrubs, thorny 81 Sickle 20 Siege Engines 33 Siege Weapons 33 Sleeve Tangler 22 Smoking, Tobacco Pipes et al. 49 Snow 65 Soil 100 Soup, Stew, et al. 59 Sow 33 Span (measure) 120 Spatha Sword 28 Spear-guisarme 24 Spears & Spear-like 25 Spetum 26 Spices 59 Sports & Sporting Events 145 Staff (fighting staff, quarterstaff) 19 Stiletto 20 Stone 74,75 Stone (measure) 120 Storms 65 Swamp 70 Sweeteners 59 Swords & Sword-like 26,27,28,29 Sword Breaker 28 Sword Cane 28 Table Service 133,134 Taces 11 Tachi 28 Targe Shield 14 Tavern 125,126 Tea & Herbal Tea 59 Temple, Devotional Objects 129 Temple, Divination Objects 129 Temple, Possible Officials of 122,123 Tensile Strength, Metal 105 Tiger Claws 22 Tiger Fork 24 Tilferium Metal 106,107 Titles of Royalty 140 Throwing Stick 31 Throwing Star 31 Tomahawk 18 Tonfa 19 Tools 54,55 Tools, Burglars & Thieves 55 Tools, Construction 55 Torture Chamber Objects 131 Tower Shield 14 Toys 55 Traps 113,112 Trebuchet 33 Trees 84,85 Trident 25 Trophies 137 Tuilles 11 Tulwar 28 Two-handed Axe 18 Two-handed Sword 28 Under Garments 47 Value Metal 107 Vambraces 11 Vegetables 59 Vehicles 60 Ventail 13 Vessels, Water 60,61,62 Vines 81 Volume of Things 40 Voulge 25 Voulge-fork 25 Voulge-guisarme 25 Wagon Capacity 40 Wakizashi Sword 29 Wall 111 Walls, Interior 111,110 Warclub 19 War hat 13 Watches 43,44 Water, Body of 72 Water Parting Shield 22 Water Spring Production 73 Water Sources 72,73 Waterways 72 Wattle 109 Weeds 83 Weight, Certain Goods 40 Wetland 73,74 Wheellock 32 Whip 21 Wicker 109 Wicker Shield 14 Wind 66 Wind Force 66 Wind Pressure 66 Window Types 112 Wine 56 Wood, common uses 109 Wood, types 108 Woodland 74 Xagium Metal 106, 107 Yatigan 29 Zischagge 13 Zweihander 29

180 Gary Gygax’s World Builder This book is published under the Open Game License version 1.0a, the d20 System Trademark License version 3.0, and the d20 System Guide version 2.0 by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Some Open Game Content herein originates in the draft version of the System Rules Document (SRD), and is used by permission from Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent printings of this book will incorporate and comply with any new versions of the licenses or final versions of the SRD. Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms with the Open Game License, below. Designation of Open Game Content: All text contained in outlined gray boxes and containing a d20 logo are hereby designated as Open Game Content subject to the Product Identity below. Designation of Product Identity: Product Identity is not Open Game Content. The following is hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License Version 1.0a: (1) Troll Lord Games and any and all Troll Lord Games logos, identifying marks and trade dress, including the phrase “Worlds of Epic Adventure”, as well as all Troll Lord Games Product and Product Line names, including but not limited to, The Codex of Erde; (2) all artwork, illustration, graphic design, maps and cartography, logos, and symbols, including any text contained within such artwork, illustration, maps and cartography; (3) the stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, likenesses, poses, concepts, and themes; (4) and the proper names and descriptions of the following characters, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses, events, histories, places, and locations: Aufstrag, Codex, Erde, Luneberg Plains, Magdeburg, and Vorelberg Mountains; (5) Trigee Enterprises Company and any and all Trigee Enterprises Company logos, logos, identifying marks and trade dress, including Lejendary Adventure, the Lejendary Adventure logo, Gary Gygax’s World Builder and Gygaxian Fantasty Worlds. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. 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You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. The Codex of Erde Copyright 2001, Troll Lord Games, LLC; Authors Stephen Chenault, Mac Golden, and Davis Chenault. Gary Gygax’s World Builder Copyright 2002, Trigee Enterprise Company; Authors E. Gary Gygax and Dan Cross.

(ENG) D&D - Gary Gygax's - Fantasy Worlds Book 2 - World Builder - Flip eBook Pages 151-181 (2024)


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